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Script API "IsGroupLoggedOff"

Go to solution Solved by Tom Wellige,

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And the user for whom the call routing script is running is also part of that group?


You can take a look into the server trace to see exactly what the function IsGroupLoggedOff is doing.


The following article describes how to identify and filter a spcific call within the server trace file and how to filter it further down to just the call routing trace output:


Feel free to post that filtered trace output here.


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It's a 13.28, so i ran the script in the group call routing manager.  Here is a part of the Logfile from a group with nobody of the members logged in:


29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::EntityGetId                 () -> G:11
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Inf3 SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::EntityGetName               () returning: Testgruppe
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () Script for group [11] Testgruppe
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvScrAPI  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::EntityGetRIEnabled          () returning 0
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvScrAPI  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::EntityGetRIUsePIN           () returning 0
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () RI/PL parameters loaded: 0,Falsch,XXX,Falsch,
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::CallGetCalledNumber         () returning 13
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::CallGetDialedNumReq         () returning 13
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::CallGetCallTypeReq          () returning 'Group'
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::GetCallingNumber            () returning '+49CALLER'
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::GetCallingNumber            () returning '+49CALLER'
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Inf3 SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b ScriptInfo::GetPreviousScripts          (connId 155) no previous scripts available
29 12:11:52.504 0013e4 Inf3 SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::GetPreviousScripts          () NO script found
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () rule PreProcessing started...
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () User-defined PreProcessing (dummy)
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () Begin GSE Script (Rule: ruleWhrendGZeiten)
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () GSEVersion:
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              ()   case [Start0]
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () --> gseStart()
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () <-- gseStart, rc = 1 [gseStateStarted]
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              ()   case [Evaluate6]
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () IsGroupLoggedOff(11)
29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () -------------> IsGroupLoggedOff ( sNumber = 11 )
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () bReturn = Wahr
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () <------------- IsGroupLoggedOff
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () --> gseEvaluateEx(Wahr)
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () <-- gseEvaluateEx, rc = 34 [gseStateEvaluateMatch]
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::CallIsOriginatorDiscd       () returning no
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              ()   case [PlaySound7]
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () --> gsePlaySoundEx2(niemand da.wav, , Falsch, , Wahr, Falsch, , Falsch)
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::CallGetDtmfInput            (niemand da.wav, U:0, name , dir 0, skip 0 sec, rep 0, interval 0 sec, mask= '', timeout 0 sec, repeat after hold/transfer: YES)
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Inf2 SrvPBXCtl  09D815C0 0000009b SScrServer::EventGetDtmfInput           ()
29 12:11:52.511 0010d0 Inf2 SrvPBXCtl  097A7660 0000009b SScriptFsm::ActionOnGetDtmfInputWInbound()
29 12:11:52.511 0010d0 Inf3 SrvPBXCtl  09719D88 0000009b SPBXCall::EventAlert                    (alert type: AlertTypeNormal, , <empty>, redir <empty>)
29 12:11:52.512 000a3c Inf2 SrvPBXCtl  09CCA190 0000009b SPBXCallFSM::ActionOnAlert              () B1-A
29 12:11:52.512 0010d0 Info SrvPBXCtl  097A7660 0000009b SScriptFsm::TraceTransition             () Inbound --GetDtmfInput--> AlertingGetDtmf (Result: 0)

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  • Solution
4 hours ago, mac_key said:

29 12:11:52.505 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () -------------> IsGroupLoggedOff ( sNumber = 11 )
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () bReturn = Wahr
29 12:11:52.511 0013e4 Info SrvScript  09CD46C0 0000009b SPBXScriptVbs::OutputTrace              () <------------- IsGroupLoggedOff


This function doesn't work in a group call routing at the moment. It uses "g_PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress" which is not working in a group context. 


As stated on the IsGroupLoggedOff page you can use the PBXGroup.IsLoggedIn in a group call routing script. 


The usage is as simple as with the previous function:


if not IsGroupLoggedOff ("11") then
end if




if PBXGroup.IsLoggedIn then
end if



Or when being used in an Evaluate block (Variable auswerten):





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