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Tom Wellige

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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. A Swyx Forum project represent a decentralized community of committed volunteers working cooperatively to achieve results that none of us could achieve alone. Not all volunteers are developers! Many skills and much talent are required to manage and grow a community providing high quality projects. Each project represents some manageable scope of value. That may be a call routing application, some server or client add on, some kind of tool or something we have not thought of yet. As particular areas are identified, scoped and staffed they will appear as Swyx Forum Project. How to Get Involved ? The strength of volunteer projects come directly from the strength of the people involved with them. Swyx Forum is optimistic to attract a strong community of users and developers. We invite you to participate in our projects as much or as little as you are able. The roles and responsibilities that you can assume are based strictly on merit... evaluated by your peers. There are a variety of ways for you to participate. But regardless of how you choose to participate, we suggest you subscribe to any and all of the forums that interest you. Our forums actually serve a similar function to mailing lists, allowing you to subscribe to a particular thread or all threads in a particular forum... much like a mailing list. So, feel free to surf your My Settings within the Swyx Forum forums. Use the Projects and Give Us Feedback Using the projects, testing, reporting issues, making feature requests etc., is an essential role. Your feedback helps the projects to improve and grow. You can: Download Project Files (modules, documentation, etc.) Subscribe to the forums (keep up with what's going on) Participate in in the forums (ask questions, offer help, report issues, request enhancements) Contribute Code Patches or Documentation In this role, you can participate in the actual development of the code at the "patch" level. If this is the type of role you'd like to play, you can do that by hanging out in the "Developer" oriented forum for your favorite project, testing code, addressing issues locally and offering suggestions for fixing them. If your contributions take root, you can work yourself into a project team role if that's what you have passion for. In addition to the above, you can: Participate in Development Forums (identify issues, offer solutions, discuss alternatives) Contribute Documentation or other Deliverables (if you've done something interesting, it might find a home with other project files) To avoid legal problems, Swyx Forum policy requires that all code be submitted under the same license. By submitting a patch, documentation or any other contribution you signify your understanding and acceptance of this condition and attest to your rights to submit the contribution. Or... in plain English... you're saying that you have the legal right to give it to us and that it isn't somebody else's property. Apply to Join a Project Team Each Project Team has a Lead and from time to time also one or more team members The Team Lead is responsible for assembling and managing their team and orchestrating the advancement of their Project. Being a member of a Project Team is a big step. Team Members have access to the Project's source code, private discussion and download areas, avatars which identify them in our forums and other privileges. In order to join a Project Team, you'll need to contact that teams Lead and determine what their individual needs and criteria are. What are we looking for in a Project Team member? Responsibility - Don't apply if you can't afford to commit a few hours a week to participating. Team Members are expected to actively contribute to their forums and to the project development and Issue management. Specific responsibilities are up to the Team Lead, so you can work out your level of contribution with them. Attention to Detail - Quality is a priority. We need developers who actually test, testers who are thorough and tech writers who can write for Users and Developers. The Issue Logs for the Projects are open to public view, but are maintained solely by the Project Team Members. And documentation, help and user experience are valuable aspects of all projects. Teamwork - We work as a team. This means that sometimes there is frustration because one person or another KNOWS they have the right answer if everyone would just listen! However, the Swyx Forum meritocracy works partly because of our commitment to work collaboratively through issues to find the right answers. This sometimes slows things down a bit, but the end results prove better and more robust. If you can't convince your teammates of the appropriateness of a solution, there's more work to be done... either on the solution or the problem definition. Suggest a new project and become Project Team Leader You have an idea for a great new project ? You would like to bring in an already existing project of your or parts of it to Swyx Forum projects ? We would be happy to host your project and provide you and the team you assemble with a number of online resources: Project Forums for General Usage discussion (meant for all users of your project) Development discussions (meant for all programming discussions for you project, open to everyone) Private discussions just being available for you and your team to keep on track. Project Downloads to provide all official downloads of your project, stable versions, beta versions, documentation and so on. As project Lead you would moderate all these downloads. We do expect Swyx Forum projects to be open source projects ! Keep this in mind when thinking about leading your own project. All projects and project files must state their origin (meaning Swyx Forum) at proper locations (About boxes, File Headers) and must also state their open source status. The following is the official Swyx Forum copyright notice: Copyright (c) 2017 by Swyx Forum Copyright (c) 2017 by [Your Name] All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Additional hints about the project team members are allowed, of course ! It is of course also possible to use other open source or other licenses. We do not limit them in any way, as long as they state origin to be a Swyx Forum project. Projects derived from Swyx Forum projects, being used commercially or not, may not remain in this open source status but still must state their origin ! Still interested ? Great! So, your next steps will be to... Provide feedback / support / submissions in project forums Get in touch directly with the Lead of the project you want to join (or ask us) Tell us about your project plan within.
  2. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  3. Tom Wellige


