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VisualGroup - Call Back

Mitesh Gohil
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I have been playing around with Visual Group - call Back function for the last 4-5days and have come across a issue where Visual Group doesn't report on who requested a call back. the call back information looks to be only stored with the visual group swyxit client.

when looking into the CDR output for the call back it is stored a call-disconnected for the reason so it make it harder for anyone to run a report to see which calls were call back.


does anyone know a way to change the cdr output reason to callback? if not a better way to do it?



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Hi Mitesh,

Visual Groups itself have a separate SQL database (next to the SwyxWare database - in the same SQL instance).

The database has a table called "dbo.svg_ta_queue" which contains all the queue calls.

The entries with a "result" of 12 seems to be calls with callback request.


Be aware that any kind of direct interaction with the Swyx (IpPbx) or the Visual Groups database 
is not supported by Enreach and can lead to serious issues.


Kind regards


Sebastian Dreier

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Hi Sebastian


Thank you so much on having a look into this.


The issue is that when a call back request has been made, the CDR puts the call as abandoned, and when we run our reports it show all abandoned calls, which include call back request. 


do you know away on how we could change the cdr outcoming? like add a project code, or have the data written to another database. so we can report correctly on missed calls.




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