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Tom Wellige

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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Tom Wellige


    This project provides extended call queuing functionality for SwyxWare by implementing the same functionality as the SwyxWare Call Queue plus useful features like visualization. See the Features post for a detailed list of features. For any kind of questions or requests please open your own topic. Thank you. Get involved in Swyx Forum projects
  2. Tom Wellige


    Open Admin and Open Admin X are administrative tools to easy the every day job of a SwyxWare/Netphone administrator. Please note, that this project (its tools and documentation) is currently in German language available only! Furthermore the tools require either a German SwyxWare or Netphone system. Wozu sind die Tools da? Entstanden ist das Script weil es in der SwyxWare keine Möglichkeit gab Massendaten zu ändern. Mit der Powershell und den IpPbx Modulen ist hier Abhilfe aber möglich. Was mich gestört hat war die Tatsache dass es zwar viele einzelne Scripts gibt, diese aber jeweils angepasst werden müssen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich in meinem Tool viele Scripte integriert und eigene Funktionen hinzugefügt. Bei den meisten Einstellungen lassen sich Funktionen ein- und ausschalten, so kann man auch Einstellungen wieder rückgängig machen. Bei jedem Start des Tools wird ein Backup der aktuellen Datenbank erzeugt, dieses Backup kann auch über das Script wieder hergestellt werden falls mal etwas danebengeht. Die meisten Funktionen beziehen sich auf Mitglieder der Gruppe "Konfig-Gruppe" welche beim Start des Tools ebenfalls automatisch angelegt wird. Die Idee dahinter besteht darin das man die User bei denen etwas verändert werden soll zuvor per Drag & Drop in die Konfig-Gruppe zieht. Dann werden die Änderungen nur bei diesen Usern durchgeführt. Das Tool wird von einigen meiner Kollegen schon über einen längeren Zeitraum genutzt. Alle bis heute bekannten Fehler wurden beseitigt. Trotzdem kann auch mal etwas nicht oder falsch funktionieren. Dann kann man aber immer noch das Backup zurückspielen. Es ist ratsam sich erst mal an einer Testanlage oder einer neu aufgesetzten Anlage mit dem Tool vertraut zu machen. Der Funktionsumfang ist im Laufe der Zeit immer größer geworden, manches findet man erst nach genauerem hinsehen. Ich habe das Menü mehrfach überarbeitet, trotzdem gibt es aus meiner Sicht noch Verbesserungspotential. Also einfach mal stöbern. ;-) Mathias Storck. Weitere Details zur Funktionlalität liefern die Kurzanleitungen: Open Admin Kurzanleitung Open Admin X Kurzanleitung Get involved in Swyx Forum projects
  3. Tom Wellige


    16.11.2017 Version 3.6 OpenAdmin Bei der Installation FTP-Server und Web-Server wird jetzt erst geprüft ob die Dienste bereits installiert sind. Tippfehler beseitigt. OpenAdminX Bei der Installation FTP-Server und Web-Server wird jetzt erst geprüft ob die Dienste bereits installiert sind. Bei allen Ja / Nein Fragen wird geprüft ob beide Hacken gesetzt sind, falls ja kommt eine Fehlermeldung. Wo es möglich war wurden Checkboxen gegen Radiobuttons ausgetauscht. Tippfehler beseitigt.
  4. Tom Wellige


    This is a Swyx Forum open source project. All support, enhancement and bug requests must be placed into the project forum. No other support is available! In regard of the license being provided there is neither a guaranteed response time for support requests nor a guaranteed solution.
  5. Tom Wellige


    Open Admin This is a Swyx Forum Open Source Project. Copyright © 2017 by Swyx Forum Copyright © 2017 by Mathias Storck All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
  6. The latest forum software update corrupted the download section and I am still waiting for a fix. Please have a look here:
  7. An welcher Stelle benötigst Du die Information denn? Nach Gespächseende stehen sämtliche Zeiten wie Pete bereits geschrieben hat in den Call Detail Records. Ebenso kann man im Call Routing eines Rufes abfragen, wie lange er bereits aktiv war. Das funktioniert auch für bereits mehrfach weitergeleitete Rufe.
  8. Version 1.4.0


