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Locked Pinned Security - Two Factor Authentication

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Account security is an important topic in our highly computerized world. To secure your online accounts a simple username/password authentication is not seen as secure anymore. A wide spread solution to this insecurity is the so called two factor authentication (2FA). Beside the username/password factor another factor is used to login into your account or make security relevant changes to your account, which requires input which can't be derived from your online account itself, even if the provider is getting hacked.


Swyx Forum offers 3 types of two factor authentications:


  • Serurity Questions
    You define a set of questions (and answers) from which one will be taken and asked when you are logging in or want to make changes on your security settings.
  • Google Authenticator
    This is an app for your Android or iOS mobile device, which provides a random number (security token) you have to enter every time you are logging in or want to make changes on your security settings.

    android.png    ios.png
  • Authy
    Authy provides a random number (security token) you have to enter every time you are logging in or want to make changes on your security settings. You can configure, if this number is getting provided by
    • phone call
    • text message to your mobile phone
    • Authy app on your Android or iOS mobile device

    If you use the Authy app, you can also use push notifications which you then simply have to approve (or deny) on your mobile phone (as replacement of entering the security token).

    android.png    ios.png




The security& privacy is configured within your account settings:







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