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Change presence info for one single user

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I would like to change the presence info for one single user by powershell for swyx. Can anyone tell me the command?


When I try to show the presence info, it works only if the username has one word like "laser" for example. But when there is a first- and a secondname, I get an error message (user could not be found).

Thank's in advance and Regards




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank's for your answer.


Unfortunately I don't know how to do it for a single user. And I don't need the text, I only need to change the state to "isaway" or "isdnd".


Sorry for asking twice but I'm not very skilled with Swyx.



Thank you and Regards

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To get the Info

Get-IpPbxUserPresenceInfo -UserName "Test User"


and to set it

Set-IpPbxUserPresenceState -UserName "Test User" -IsAway:$false -IsDND


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