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Everything posted by MarkRussell

  1. I am not sure what you're looking for. Obviously the hide number button on the Skin sets the system to send anonymous and is a toggle button, does your user require the same sort of thing but changing the action to 141 in which case this is not possible. You can however use a button to send 141, which they have to press each time they dial a number. In which case program a speed dial button to be 9141 as below. (you will still need the number replacement set up) So when the dial out instead of dialing 9 they press this button then the number. This of course wont help with click to dial. If they want a toggle option for users, the only option I can thing of is to replace the trunk access code fro 9 to say 7. Then create a call routing user as extension 9. When a user dials out using 9 the script captures the number they dialled and prefixes it with 141 if a certain variable is set for that user. If not the call goes straight out. There are a couple of issues with this. 1. Call reporting won't be a lot of use. 2. All callers when they dial out will here 1 burst of ringing as the script answeres the call. Then the normal call progress tones will be heard. So if you call a number thats engaged for example, the callers will hear, 1 burst of ringing then an enganged tone. So this option is far from ideal, but I have used it a couple of times where the limitations were not as important as the flexibility. Another option may be to set up a second sip trunk, and use number signaling in the second trunk to always present a certain number (ie a 141xxxxxxxxxxx number) Honestly there a so many ways of manipulating the presented number, the real question is what is the customer expectation of how to use the feature, then work back from there. Npt everything is eactly possible but you should be able to give the customer something that meets their needs with a little give an take.
  2. OK, to do this you need to go into special number replacement in the trunk group profile, and use this replacement.
  3. You say the problem is only inbound calls ? What type of trunk is it, Sip Authenticated or IP Authenticated ? Is the incoming call a ddi direct to a user or via a script ? what version are you running ? The fact that this is only incoming calls and not outgoing suggests a problem with the sip signalling of IP address, well that would account for no inbound audio, but no outbound adios is very strange. I would suggest looking at a wiresharke trace to get the info as to where the traffic is going.
  4. A common feature request I have had over the years is a Call Park feature, and the usual stock reply to Can Swyx Do..... is NO! but...... of course this is software and anything is possible. I have seen a number of ways of implementing a call park feature some really clever ones that use the conference bridge facility in Swyx to some not so clever ones using analog adaptors to have live logged on extensions which are used to pick up from... sudu call park. Before I saw the conference room version written by Tom I had a go myself and came up with this solution a couple of years ago and put it online. Recently a couple of requests came in for the source code so I thought I would upload it here. This is another illustration of how different solutions to problems can be developed with Swyx, there is no right or wrong way, they either work or don't. So next time someone asks if "Swyx can do ......... ?", reply "No it can't, but you can" 🙂 Call Park.zip
  5. Firstly I would ask why so many log files, do you have 100's of phones ? Have you checked the logs. A quick search for *warn will find basic errors that include a description of the problem, such as wrong pins, licenses etc. *fat or *err will also highlight more serious issues that need resolution and probably support from Swyx. The documentation for tracing is included in the Swyx Troubleshooting course, and I am not sure I can publish it here. However it is possible to adjust the tracing output for each of the swyx modules using regedit. Navigate to HKLM/SOFTWARE/WOW6432Node/Swyx/(module)/CurrentVersion/tracing In there as you have seen are all the components of that module. The tracing level can be changed using these values Each trace module has a level threshold associated which defines the amount of trace output generated. Below is a list of the decimal value of the registry entry and its description. • Off 0 no output • Fatal 1 fatal error messages • Error 2 error messages • Warning 3 warnings • Info 4 informational output • Info2 5 more informational output • Info3 6 even more informational output • Debug 7 debug messages • Debug2 8 more debug output • Debug3 9 even more debug output A higher level includes all output of the lower levels. E.g. if a trace module is configured to Info2 every trace statement from Fatal to Info2 is included in trace output. Levels “Debug” and higher are only available within debug builds. I would strongly recomend backing up the hive before making changes as if you have a problem you need support on they will need the original traces. Most of the keys are self explanitory as to their reference but I would also suggest booking the 1 day troubleshooting course if availabnle from your supplier.
  6. You need to copy the preprossing .vbs file (the rse file is only used to create the vbs. it makes sense to keep both together though in the database so you cna then edit) To test this I would put it in a user scope first. If you put it in global then every call onthe system, internal and external would be effected.
