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Tom Wellige

Root Moderator
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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  2. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  3. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  4. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  5. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  6. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  7. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  8. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  9. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  10. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  11. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  12. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  13. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  14. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  15. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  16. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  17. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  18. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  19. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  20. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  21. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  22. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  23. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  24. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. erpsb


      Thank you Tom.

      My Name is Andreas. We now have two swyx phone systems.

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Hallo Andreas.

      Viel Spass damit und schön, dass Du das Forum gefunden hast :-)


  25. If you manage to create a dutch version of this function it would be nice if you would post it here as well. This is of course true also for ALL other countries :-)
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