    Open Queue Project v2.x This is a Swyx Forum Open Source Project. Copyright © 2007-2014 by Swyx Forum Copyright © 2007-2014 by Tom Wellige All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
  4. Tom Wellige


    This is a Swyx Forum open source project. All support, enhancement and bug requests must be placed into the project forum. No other support is available! In regard of the license being provided there is neither a guaranteed response time for support requests nor a guaranteed solution.
  5. Tom Wellige


    Open Queue v2.1 (build 2.1.0) (09.01.2011) Fix: (#000008) Call disconnects if server can't provide caller name and number properly Fix: (#000007) Calls are disconnected if connect to timeout is set too large Fix: (#000006) Queue and Call Timeouts of zero second are ignored Fix: (#000005) Faulty behaviour if no user state signalling between target group and OQ script is configured Fix: (#000004) Call not queued if target not reachable (no one logged in) Open Queue v2.0 (build 2.0.5) (25.07.2008) Fix: (FS#57) Problem with Music On Hold MOH Added: (FS#56) Add Connection String Info to Manual Open Queue v2.0 Release Candidate 3 (17.07.2008) Fix: (FS#28) Problems when using system's music on hold Fix: (FS#31) Add call in any case into the queue if destination is available directly Fix: (FS#49) Pick call from queue doesn't work Fix: (FS#50) A connected call doesn't change the state in the web view Open Queue v2.0 Release Candidate 2 (03.07.2008) Fix: (FS#48) Script Error on SwyxWare v6.12 Open Queue v2.0 Release Candidate 1 (08.11.2007) Fix: (FS#4) Misleading explanation of DB setup Fix: (FS#5) The "not reachable" exit never reached Fix: (FS#6) Call get disconnected if ConnectTo returns unknown return values Fix: (FS#7) No fallback in user status detection in LongestWaiting as it is available in OpenQueue Fix: (FS#9) No user state aware call delivery Fix: (FS#10) Delete timed out calls automatically from the queue Added: (FS#8) Longest Waiting not yet implemented Open Queue v2.0 Beta 1 (20.05.2007) First Release.
  6. The following is a list of requirements of Open Queue v2.0: SwyxWare v6.02 or newer Option Packs SwyxECR or SwyxProfessional MS SQL Server 2005/2005 or MSDE (it is possible to use the MSDE the SwyxWare uses itself) MS Internet Information Server IIS (for the included visualization example) When using the "Longest Waiting" feature the SwyxServer must write the Call Detail Records (CDR) into the database (same as OpenQueue uses) instead of a text file. See the manual for details!
  7. The following is a list of all Open Queue v2.0 features: handle any number of different call queues in different ecr scripts keeps a call on hold (playing music on hold) until destination is reachable free definable queue size free definable queue timeout announce "please wait" before and during music on hold announce position within queue during music on hold use destination group's configured agent selection (hunt groups: parallel, sequential, rotary, random) or longest waiting store user defined data per call (e.g. a previously entered ticket id) complete queue visualization (asp webpage), incl. the following features: list all calls within a queue incl. caller number, caller name, connected name, start date, duration pick a call from the queue cancel (disconnect) a call from the queue move a call to the top of the queue close queue, meaning the queue will not accept new calls cancel all calls within the queue
  8. This is a Swyx Forum open source project. All support, enhancement and bug requests must be placed into the project's forum. No other support is available! In regard of the license being provided for every extension there is neither a guaranteed response time for support requests nor a guaranteed solution.
  9. The Open ECR Extensions project provides a set of useful extensions for SwyxWare's Extended Call Routing. The list of available extensions will grow over the time. Check out the Extensions post to get more details on the already existing extensions and their usage: Longest Waiting Hunt Group Persistent Variables Zendesk Integration The aim of the Open ECR Extensions project is to provide functionality to ease every days life when designing call routing scripts as also to provide ready made scripts for every days usage. All provided functionality is strictly open source and underlies a very open license (MIT). When looking for call routing scripts you shouldn't miss to take a look into the "ECR - Useful Link Collection" topic, which provides lots of links to ECR information, scripts, etx.
  10. As Stephan, the original author of this project, has moved on to other interesting stuff this project is currently abandoned from a project lead and a developer. This means that there won't be any bug fixes nor will there be any new versions with new features. If you feel like changing that let me know! I would be more than happy to get this project back to life and to promote you as project lead. Get involved in Swyx Forum projects
  11. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  12. On the start page Swyx Forum displays all available top level forums (e.g. ENGLISH and GERMAN). If you don't want to see one of them just click the highlighted button and the forum will no longer be displayed. By clicking the button again the forum will show up again. Swyx Forum stores this information, so next time you will visit the page it will be again according your wishes.
  13. The Config Datastore SDK is available for download from the following links: Config DataStore API/SDK (SwyxWare v12 and newer) https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/360011792399-INFO-ConfigDataStore-API-SD Config DataStore API/SDK (SwyxWare v11 and older) available via Swyx Partner Net only https://partnernet.swyx.com/database.php?kbid=kb3216
  14. The following versions of the Client SDK are currently available from Enreach. Please make sure to use the Client SDK version related to the SwyxIt! version you are using. SwyxIt! 12 Client SDK (and all following versions) https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/360011686580-INFO-SwyxIt-Client-SDK SwyxIt! 11 Client SDK SwyxIt! Client SDK 11 https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb5010_SwyxItClientSDK_11.zip SwyxIt! Client SDK 11.10 https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb5010_SwyxItClientSDK_11.10.zip SwyxIt! Client SDK 11.20 https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb5010_SwyxItClientSDK_11.20.zip SwyxIt! Client SDK 11.25 https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb5010_SwyxItClientSDK_11.25.zip SwyxIt! Client SDK 11.32 https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb5010_SwyxItClientSDK_11.32.zip SwyxIt! 2015 (v10.00) Client SDK https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb4660_ClientSDK_2015.zip SwyxIt! 2013 (v9.00) Client SDK https://www.enreach.de/download.php?loc=extern&filen=kb4509_ClientSDK_2013.zip All Client SDKs are coming with lots of different sample applications in different programing languages, like C++ / C# / VB / VBScript.
  15. Swyx Forum © 2007-2024 Tom Wellige This none-profit website is privately owned and driven. It's purpose is to provide independent community services to SwyxWare users, administrators, resellers and developers. This is not an official support forum respective website of Enreach Germany GmbH (former Swyx Solutions GmbH), Dortmund, Germany. Responsible owner / Contact Responsible for the content in regard to the German Telemediengesetzt (§ 5 TMG), the European GDPR, the Terms of Use and sole owner is: or use our Contact Us form or use a Swyx Forum Private Message (you need to be logged in) Legal notes The trademarked name Swyx and the Swyx-Logo are used with friendly permission of Enreach Germany GmbH (former Swyx Solutions GmbH), Dortmund, Germany. The forum topic icons are made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com and are licensed by CC BY 3.0. All further legal disclaimers are stated in our Privacy Policy - Data Protection Declaration Guidelines Forum Policy The discussion forums at Swyx Forum are dedicated to the discussion of SwyxWare and related topics. For the benefit of the community and to protect the integrity of Swyx Form, please observe the following list of forbidden things to do. Ignoring one or more of these items can and will lead to deletion of the posted content and a ban from the website. Further legal actions might follow as well. Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others. Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information. Upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy of publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. Upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another's computer. Advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any business purpose, unless Swyx Forum specifically allows such messages. Conduct or forward surveys, contests, pyramid schemes or chain letters. Download any file posted by another Swyx Forum user that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in such manner. Falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is uploaded. Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Swyx Forum. Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines which may be applicable Swyx Forum. Harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent. Violate any applicable laws or regulations.
  16. Version v1.0


