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No sound from external calls


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Hello there,

We experience multiple cases of "bugged" calls from our customers.
We have 20 employees and now for over a week 5 of the employees got the same problem.
When someone calls them from outside they establish the connection but whether the customers nor our employees hear anything.

Internal calls work just fine and if we call a customer than its also working like usual.
The Problem's just the incoming calls
Our workaround at the time: Hold the call for about 1 second and continue it afterwrds.


Any suggestions for a permanent solution?

Greetings, Marco

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You say the problem is only inbound calls ? What type of trunk is it, Sip Authenticated or IP Authenticated ? Is the incoming call a ddi direct to a user or via a script ? what version are you running ? The fact that this is only incoming calls and not outgoing suggests a problem with the sip signalling of IP address, well that would account for no inbound audio, but no outbound adios is very strange. I would suggest looking at a wiresharke trace to get the info as to where the traffic is going.


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