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Creating a new Telefonuser per API, Powershell or VBScript C# etc. - is that possible ?


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Hello There, I new to swyx and searching a possibility to autocrat users per API .  Powershell Vbscript or C# no Mather.

On a Selvservice portal the user set the name and password and  i must to forward the request to a script that create user set the new telefonnumber group etc.


Some simple starter example appreciated.


many thanks



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Thank you Tom,


i was showing the Powershell Interface and see, that every connect is done with an Active Directory account.


My Swyx server is up on the Cloud not on premises.

With my Administrator Programm, I see the  field "Windows User" on my account ( my Administrator account).

Question: How can I get my Swyx user complemented with the "Windows User" ?

When I try to find the user tell me that no  Windows Domain can be found.


Is the Swyx expecting a user from the Windows Domain where the Swyx server is running or other Active Directory with a connector to my Windows User on Premises.

Do you know some Architecture picture about Swyx ? with all the APIs?


Thanks for your help, trying to save the credentials to an xml always ask for the Windows User and Im not sure how to get it from the Cloud.


one more time thanks...


PS.: Trying to use Powershell to Administrate Styx on the Cloud !!!

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If your SwyxWare is in the cloud you usually don't have Windows authentication available. In this case you need to configure a logon username and password in the SwyxWare user properties and use that within your powershell script.


You can get a complete documentation of the "Connect-IpPbx" commandlet via


Get-Help Connect-IpPbx -Full


That also includes a couple of examples.


In case you are an Enreach Partner, the Enreach Partner Net holds a (german) webinar series about the SwyxWare Powershell module:




PS: I am going to move this topic from the german user forum into the english powershell forum. Its better suited in there.


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