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Power Dial Mode, How To Enable And Check


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I'm looking to use the SwyxIt! PowerDial mode (see SDK Manual).


To enable it I followed the instruction in the manual:


The power dial mode is enabled in the registry:

  • Key: “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Swyx\Client Line Manager\CurrentVersion\Optionsâ€
    • DWORD value “EnablePowerDialModeâ€: set to 1 for power dial mode, set to 0 for normal operation mode (default when value does not exist).
    • DWORD value “CancelBlindTransferOnVoicemailâ€: set to 0 when a blind call transfer should not be cancelled when the transfer call is connected to the voicemail or call rout-ing. By default the client will abort a blind call transfer when it gets connected to call rout-ing since usually we want to transfer someone to a real person. For power dial systems it is very common to transfer calls into scripts, so this automatism should be switched off



Resulting in the attached registry setting


When starting SwyxIt! I see no difference... And, the manual implies:



The power dial mode is used for implementing automatic call distribution systems, predictive dialing, wake up call scenarios and such. Since this mode is intended only for unattended call handling, there is no linkage to the local sound device at all. As a result it is possible to have multiple active lines. The voice connection is handled by the line, by default it sends silence to the peer and incoming voice from the peer is ignored. There is no automatism related to line selection. When a line is hooked off, it does not become selected. When a line becomes unse-lected, it is not put on hold or disconnected implicitly. As a matter of fact the line selection has no real meaning in this mode. The only effect of line selection is that the SwyxIt! display shows information for the selected line and user input from SwyxIt! is forwarded to the select-ed line. But since we are talking about an unattended system, this does not matter. In most cases the SwyxIt! user interface is not running anyway in this mode.


So I do the following test: I dial (using the SwyxIt!) to an internal number and answer, the line is silent (as expected). Then I click line 2 in SwyxIt! to do the same to another internal number, but I hear the first line going to 'hold'...


What am I doing wrong?


(using Swyx 2013 R5)







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Hi Tom,


Solved it!


By using SwyxIt! client side tracing (thanks Remco!) I found that power dial mode was not being enabled


Then by using SysInternals' Process Monitor to check what registry keys were being checked I found that in my 64Bit Windows Server 2012 Environment I need to set EnablePowerDialMode in this key:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Swyx\Client Line Manager\CurrentVersion\Options

instead of in this one:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Swyx\Client Line Manager\CurrentVersion\Options

Perhaps this could be added to the SwyxClientSDKManual.pdf?



Thanks all! Hoping this thread might benifit someone else in the future...

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