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Replace System Files

Go to solution Solved by Tom Wellige,

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Dear Swyx Community,


Does anyone know a way to replace system files on the Swyx Server.

When I try to do that with the GUI, I get a "Permission Denied" error message.


The reason for my question is the follwing:

A customer asked for a general caller blocking function. Therefore I created a ECR script to compare the CallerID with the entries of a Database.

I uploaded this scirpt as rulePreProcessing.vbs into the global scope. But the script will not be executed because the customer has no ECR licenses.

Therefore I thought to replace the rulePreProcessing.vbs in the system scope. The script in this scope seems to be executed even if there are no ECR licenses available.


I know that this is not an optimal solution because the system files will be replace by the configuration wizzard.


Any other ideas are appreciated :)


Thank in advance for your replies

Björn Ludwig

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Hello Björn,


you can't modify any files in the "system default" scope. The "rulePreProcessing" that is placed in there is marked as "none ECR file" and is therefore executed by the system, even if there are no ECR license available.


So if you would be able to place your own file into the "system default" scope, or the "global" scope (where it would belong into) you still have the problem, that your own created file is marked as "ECR file" and therefore ECR licenses are required.


While it is technically possible to mark your own file as "none ECR file", this is nothing that can be discussed in a public forum. Swyx/Enreach is of course able to modify your file accordingly, but it would first need an approval from the sales department. 


I suggest that you get in touch with "channel.sales@swyx.com" for this.


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