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Tom Wellige

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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Swyx Forum holds a number of downloads available for its users. In order to be able to download from either the download area or attached files directly in forum posts, you need to have a Swyx Forum user account and be logged in. If you are not logged in, no download is available for you and you will either see this: (on a page in the the download area) or this: (in a forum topic) instead of a working download link. Once you are logged in, it will look like this: or this:
  2. @kroni99 hat eine neue Version für Österreich zur Verfügung gestellt. In dem Zusammenhang habe ich die Funktion im ersten Post hier von "IsPublicHoliday" nach "IsPublicHolidayDE" umbenannt. Danke Dominik!
  3. Hallo, ich denke das hier sollte wieder Ruhe stiften: https://support.microsoft.com/de-at/help/3189806/a-program-is-trying-to-send-an-e-mail-message-on-your-behalf-warning-i
  4. The following wiki topic is restored from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was posted originally at 16.08.2007 by me Based on the forum posting Blocking Numbers from calling into the Swyx explaining how to implement a black list of callers who will be blocked from the SwyxWare, the Swyx Forum user Beni has provided a small video showing this step by step. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAfhB2f89g8 Please note that this video is available in German language only.
  5. This post is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 27.04.2010 by me EDIT 02.2021: beside the following function you might also want to take a look on the -> PBXScript.WebRequest which was added with SwyxWare 12.40 This function calls (launches) a given URL (http request) and returns True if the request returns without error. Please find the LaunchHTTPRequest function in the Function Collection (VBScript) and Function Collection (Lua) area of the Programming References section of the SwyxPEDIA here on Swyx Forum.
  6. The following forum topic is restored from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014)
  7. Hi Fabian, danke für die Erweiterungen/Fixes. Das mit dem Weltfrauentag ist richtig implementiert. Ich habe die Änderungen in den ersten Post in diesem Topic übernommen. Viele Grüße, Tom.
  8. This post is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 05.09.2011 by me This function returns True of the given user is logged off from the server. Please find the IsUserLoggedOff function in the Function Collection (VBScript) and Function Collection (Lua) area of the Programming References section of the SwyxPEDIA here on Swyx Forum.
  9. This post is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 12.08.2010 by me The following function fills a VBScript array with the names of a files in a given folder. The names contain the complete path. It can be used for example, to get a list of announcement (.wav) files in a folder to play them one after each other. See example code below... To use the function within your call routing script, just copy&paste it into the "Start" block. Please find the GetFilesInFolder function in the Function Collection (VBScript) area of the Programming References section of the SwyxPEDIA here on Swyx Forum.
  10. As you use more of less the same function for both cases (Azubi, Buero) I would just place the following function in the "Start" block and use a "Variable auswerten" block to call it: Please find the IsGroupLoggedOff function in the Function Collection (VBScript) and Function Collection (Lua) area of the Programming References section of the SwyxPEDIA here on Swyx Forum. And instead of hard coding the numbers of the group members into the code, I would create a SwyxWare user groups with the desired users in them and call the above function with the group number (or name) as parameter.
  11. Since the first post in this topic the forum archive got hacked 3 more times. It took me always quite some time to get the old content management system back to work. At the moment the archive is again in a hacked state for about 3 weeks. So instead of continuing to waste my time for just getting hacked the other day/week again, I decided to give the archive of the old forum up. Yes, this will cut some old stuff from being available, but over the last years I have moved the most important parts over into the current forum anyway. Over the next few days I will remove all links from the current forum into the archive. If Goggle still finds it, you will end up in a none working website anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience, but as there isn't anythimg I can do against getting hacked, this is the only reasonable thing to do.
  12. You might have read the Swyx press release lately, announcing the Swyx Chat and the Swyx Community. In case you missed it, you can find it on the Swyx Forum web page, as of course also on the Swyx web page. Go and have a look: English: https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/community/topics German: https://service.swyx.net/hc/de/community/topics To make it clear: the Swyx Community will not replace the Swyx Forum. The Swyx Forum with its 12 years of history and tons of interesting discussions, suggestions, tips and solutions will stay as it is and continue to provide community services (forum, projects, downloads) to everyone who is interested in SwyxWare (in all its flavors). Nevertheless, the new Swyx Community is an interesting project and deserves all attention it can get. In the end there is only one thing that really matters (which has also been the main goal of Swyx Forum from the beginning) : getting answers to questions and solutions for problems. There is no difference if that happens here or there.
