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Tom Wellige

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  2. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  3. Well, I don't know if you find someone here to explain the Easter days calculation. The church itself wasn't able to come up with a proper set of rules for the for centuries. Only Carl Friedrich Gauss came up with a proper calculation in 1800, and updated it again in 1816. To be honest, I can't explain it to you. It just works 🙂 If you have public holidays on a fixed day just take a look how it is done e.g. with Christmas.
  4. I have updated the function code in the first post and also give some examples there. The parameters are more handy to use in the new version of the function. https://www.swyxforum.com/topic/185-public-holidays-in-germany-incl-federal-states/
  5. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  6. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  7. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  8. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  9. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. Daaf


      Hey Tom!

      Thank you, let's try to get this place filled with all our obscure questions and answers ;)

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Feel free to do so ;-)

  10. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  11. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  12. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  13. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  14. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  15. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  16. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  17. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  18. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  19. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  20. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  21. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  22. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  23. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  24. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  25. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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