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CDS Add/Remove User Groupmapping

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my following funktion working fine:


 Public Shared Sub AddUser(Group As String, User As String)


        Dim GroupToConfig As SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Groups.GroupEntry
        Dim UserToConfig As SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Users.UserEntry


        GroupToConfig = libManager.GetGroupEnum.AddUserToEnumByName(Group)
        UserToConfig = libManager.GetUserEnum.AddUserToEnumByName(User)


        Dim UserIDtoConfig As Int32 = UserToConfig.UserID
        Dim GroupIDtoConfig As Int32 = GroupToConfig.GroupID

        Dim GroupMapping As = New Proxies.Groups.MembershipEntry With {
        .GroupID = GroupIDtoConfig,
        .UserID = UserIDtoConfig,
        .Position = 0



    End Sub


now I want to remove A User and have created a nearly same Sub - only the second last line is changed to




nothing happening


when I Use .RemoveAll() All Members deleted from group - but i cant remove a single User


Any Idea what im doing wrong??

Im no developer an coding j4f like 30 years ago on c128d - thats why i do vb 😀 - no trace implementet yet


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This works


  Public Shared Sub RemoveUserFromGroup(Group As String, User As String)


        Dim GroupToConfig As SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Groups.GroupEntry
        Dim UserToConfig As SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Users.UserEntry

        GroupToConfig = libManager.GetGroupEnum.AddUserToEnumByName(Group)
        UserToConfig = libManager.GetUserEnum.AddUserToEnumByName(User)

        Dim UserIDtoConfig As Int32 = UserToConfig.UserID
        Dim GroupIDtoConfig As Int32 = GroupToConfig.GroupID

        Dim GroupList As SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Groups.MembershipEntryCollection

        GroupList = GroupToConfig.MembershipEntryCollection

        Dim i As Integer = -1


        For Each groupentry In GroupList
i += 1
            If groupentry.ToString = UserIDtoConfig.ToString & GroupIDtoConfig.ToString Then
                Exit For
            End If




    End Sub

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Andreas,


may I'm totally wrong here, but I need to ask. 

My target is to generate a menu for internal users to add themselves or remove from a group. 


There for I'm using your code in the gse start block.

As soon as I'm adding them there the complete rule is not working anymore.


Any Idea what I'm doing wrong??

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