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Swyxphone L66 lagging / hanging

Sebastian Heidrich

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hello forum,


we switched to the Swyxphone L66.
Unfortunately we have a problem that we cannot solve at the moment.

The phone is intermittently lagging or hanging. Normal operation is only possible again after a restart. Sometimes it even restarts by itself.

Telekom looked through the Wireshark packages with us. The telephone system always answers and in good times.

The desk phones answer very late (> 50 ms) and sometimes not at all, this would not be normal according to the technician.


We use the firmware 6.3.0.
Downgrading to 5.6.1 didn't help either.
Our netphone server is on version 13.05.


The problem is said to be unique to us and is currently unknown.

We can rule out the network because all packets arrive accurately from the Netphone server.


Does anyone have any ideas or maybe even know the problem?

We would be very happy about help.


Best regards

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