  7. With 11.50 you need to be using the push notification service, did you install this after the upgrade (its on the dvd) ? and of course the new mobile app. Sorry to reply in english my german is VERY bad 🙂
  8. When it comes to setting up a script for a customer, when and how do the recordings get made ? Personally I have no problem using my voice, I was a DJ for 20 years and been in telecoms for nearly 40 years the first 15 years being a service engineer for telephone answering machines. So I have got used to listening to myself. But .... judging by the response I get from engineers on my training courses, when I get them to write a script which includes a recording. 9 times out of 10 they opt out in favour of the reliable standby," beep.wav" So the solution is fairly easy, use an online text2speech web site (a lot of these have charges to download the result, but as engineers I doubt its beyond anyones ability to record from the screen.... not that I would condone such deceptive acts). For the financially challenged, which I guess means anyone not in sales, there are some free options like google translate that do a reasonable job. The advantage of being an Apple User, thing are a little easier, for my autovoicemail project that has multi-language voice mail messages that change dependant on status text, presence and outlook, I used Apples built in text to speech engine to create over 100 wav files in less time than it took me to write this blog. (You can find a video demo of tha project on my youtube channel http://bit.ly/2ouIytz ) For fellow mac users I attach a small app, written using automator, to let you save a WAV file to the desktop from any text typed into the dialog. A choice of female or male is also available. Modifing the script to handle other languages should be a simple as changing the voice names in the first bloct of the script. Text2WavFile.zip
  9. I recently had a request to have all phones ring in visual groups rather than a single phone. Well I have a work around to do this. While it’s not overly complicated it does require just a little work. I should point out here of course that this is not best practice as having all phones ring in a call queue/acd/contact centre, call it what you will, is not a good idea. This goes against eveything that improves efficency, but as usual there are some end users that will not listen to reason so :- In Swyx Admin you need to create a group that duplicates the member of the Visual Group Queue. Give this group a number and make it a parallel group. It may be possible to automate this but it will require a little more work and some PowerShell scripting / CDS API work, and for the minor benefit automation would give the cost may not be worth it. Modify the ECR for the call routing user that is the Visual Group. In this script you will see a connect to block Edit the properties of this block so the connect to number which is currently set as (=globphon) change this to the group number, then all the phones in the group will ring. In the brief tests I carried out I have not seen any issues, the wallboard continued to work as expected, even the reports worked as long as the call was answered with SwyxIT! But this could do with some more testing to confirm there are no hidden consequences. Hopefully proof again that with Swyx, the answer is always yes 😊
  10. So just arrived at the conference in Essen, despite getting up after only 4hours sleep, a leaving paris at 6 am I was 15 mins late. Which means I am in the theatre with no headset and dont undertand a word of whats being said :-). Never mind I will update what info I can when anything relevent is announced.
  11. For those unable to attend I will be at the partner conference in Essen and the one in Cannes this week and will try and pass on any information I can via this blog. So see you tomorrow 🙂
  12. here's the video of AI voice bot Chat_Bot_pizza.mp4
  13. There now follows some panel disucussions which proably have limited interest to forum users so I will only update if there is something that really stands out for Swyx
  14. While most of it was as expected the advice is if you want to win and compete with mega providers, get to know you customer and build solutions..... Wow this is exactly what Swyx does, and in my opinion fairly uniquely.
  15. Cloud sales in Europe gowing very fast in french busineses 69% offer home working, 57% employ contractors,36% expect to reduce staff and the nunmber of cloud applications used 8 cloud apps 83% feel mobility should be a focus 20% of enterprises use collabortatin tools -- (this is not being sold well enough ?) 91% of enterprises using ckoud voice have integrated it with other apps SMB vs Enterprise - faily obvious comments that enterprises want more home working colab etc
  16. Cavell, in the form of Matthew Townsend now on stage talking about UUcaS/Cloud Market insights
  17. I will see if I can get a copy of this, it was really impressive simulating placing an order for a pizza where the pizza company uses voice recognition. While this is not available right now this is excatly the area that Swyx needs to go in.
  18. AI. This is comming, for example voice with a voice both Now showing a video
  19. Swyx Meeting will be getting Dial IN feature, Whiteboard, Mobile Support, Webinare, Cloud Recording (last two comming later)
  20. Version 12.00 Novemeber Version 12.10 Q1 2020
  21. Colloaboration, multi channel comming, starting with a new Swyx Messenger
  22. Swyx Controll software getting 100 enhancements. Ok but I dont get this, using the MMC is fast and easy, drag and dop etc and the web interface.... well lets see what it works like.
  23. New replacement for master standby using VM high availability comming, no release date
  24. Yealink IEEE 8012.1x security. Use Yealink without VPN, but this will need the use of a swyx connect gateway and sbc license. Interesting but I can think of some quesitons about this.
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