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Question about PBXCall.ConnectedName() when using lua


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I am writing a call routing script where i try to connect a call to a user and detect any transfers.
I am trying to use PBXCall.ConnectedName() and compare it to a variable i have stored with the name. The problem is that when I transfer the call using Swyxit client the PBXCall.ConnectedName() doesn't change.
Below is the snippet of code where i try to detect transfers. (number is a valid phone number)


Am I doing something wrong?


local retVal, rcDummy
retVal, rcDummy = gseConnectToEx6(number, 20, "", false, rcDummy, true, false, "", false, "",
if (retVal == gseStateConnected) then
    while connectedName == PBXCall.ConnectedName() and not PBXCall.IsOriginatorDisconnected() do
    if PBXCall.IsOriginatorDisconnected() then
        PBXScript.OutputTrace("Script Disconnect")
        PBXScript.OutputTrace("Call Was transfered")
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Hi, generally that is exactly what PBXCall.ConnectedName und PBXCall.ConnectedNumber is there for (beside figuring who took the call if you connected it to a group).


As it should work you should check the server trace file for more details on what name was returned by this function.


Here you will find some hits on how to find the server trace file and filter it down to the information you are interested in.


Additionally, here you will find some hints how to add own tracing into the server trace file to make debugging more easy.


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