    This extension provides Zendesk ticket functionality to the SwyxWare call routing: Check the current status of a Zendesk ticket Create a new Zendesk ticket Update an existing Zendesk ticket Open an existing Zendesk ticket in an agent's web browser window Zendesk SwyxIt! button to open the Zendesk ticket directly with a mouse click within SwyxIt! Comes for VBscript based and Lua based call routing. Example call routing scripts. Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding this project. Please refer for all discussions (forum) for this extension to the forum. Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page. Find the license information on the Project Page. If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic. As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above). Please note: v1.4.0 (or higher) of this project requires SwyxWare 13.10 (or higher). Please note: v1.3.0 (or higher) of this project requires SwyxWare 12.40 (or higher). Please note: v1.0.0 of this project was called Ticket Validation against Zendesk. This has been completely replaced by the current version. Please note: Lua based call routing has been introduced with SwyxWare in version 13.10. In this version it is still in BETA state and should not be used in productive environments. This project has already been updated to Lua based call routing to demonstrate the usage of Lua based call routing.
  9. Zendesk Integration View File This extension provides Zendesk ticket functionality to the SwyxWare call routing: Check the current status of a Zendesk ticket Create a new Zendesk ticket Update an existing Zendesk ticket Open an existing Zendesk ticket in an agent's web browser window Zendesk SwyxIt! button to open the Zendesk ticket directly with a mouse click within SwyxIt! Comes for VBscript based and Lua based call routing. Example call routing scripts. Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding this project. Please refer for all discussions (forum) for this extension to the forum. Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page. Find the license information on the Project Page. If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic. As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above). Please note: v1.4.0 (or higher) of this project requires SwyxWare 13.10 (or higher). Please note: v1.3.0 (or higher) of this project requires SwyxWare 12.40 (or higher). Please note: v1.0.0 of this project was called Ticket Validation against Zendesk. This has been completely replaced by the current version. Please note: Lua based call routing has been introduced with SwyxWare in version 13.10. In this version it is still in BETA state and should not be used in productive environments. This project has already been updated to Lua based call routing to demonstrate the usage of Lua based call routing. Submitter Tom Wellige Submitted 05/03/2017 Category Open ECR Extensions  
  10. Hi Kris, der Aufwand richtet sich danach, wie viel und auch welche Programmiererfahrung derjenige, der es implentieren soll, hat. Das kann recht zuügig gehen (1-2 Stunden) oder auch mehrere Tage dauern. Etwas entsprechend fertgies habe ich noch nicht zu Gesicht bekommen.
  11. Aus Datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen wird eine solche Übersicht nur in der SwyxWare Administration für einen eingeschränkten Benutzerkreis von Haus aus angezeigt. Man könnte Deinen Wunsch durch eine WebExtension in die SwyxIt! Skin lösen. Die WebExtension wird mit einer Webseite verbunden, welche entweder über das ConfigDataStore SDK oder Powershell die Active Calls Liste beim Server abfragt und anzeigt. Aber wie gesagt, hierzulande ist es nicht zulässig eine solche Lösung in einem Unternehmen für alle Benutzer einzusetzen.
  12. Account security is an important topic in our highly computerized world. To secure your online accounts a simple username/password authentication is not seen as secure anymore. A wide spread solution to this insecurity is the so called two factor authentication (2FA). Beside the username/password factor another factor is used to login into your account or make security relevant changes to your account, which requires input which can't be derived from your online account itself, even if the provider is getting hacked. Swyx Forum offers 3 types of two factor authentications: Serurity Questions You define a set of questions (and answers) from which one will be taken and asked when you are logging in or want to make changes on your security settings. Google Authenticator This is an app for your Android or iOS mobile