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How to switch on/off parallel call in call routing manager?

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Hi, how can i set up a parallel call in call routing manager?


I only know "follow me", but there my desktop phone stops ringing and only my smartphone rings after a while.


"include swyxit! mobile devices" (in german: swyxit! Mobil-Geräte berücksichtigen) doesn´t work - no mobile phone is ringing. No idea, if i have set up my smartphone correctly? Where do i have to do this inside swyx?



I want to have only my desktop phone ringing, when i´m on my desk (when i´m green inside swyx). When i´m yellow, i want to have my desktop-phone and my smartphone in parallelcall - so both devices should be ringing at the same time, no sequential ringing ---> i want parallel ringing.


Parallel Call in general is working, but then my mobile phone is ringing every time i get a call, even i´m sitting on my desk.

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Your call routing should first check for your status.

  • If you a free route the call into a Connect To block to connect the call to yourself.
  • If you are absent (yellow) route the call into another Connect To block to connect the call to yourself and your mobile.

To perform such a parallel call you can enter multiple numbers into the destination field, separated by ";" (semicolon):





SwyxWare officially supports one internal and one external destination for such parallel calls. But in fact there are no restrictions at all (type of or number of destinations) implemented.


BTW: the "Include SwyxIt! Mobile Device" checkbox refers only to the old "SwyxIt! Mobile" clients (up to SwyxWare 2013) and not the current "Swyx Mobile" clients.



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So swyxit mobile client is the android app? There you need internet connection vor voip call, right?


This has nothing to do with a real mobile phone without any swyx app?



I don´t have (and don´t want) any swyx app on my phone.




Thanks for your help, that is exactly what i was looking for. I tried this earlier, but i got a warning and so i removed it without any further testing. See the attached screenshot.



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Another small question:


How can i end a call with the (in german) "Belegt Zeichen" - in englisch busy tone?


When i´m calling at the moment and another call comes in, i want to send the busy tone to the caller, so he knows i´m in the house and he can try it later again.


Simply connect the busy-output from my "connect-to-block" with "Regel ausgeführt" - "rule executed"?

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  • Solution
5 hours ago, Funky said:

So swyxit mobile client is the android app? There you need internet connection vor voip call, right?


Yes. The app is available for Android and iOS,


5 hours ago, Funky said:

This has nothing to do with a real mobile phone without any swyx app?




5 hours ago, Funky said:

Thanks for your help, that is exactly what i was looking for. I tried this earlier, but i got a warning and so i removed it without any further testing. See the attached screenshot.


You can ignore that warning. The GSE just figures that you have entered characters and not just a phone number and wanted to remind you that in case you entered the name of a variable which contains the destination number you would have to add a "=" at the beginning of the text field.


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