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Tom Wellige

Root Moderator
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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. Mandelartz


      Thanks. Only english? Oder auch Deutsch?

      MfG Mandelartz

    2. Mandelartz


      Thanks. Only english? Oder auch Deutsch?

      MfG Mandelartz

    3. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Deutsch geht auch :-)

  2. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  3. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  4. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  5. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. Daniel


      Danke Tom, war auch schon im alten Forum aktiv. Sieht wirklich sehr aufgeräumt und übersichtlich aus jetzt :)

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Hi Daniel. Ich bin auch super zufrieden mit der neuen Software :-)

  6. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  7. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  8. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  9. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  10. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  11. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  12. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. big_D


      Thanks. We are currently evaluating Swyx as a possible option and I wanted to see what the community and Swyx itself is like for support.

      I saw the Feiertag script and thought I'd help out as best I could.

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Thanks for doing so :-)

      Please keep in mind that this page is a privately driven website and not an official Swyx support channel. All Swyx support is channeled through your Swyx reseller, as he knows your IT environment best. Of course Swyx provides support, but this is restricted to distributors and resellers.

      Again, welcome to the forum :-)

  13. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  14. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. Pete


      Thanks for the Welcome Tom! Mein Swyx Ausbilder war übrigens Siebi - viele Grüsse aus München

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Die Welt ist klein :-)

  15. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  16. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  17. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  18. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  19. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  20. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  21. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  22. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  23. Version 1.0.0


    This vbscript connects to the SwyxIt! and exports information on the current caller into a text file. If a call gets transferred and new information becomes available the text file will also be updated. The script can be taken as an example for client event handling within a VBScript. You might also want to take a look into Stefan's forum posting explaining event handling: Event signalling from client line manager into VB script
  24. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  25. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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