device, which provides a random number (security token) you have to enter every time you are logging in or want to make changes on your security settings. Authy Authy provides a random number (security token) you have to enter every time you are logging in or want to make changes on your security settings. You can configure, if this number is getting provided by phone call text message to your mobile phone Authy app on your Android or iOS mobile device If you use the Authy app, you can also use push notifications which you then simply have to approve (or deny) on your mobile phone (as replacement of entering the security token). The security& privacy is configured within your account settings:
  13. In einem ersten Schritt erstellst Du Dir eine GSE Regel mit dem Namen PreProcessing. Hier realisierst Du Deine White/Black List. Wenn Du den Ruf filtern (unterbinden) willst, beendest Du ihn einfach mit dem Ruf beenden Block und verlässt die Regel über den Regel ausgeführt Ausgang. Wenn Du den Ruf nicht filtern (unterbinden) willst, verlässt Du die Regel sofort über den Regel übersprungen Ausgang. Teste diese Regel ausgiebig auf dem Benutzer, auf dem Du sie implemtiert hast, durch ausreichend viele Testanrufe. Stelle sicher, dass alles so funktioniert wie Du willst, bevor Du die Regel global für alle setzt. Um die Regel global für alle Benutzer zu setzen, lade mit dem IpPbx File Explorer folgende beiden Dateien zunächst aus dem USER Scope Deines Testbenutzers lokal auf Deinen Rechner: - rulePreProcessing.vbs - rulePreProcessing.rse Lade die beiden Dateien nun mit dem IpPbx File Explorer wieder hoch, direkt in den GLOBAL Scope. Du brauchst im Upload Dialog nur die beiden Dateien auswählen. Alle weiteren Default Einstellungen in diesem Dialog stehen bereits richtig. Jetzt greift diese Regel für jeden Ruf auf jeden Benutzer in Deiner SwyxWare. sie wird aufgerufen, bevor das Regelwerk eines Benutzers gestartet wird, welches er selbst in seinem Call Routing Manager konfigurieren kann. Wenn Du das globale PreProcessing nicht mehr haben möchtest, lösche einfach beide Dateien wieder aus dem GLOBAL Scope. Wenn Du Änderungen am globalen PreProcessing machen willst, macht diese erst an der PreProcessing Regel auf Deinem Testbenutzer, teste die Regel wieder ausführlich und mach sie dann wie oben beschrieben wieder global.
  14. Hallo Matthias, die SwyxWare selbst bringt das nicht mit. Ich gehe aber davon aus, dass man mit Google entsprechende VBSkript Beispiele schnell finden dürfte.
  15. Hi Petra, to be honest I can't tell you. This is a very old add-on for the SwyxWare. As the connection to the SwyxWare was just via the call routing I would assume that it still works. I am not sure if the project kept track of the users it passed into the rooms...
  16. Hallo Matthias, die VisualContacts respektive das ESTOS Metadirectly sind eine Client Veranstaltung, d.h. das SwyxIt! löst den Namen dort auf. Das Call Routing findet jedoch einen Schritt vorher auf dem Server statt, bevor der Ruf zugestellt wird. Hier steht tatsächlich nur das Telefonbuch der SwyxWare zur Verfügung. Du kannst aber im Call Routing selber eine Anfrage an das Metadirectory schicken und dann IpPbx.CallingName selber setzen.
  17. Hallo Iris, wie komfortabel soll es für die Anwender denn werden? Stellst Du Dir eine Textdatei vor, die alle PIN für alle Konferenzräume enthält, oder soll jeder Konferenzraum seine eigene Textdatei bekommen, wie im Zweifelsfall auch wo liegt, wo nur die Benutzer der jeweiligen Abteilung Zugriff drauf haben? Ich persönlich bin kein all zu grosser Freund von Textdateien. Komfortabler für alle beteiligten wäre es aus meiner Sicht, wenn man die PIN einfach per Anruf auf eine bestimmte Nummer ändern könnte. Dort wäre dann ein Call Routing hinterlegt, welches sicher stellt, dass nur bestimmte Benutzer Zugriff bekommen, und dann die Eingabe einer neuen PIN ermöglicht (am Besten PIN zweimal hintereinander eingeben lassen). Anschliessend speichert das Skript die PIN dann in einer "persistenten Variable" für den entsprechenden Konferenzraum. Das Call Routing Skript des Konferenzraums schaut einfach in die persistente Variable des angewählten Konferenzraums (Name der Variable gleich Nummer des Konferenzraums). Wenn Du Dir das Webinar zu den persistenten Variablen mal anschaust (über den Link oben) wirst Du sehen, dass Du nachdem Du sie auf Deinem Server installiert hast wesentlich einfacher und eleganter Werte speichern und wieder auslesen kannst (in Deinem Fall PINs), als Du es jemals selbst mit Textdateien oder Datenbanken tun könntest.
