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Tom Wellige

Root Moderator
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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. The well known Forum user JoergG has provided me with the following VBScript function to calculate public holidays in Germany. The function even takes the different federal states into consideration. There is another version of this function available, IsPublicHolidayAT, which calculates the public holidays in Austria. Please find the IsPublicHolidayDE function in the Function Collection (VBScript) and Function Collection (Lua) area of the Programming References section of the SwyxPEDIA here on Swyx Forum.
  2. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  3. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  4. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. Torsten


      Sieht ja nett hier aus, bin mal gespannt auf die Zukunft ;-)

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Ich auch. Ich hoffe mal, dass das neue Forum wieder etwas Schwung in den Laden bringen wird. Das alte war ja doch eher zäh und auch nicht gerade immer einfach im Umgang.

  5. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  6. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  7. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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  9. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  10. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  11. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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  13. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. Remco


      Hello Tom,

      Where is my iQueue Project? I have shown iQueue to Michael Hostbaek and he loved it ;o))

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Hi Remco, I am currently not in the office and more or less already out of the door. I will come back to you tomorrow. Tom.

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  15. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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  19. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  20. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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  23. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. netsys


      Tom: thank you for all your efforts on this project! I am looking for the WebCDR and do not seem to be able to locate it here. Would you please point me in the proper direction?

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      As the project wasn't continued anymore I haven't moved it to the new forum. Unfortunately I have problems to get a repository module up and running again on the archive system, so the downloads do not work there any more.

      You can get the latest version via this link:


      Everything else regarding the project can be found in the archive:


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  25. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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