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Everything posted by MarkRussell

  1. Swyx flex model of buy licenses online through the Swyx Operator portal comming to the standard CPE license. So activating keys in future really easy, even when the Germans on Holiday 🙂
  2. Mario, now on stage talking about roadmap...
  3. Swyx Flex now available for Euro ZOne countires now. 3 license options, so a lot simpler than the current model with option packs etc. All these are gone, and no voice channel licences anymore. There will be more infor about this at the Swyx event tomorrow with live demos of the provisioning of the licenses.
  4. Michael now explaining to Centile partners the unique capabilites of SwyxIt Skins and Swyx Server Solution sales. Stuff you on here all know already, I hope 😁
  5. Coffee break over next session about Centile Evolutions, so will not post anythng here as this is a Swyx Forum 🙂
  6. New person presenting Dan how is head of UCD
  7. For the engineers you may think there is a lack of content, but the audience is not really technical so the information is more general.
  8. They are now talking about "Project Infinity" making a platform that works across the group and meets all needs in the future. This is early stage but the expectation is scalability to 10 Million users, taking the "best of" moving it on. Very ambitious, and not something that will happen quickly, and this is an evolution process taking customers on the journey when the time is right.
  9. More about Swyx Flex tomorrow, comming to the UK soon already in Germany this is SwyxWare on premise but on a monthly cost per user per feature model. An alternative to capex.
  10. If you're confused as to which group product is focused for which market here is the answer
  11. Meet the international team. This only shows the guys that are customer facing. There are also a number of back office support.
  12. Betrand, the international sales director is now on the stand and talking about go to market. The slide shows sponser links from Yealink, Poly, Cataleya and MondaGo
  13. Ralph Ebbinhaus states we will develop across all our platforms the worlds best Mobile Client, more events, more marketing, more technologies, more services to become the biggest european UC company
  14. They just annopnced the aquisition of a major UK partner with revenues of £17.2M. Again I am not sure I can reveal the name till after the press embargo. But this is a big company to bring into the group, over 100 employees. But the CEO is saying how important the UK market is and investment in the UK is imprtant as it is the most competetive and prossbley biggest market in the UK
  15. Partner Conference has started in Cannes and Starts with a greeting and info from Within Reach group. Unfortunatley there is a press embargo on this info and this will be released tomorrow. I will hopefully be able to upadte this from the Swyx Partner event in Essen. But I think it is going to be and very interesting year comming up.
  16. Don't you hate buzz words ? If you don't you should. Many years ago in one of my all time favourite quotes Larry Ellison said " "The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women’s fashion." in reference to Cloud Computing. He wasn't trying to say Cloud didnt exsist or wasn't important as many of his critics have gone on to say, he was trying to say its a Buzz word that actually adds no value to the description of what we do. So to the world of telecoms. The original cloud product, from the days of the invention of Strowger Telephone Exhanages. When Swyx started it was sold as a Soft PBX, and rumour has it that is the source ot the name. SoftWare eXchange with the Y actually being the symbol for a simple network. So to all intense and purposes a Soft phone system, and while techology has advanced over the last 20 years, and things are possible today that were only imagined 20 years ago. The core function of the software remains unchanged.. Except we now call it UC, or UC&C, or UCC&C or SaaS or Cloud or..... get the picture. Those most successfull in selling Swyx don't sell Swyx. They sell a Solution. This is why, to rehash one of the old marking phrases Swyx is "The last telephone system you'll ever need" So forget about the buzz word of the moment and get to know the product. With the right understanding of the software , the customers business and some latteral thinking "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE"
  17. When demonstrating to a new customer I always state the fact that SwyxIt is the best softphone in the world, then go on to demonstrate This is one way to actually make competetive products look incredibly inferior. For example the following are all working Swyx Skins. But we should not simply replicate another manufacturers look and design, we should make something that delivers something that solves a "point of pain" for the customer. In other words a solution. If you can do this, why would the end user even look at other system?. I even had one skin that had Skype (the personal one not SfB) embeded into the skin as a web extension. And when you come up with an idea for a great skin why not share it on the forums. Just make sure you are not using any copyright (which is why I will not add these ones).
  18. OK Now I understand, or rather I understand your fault, I dont undertand why its happening. So a couple of things to look at I think. 1 in active calls when you dial the number can you see it going out on the VODA trunk group. 2 While the link manager trace files are usefull faults like this are easier to see in my opinion in wireshark. So if you can grab a trace and have a look at the sip flow it would be useful. Any problems you can always PM me if you dont want to put the pcap here.
  19. View File Full Screen with Google and VIsual Contacts Full screen with lots of speed dials and visual contacts. Plus a web extension that looks up the incomming number on google to demostrate the use of webextension variables. Submitter MarkRussell Submitted 09/22/2019 Category Office  
  20. View File Touchscreen / Tablet 2011 with visual contacts An example of adding a keyboard for touch screens on a standard swyxit 2011 skin with visual contacts. Submitter MarkRussell Submitted 09/22/2019 Category Office  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    An example of adding a keyboard for touch screens on a standard swyxit 2011 skin with visual contacts.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Full screen with lots of speed dials and visual contacts. Plus a web extension that looks up the incomming number on google to demostrate the use of webextension variables.
  23. Let's see if we can get more, it is a great resource.
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