  18. This topic is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally started on 15.12.2009 by me. Since then it is getting constantly updated. This topic provides a list of all online available resources regarding Extended Call Routing (ECR). From SwyxWare/Netphone 13.10 on, a beta version of a new call routing engine based on LUA in addition to (not replacing!) VBScript is available. Find available information regarding this new call routing engine in the -> Beta-Lua Testing (SwyxWare 13.10) area of the forum in the Enreach Help Center (you need to be a logged in there to be able to access this area) as also further below. "Must have" Links VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing Server Script API GSE build-in functions VBScript build in functions Function Collection Persistent Variables Create meaningful trace output from your own script code How to filter SwyxWare traces for call routing output of single call Swyx Call Routing Manager Manual (EN: PDF - Online / DE: PDF - Online) Extended Call Routing with GSE Manual (EN: PDF - Online / DE: PDF - Online) Server Script API GSE build-in functions Function Collection Programming in Lua Create meaningful trace output from your own script code How to filter SwyxWare traces for call routing output of single call Swyx Call Routing Manager Manual (EN: PDF - Online / DE: PDF - Online) Extended Call Routing with GSE Manual (EN: PDF - Online / DE: PDF - Online) ECR scripts in the Enreach Knowledgebase (partner login required) / Enreach Help Center VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing Check Outlook Calendar for Conference Room (CRM) (kb2379) Check Outlook Calendar for Conference Room (GSE) (kb2378) Check PIN for Conference Room (GSE) (kb2377) Tweet incoming calls on Twitter (kb4067) Speaking Clock (kb2249) (do also take a look into the blog post #11: What time is it?) ECR scripts on Swyx Forum (forum and downloads) VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing Best practice for multi-language call routing scripts (do also take a look into the blog post #7: Welcome to Babylon!) How to configure call routing for a group How to avoid loops How to include own VBscript code libraries into an ECR script How to evaluate post dialing digits How to figure who took a call after connecting it to a group How to allow calls from certain users / extensions only How to manipulate the displayed name and number in SwyxIt!/SwyxPhone How to setup a simple call queue How to configure a repeated announcement within a call queue without position or waiting time announcement How to block certain numbers from calling based on a global PreProcessing rule How to implement a "call park" feature How to implement a "call park" feature (another approach) Simple Night Service for Swyx How to configure call routing for a group How to avoid loops How to evaluate post dialing digits How to figure who took a call after connecting it to a group How to manipulate the displayed name and number in SwyxIt!/SwyxPhone How to setup a simple call queue How to configure a repeated announcement within a call queue without position or waiting time announcement ECR projects (advanced) here on Swyx Forum VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing Project - Open ECR Extensions Invision Power Services (IPS) Integration Jira Service Integration Longest Waiting Persistent Variables Zendesk Integration Project - Conference Room Manager Project - Open Queue Project - Open ECR Extensions Invision Power Services (IPS) Integration Jira Service Integration Zendesk Integration ECR scripts on external sources VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing VisualGroups in ECR auswerten (with German instructions) ECR webinar series in Enreach Partner Net (for Enreach Partners only) VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing #1: Deployment of GSE Call Routing Rules (EN/DE) #2: How to use GSE Rule Parameters (EN/DE) #3: Verwendung von GSE Aktionen (--/DE) #4: Global Rules via PreProcessing (EN/DE) #6: Usage of own VBScript code in call routing (GSE) scripts (EN/DE) #7: How to access text files from within the call routing (EN/DE) #8: How to access databases from within the call routing (EN/DE) #9: Analyse fehlerhaft laufender Call Routing Skripte (--/DE) #10: SwyxWare Call Queues (EN/--) #11: System Variables (EN/--) #12: Usage of Persistent Variables (EN/DE) #1: Deployment of GSE Call Routing Rules (EN/DE) #2: How to use GSE Rule Parameters (EN/DE) #3: Verwendung von GSE Aktionen (--/DE) #4: Global Rules via PreProcessing (EN/DE) #9: Analyse fehlerhaft laufender Call Routing