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Advanced call routing with VB or Lua?


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Hi, I would like to know if I can get to the goal with VB or LUA programming languages.
Our ERP provides customer information through the use of API's and I would like to exploit this to create efficient call routings for calling customers (e.g. service contract, language spoken etc.).

We already have this customer information available via LDAP displayed in SwyxIt.
I ask if LDAP can also be used in Callrouting?

Thank you for your answers or suggestions


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Yes, you can do that via VBScript.


Here are a few links on how to perform LDAP queries in VBScript:


And Google will bring up even more explamples. 


A general list of VBScript functions and an explanation on how to use functions within the call routing (storing them and calling them) can be found here:


If you use example code you find somewhere on the internet (not on the Swyx Forum page) you need to keep in mind, that unlike standard VBScript you need to declare variables with the "Dim" statement when using VBScript in a call routing script. This is because the SwyxWare sets the "Option Explicit" in its call routing which requires all variables to be declared. In standard VBScript you don't need to do that and therefore the sample code you might find on the internet might not do that.

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