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How To Block An External Number For All Internal Users

Go to solution Solved by beychr,

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use a Global PreProcessing Rule to detect the Brazilian Number and disconnect the Call with some plausible Reason (Rejected or Number not found).


This will be the easiest way to achieve this.





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Hi Beychr,


Thanks for your reply. I'm not familiair with the use of Global PreProcessing within Swyx. Probably have used it somewhere, but if someone asks me now, I cant tell him where to set this up. Can you point me bit in the right direction? Somewhere in SwyxAdmin?

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I would be interested as well if there is a way to block incoming calls based on number. I am familiar with the rulePreProcessing method, but I want to do this for a customer that does not have ECR licenses. Is there a method for this without ECR?

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  • 1 year later...

Yes export the preprocessing rule to a desktop and open up the rule in call routing manager.


Add in the routing required and then save. Go into your files and then export the Preprocessing rule which is in your global files.


Then import into the swyxware.

Please be careful with the preprocessing rule this is a system wide block. it can sometimes tigger no calls coming into the system so be careful.


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  • 4 years later...

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