    Original Author: Gwyn Thomas This is a skin I modified from the standard SwyxIt! 2011 3x skin. It provides a total of 240 speed dials using 8 tabs each with 30 speed dials and 3 lines. I have added the very useful audio mode switching controls when 2011R2 was released. This is quite a small skin (1030 x 570 pixels) so packs a large number of speed dials into a small space.
  17. Version v1.0


    Original Author: Patrick Wagner
  18. Version v1.0


    Original Author: Morton Rokosz I made this for a customer. You don't get it much bigger than this!! 192 speed dials 12 lines Please follow these instructions to make use of more than 250 speed dials in a SwyxIt! Skin. Open the install forlder for SwyxIt!t. Locate the file 'SkinDefinition.dat'. Open it and find the line MaxButtonId=250 Change 250 with the number of speeddials you want to be possible (max = 999), save the file and restart SwyxIt! Enjoy! (taken from this archived forum thread: Großes SwyxIt für 24" Monitor)
  19. Version v1.4.0


    This extension adds persistent variables into SwyxWares' VBScript based call routing. Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding the Persistent Variables. Please refer to the Forums to discuss the Persistent Variables or for support reuqests. Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page. Find the license information on the Project Page. If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic. As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above).
  20. Version v2.1 Beta 2 (build 2.1.0)


    Open Queue v2.1 (build 2.1.0) This is Open Queue v2.1, coming as a patch packet to update an existing Open Queue v2.0 (buils 2.0.5) installation. You need to have Open Queue v2.0 (build 2.0.5) installed prior to install this version. Please use the project forum for comments and questions.
  21. Version v0.9


    Please use the project forum for comments and questions.
  22. Version v0.9


    Please use the project forum for comments and questions.
  23. Version v1.0


    Original Author: Graham Dixon
  24. Version v1.0


    Original Author: Sebastian
  25. Version v1.0


    Original Author: Morten Rokosz This skin is designed to show as much as possible of a WEB site. It has a telephony bar on top and the rest is an almost full-screen Web browser. The URL' used is for the online version of the Norwegian Yellow Pages, but it is very easy to adapt it to any web site by editing the skin in SwyxIt!. Requires SwyxIt! 6.12 or newer to work.
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