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(solved) Benutzer aus Gruppe entfernen

Mathias Gindler
Go to solution Solved by SvenS,

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PS C:\Windows\system32> get-help -full Remove-IpPbxGroupMember

    Removes user from group.
    Remove-IpPbxGroupMember [-GroupEntry <GroupEntry>] [-UserEntry <Object>] [-UserName <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
    Remove-IpPbxGroupMember [-GroupName <String>] [-UserEntry <Object>] [-UserName <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
    The Remove-IpPbxGroupMember cmdlet removes a user from a group.
    If no user is specified all users are removed from a group.

    -GroupEntry <GroupEntry>
        [GroupEntry] object where the user should be removed.
        Erforderlich?                false
        Position?                    named
        Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren?true (ByValue)
        Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren?false
    -GroupName <String>
        Name of the group where the user should be removed.
        Erforderlich?                false
        Position?                    named
        Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren?false
        Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren?false
    -UserEntry <Object>
        [UserEntry] or [UserAdminView1Entry] of the user who should be removed.
        Erforderlich?                false
        Position?                    named
        Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren?false
        Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren?false
    -UserName <String>
        Name of the user who should be removed.
        Erforderlich?                false
        Position?                    named
        Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren?false
        Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren?false
    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Erforderlich?                false
        Position?                    named
        Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren?false
        Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren?false
    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Erforderlich?                false
        Position?                    named
        Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren?false
        Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren?false
        Dieses Cmdlet unterstützt folgende allgemeine Parameter: "Verbose", "Debug",
        "ErrorAction", "ErrorVariable", "WarningAction", "WarningVariable",
        "OutBuffer", "PipelineVariable" und "OutVariable". Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter 
        "about_CommonParameters" (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216). 
    [GroupEntry] $GroupEntry
    [string] $GroupName
    -------------------------- BEISPIEL 1 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Remove-IpPbxGroupMember -GroupName "MyTestGroup" -UserName "Sebastian"
    Removes user "Sebastian" from group "MyTestGroup".
    -------------------------- BEISPIEL 2 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Remove-IpPbxGroupMember -GroupName "MyTestGroup"
    Removes all users from "MyTestGroup".
    -------------------------- BEISPIEL 3 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Get-IpPbxGroup -GroupName "MyTestGroup" | Remove-IpPbxGroupMember -UserName "Sebastian"
    Removes user "Sebastian" from group "MyTestGroup".
    -------------------------- BEISPIEL 4 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Get-IpPbxGroup -GroupName "MyTestGroup" | Remove-IpPbxGroupMember
    Removes all users from "MyTestGroup".
    -------------------------- BEISPIEL 5 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Get-IpPbxGroup | Remove-IpPbxGroupMember -UserName "Sebastian"
    Removes user "Sebastian" from all groups.
    -------------------------- BEISPIEL 6 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Get-IpPbxGroup | Remove-IpPbxGroupMember
    Removes all users from all groups.


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