  13. Hi all, there have been massive dumps of hacked data lately. These dumps contain billions of email addresses and passwords of hacked accounts from the last years. Here you can find details on this: EN: https://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/collection-1-and-2-5-are-the-latest-massive-password-dumps/ DE: https://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Neue-Passwort-Leaks-Insgesamt-2-2-Milliarden-Accounts-betroffen-4287538.html If you want to know if your email is included in those dumps you can use the following page. It searches a given email address in all dumps and sends a detailed report to that email address, containing all available information. https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/search The lesson to learn from all this is to use different secure passwords in all your online accounts as also 2 factor authentication where ever possible. Luckily Swyx Forum provides such 2 factor authentication. More about that can be found here: https://www.swyxforum.com/topic/2293-security-two-factor-authentication/ Stay safe!
  14. The forum archive (content from the year 2007-2014) is currently not reachable. It seems if got hacked (one of the reasons why I switched to another CMS in 2014). I will see to get it back as quickly as possible, but can't promise any time frame at the moment.
  15. Tritt der Fehler auf ohne dass die Funktion irgendwo aufgerufen wird, oder rufst Du die Funktion auch irgendwo auf? Hast Du die Funktion evtl. in mehrere Skripte von einem einzigen Benutzer kopiert?
  16. An welcher Stelle rufst Du die Feiertags Funktion denn auf? Ich sehe das nirgendwo. Bitte mache es genau so wie im ersten Post in diesem Topic beschrieben, d.h. den Code in den Start Block kopieren, und anschliessend per Variable auswerten Block die Funktion aufrufen.
  17. Wie sieht denn der "Variable setzen" Block aus? Die Zeile "UseExit = bFeiertagCRM" im "Script Code einfügen" Block sieht falsch aus. Es sei denn, der Inhalt der Variable ist kein boolscher Wert (True, False) sondern eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 4.
  18. Yes. Just do the following: open the SwyxIt! File menu open Skin menu select Edit left click the blank area switch to SwyxIt! Web Extrension tab select any of the events and configure an URL within the URL you can use variables for current values
  19. Ich würde mal vermuten, dass das über die Sicherheitseinstellungen Deines Standardbrowsers (Internet Explorer -> Internet Optionen - Sicherheit - Stufe anpassen) gesteuert wird.
  20. Das sollte kein größeres Problem sein. Ab Zeile 91 findest Du folgenden Code: dim sTemp sTemp = GetCmdLine(lineIdx) sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"%num%",Escape(clmgr.DispGetLine(lineIdx).DispPeerNumber)) sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"%name%",Escape(clmgr.DispGetLine(lineIdx).DispPeerName)) WScript.Echo "New call, execute " & sTemp oWshShell.Run sTemp Ändere den einfach wie folgt um (copy&paste): dim sNum sNum = clmgr.DispGetLine(lineIdx).DispPeerNumber if Left(sNum, 1) = "0" then sNum = Right(sNum, Len(sNum)-1) dim sTemp sTemp = GetCmdLine(lineIdx) sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"%num%",Escape(sNum)) sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"%name%",Escape(clmgr.DispGetLine(lineIdx).DispPeerName)) WScript.Echo "New call, execute " & sTemp oWshShell.Run sTemp Wenn die Telefonnummer eine führende Null hat, wird diese einfach abgeschnitten.
  21. What's New in Version v1.2.0: This version comes with the following changes: It fixes a bug in the detection of what SQL server variant is installed (full or express) which caused after some windows updates an up to 20 seconds delay when accessing the content of a persistent variable.
  22. Auszug aus der Startseite: Auszug aus dem Impressum:
  23. No, because the call routing is located on the server and not on the client. So even if you would be able to open a window from within the call routing (which you can't), it would should up on the server.
  24. What's New in Version 1.1.0: This update replaces v1.0.0 of this extension (former name was: Ticket Validation against Zendesk).   The new version provides Zendesk ticket functionality to the SwyxWare call routing: Check the current status of a Zendesk ticket Create a new Zendesk ticket Update an existing Zendesk ticket Zendesk SwyxIt! button to open the Zendesk ticket directly with a mouse click within SwyxIt! Example call routing scripts.  
  25. What's New in Version v1.1.0: This version comes with the following changes: Persistent Variables can be used now also outside of call routing scripts Examples for external usage have been added: - ASP (Active Server Page) web page - WSF (Windows Scripting Host File) file, i.e. VBScript file Added UserID as new property (needed for usage scenarios outside of call routing scripts) The NightSwitch example which was available as single download is now also part of this download
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