Skripte (--/DE) #10: SwyxWare Call Queues (EN/--) And finally, my blog... VBScript based Call Routing Lua based Call Routing #2: Hello, it's me! - call yourself and get routed into your remote inquiry #3: Be more flexible on dates! - how to check for a time period when having the dates in variables #4: Take me to your leader! - how to transfer call routing rules from one user to another #5: Let me in! - how to setup a pin verification in front of your conference rooms #6: Make it easy! - how to make use of rule parameters and extend the previous pin verification with them #7: Welcome to Babylon! - different approaches to implement multi language call routings #8: Today I will stay in bed! - let your call routing know about public holidays #9: Don't be shy, be chatty! - how to use proper tracing in call routing scripts #10: I can't hide anymore! - longest waiting resp. longest idle call distribution #11: What time is it? - a speaking clock as call routing script #12: Rotating call distribution to engineers - a special call distribution approach #14: Lua is coming closer - new "Zendesk Integration" version for VBScript and Lua based call routing #15: Docs, Docs, Docs - new "Server Script API" and "GSE build-in function" format for VBScript and Lua #16: Code, Code, Code - new "Function Collection" for VBScript and Lua based call routing #18: Record and replace Announcements #19: We are many - figure the amount of currently logged in users of a user group #2: Hello, it's me! - call yourself and get routed into your remote inquiry #4: Take me to your leader! - how to transfer call routing rules from one user to another #5: Let me in! - how to setup a pin verification in front of your conference rooms #6: Make it easy! - how to make use of rule parameters and extend the previous pin verification with them #7: Welcome to Babylon! - different approaches to implement multi language call routings #8: Today I will stay in bed! - let your call routing know about public holidays #9: Don't be shy, be chatty! - how to use proper tracing in call routing scripts #11: What time is it? - a speaking clock as call routing script #13: Lua is coming - announcing the new (but still beta) call routing scripting engine #14: Lua is coming closer - new "Zendesk Integration" version for VBScript and Lua based call routing #15: Docs, Docs, Docs - new "Server Script API" and "GSE build-in function" format for VBScript and Lua #16: Code, Code, Code - new "Function Collection" for VBScript and Lua based call routing #17: Be more flexible on dates! (Part 2 - Lua) - how to check for a time period when having the dates in variables #19: We are many - figure the amount of currently logged in users of a user group
  19. Please note: Twitter can't be used anymore due to changes within the Twitter API and account removals. Read more about it here. Sign in / Sign up options You can use your existing Google, LinkedIn or Twitter account to login to Swyx Forum or create a new account here. Once you have linked any of these accounts the login into Swyx Forum is nothing more than a mouse click for you. Associate your existing Swyx Forum account with your Online Service account To associate your existing user account here with your account at the wanted online service, click on your name in the top right corner of the page and then select Account Settings. Within your settings select the online service you want to use and then click on "Sign in with ..." Once you have approved Swyx Forum accessing your services account you can configure the degree of integration into it. Now that the service account is linked you can use the "Sign in with ..." button from the first screenshot to login in to Swyx Forum with just one mouse click. Disassociate your Online Service account again If you want to disassociate your service account from Swyx Forum again, go into your Account Settings and click on the red link "Sign Out" Association is optional Of course all of this is fully optional. You don't need to link any of your online accounts with Swyx Forum. This is just a service offer you might want to use or not.
  20. Tom Wellige


    Hello Fhaasy, Welcome to Swyx Forum. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Fhaasy joined on the 11/21/2015. View Member
  21. Tom Wellige


    Hello Gerben, Welcome to Swyx Forum. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Gerben joined on the 11/20/2015. View Member
  22. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

  23. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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