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Find current caller in bespoke database


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Not  sure if I am posting this in the correct forum.  Apologies if not.  My client has an MS SQL back-end database, with an MS Access front-end database linking to it, to store customer information - can anyone confirm that it is possible for me to script something which will search for the current callers number and if found automatically pull up this callers record in the Access front-end database?  Thank you.

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Yes, this is possible. You need to connect a little script/application to the SwyxIt! client via the Client SDK, which monitors all incoming and outgoing calls, resolves the numbers and opens your Access application.


The current Client SDK with all needed documentation and lots of samples can be found in the Enreach Help Center:


A sample script (VBScript) that opens any given URL on an incoming call and passes the caller number as parameter can be found here:


You can use this script as base and extend it with your needed functionality



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