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Olof last won the day on May 4 2021

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  1. Is it possible by Powershell to get a list of users who have an inbound call ringing / or established call with information about the caller ID of the calling party. Idea is to use this for giving this info from Swyx server side to another 3rd party server for CTI. That legacy system is server based only with terminals (character based). So ClientSDK would not work directly as it cannot communicate locally with the end user's local terminal. Only option that we were thinking about would be the use of ClientSDK to push this data to the server but the drawback of going that route will be that we have to deploy an app to 170 clients. Also SwyxMobile would then be missed. So serverside would be preferred.
  2. Just to update on this topic; Swyx has confirmed: "We do activly supress the remote audio with the swyxit.Remote Audio via Terminalserver Session is not supported" Hopefully they will come up with a solution that works in a RDS/WVD environment natively soon before they loose more customers to MS Teams.
  3. Is there a way Server or Client Side to block the possibility that an end user can perform a blind transfer of a call?
  4. Hi there, the question is not how to setup remote audio redirection in a terminal server environment but how to get SwyxIT to use it. I feel it is disabled somehow nowadays. Running version 12.20.18089. Remote Audio works as we are using MS Teams Audio in a TS environment and in the test session audio redirection is working fine with MS Teams client but SwyxIT does not work with remote audio.
  5. How were you able to test it? Is there a non documented feature to enable it?
  6. How did you test it with RDS? As I even don’t get it to work with remote audio?
  7. We have did a comparison between quite a lot of wired headsets and finally our agents have chosen Logitech Zone Wired headset and for some user the wireless variant. Also Wired headset is almost 50% cheaper in comparison with competitive Sennheiser headsets.
  8. Hi there, Does anybody know if it is possible to force SwyxIT to use RemoteAudio device so it can run natively in a RDS / WVD environment so without having to deploy SwyxIT software on local (privately owned) devices or to use it in a Dell Wyse environment with RDP clients. Currently Swyx indicates it is not supporting this. See: https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/360003414900-SwyxIt-Popup-configuration-for-Terminal-Server-Scenarios
  9. We have same question, we understand that audio performance in a terminal server environment could be challenging but with enough resources and server 2019 with RDP10 audio works fine. Does anybody know there is a solution to change this behavior of SwyxIT to accept remote audio?
  10. Hi there, We want to have our employees to be able to call a special number and then call them back automatically. Idea is; Caller will call the special number. His caller ID will be checked against database if he is allowed to call in then we will disconnect the call (no calling minutes or costs are being charged to the employee). This is easily done through ECR Then it becomes complex. Because we want to establish a call back to this caller ID and then they will be coming in IVR block. It seems to be very difficult to do without using external API, software and even then I have heard that when you are in an outbound call DTMF tone recognition is not possible with Swyx. Anybody an idea? If not, what will best practice to send Swyx a feature request?
  11. Anybody has a script for public holidays of The Netherlands?
  12. Olof

    ECR - Queues

    Thanks for responding. I was basically meaning with the word "Busy" the callcenter is flooded with calls. I understand we could get that condition in logic. We could use If(totals calls in queue 1) > n then busy or use average waiting time or some other variable. You have understood the functionality what we want to achieve if that condition is met. I like your approach to have one queue and tag the calls. Do I understand correctly that we can then not really use GUI ECR functionality but we have to create also a script to handle the order?
  13. Olof

    ECR - Queues

    Based on the manual this is not possible with Visual Groups, actually Visual Groups seems to be basically using ECR features in the backend and just provides an easy front end to change those rules on the fly. If you want to manually dispatch calls from different queues this would be working. Just to further clearify my question. Let's assume you have 3 waiting queues where calls are landed. Call Center agents are member of all 3 queues. Normally, of course depending on the call distribution mechanism configured, it is handling the calls on a FIFO based over all 3 queues (longest waiting in line). Now when it is busy I want to simple say queue 1 calls needs to be handled first, when queue 1 is empty start with queue 2 and if no calls in queue 1 and 2 then start with calls in queue 3.
  14. Olof

    ECR - Queues

    I have a few questions about call distribution (ECR) in relation to queues We have multiple queues handled by same group of agents. When it is very busy (we can determine that by amount of calls in queues) we want to have the system prioritize that particular queues are handled with priority. We want to not have the agent to manually do anything like logging out of particular queues. Can you guys think with us what options we would have to achieve this?
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