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Tom Wellige

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. In this new blog series I am going to write on a more or less regular basis articles about the SwyxWare call routing. I will take together with you a look behind the scenes of the call routing, give useful examples for the daily usage, give examples and templates for the development of more complex rules and maybe from time to time just share a joke with you. From more than 15 years experience of giving the professional and developer call routing trainings I have a huge fundus of examples and tips to share. Some things might be already shared on the Swyx Forum page (forum articles, wiki articles or downloads), but I will try to shed some more light behind the "why" certain things work, and not just "how". I am open to any kind of suggestions for topics of this blog series. Feel free to voice them in the comments below.
  2. Three of these skins are actually available for download here on Swyx Forum (with friendly permission by their authors or directly uploaded by them) SwyxIt! 5 Swyx Phone L420 Simple Skin ABa Corporate Skin
  3. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 12.07.2009 by Tom Wellige. Swyx Topia is a place in the distant future where... it is believed that there is one client for all platforms, with a fully resize-able/responsive UI/skin the admin msc is a tale which the youngsters refuse to believe that it ever existed the GSE is a web based, cross platform application, easily expandable with new function blocks by every user the concept of the ease of use and administration is the driving factor in all development the Swyx software integrates by default in all other standard software ...
  4. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 27.05.2008 by Tom Wellige. The Swyxus Forumus was discussed in a blog article I wrote about a Swyx-Tours trip for a "SwyxECR for Developers" training at the premises of MTV in Surrey, London. I will not quote the entire blog article, but just the relevant part:
  5. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 26.11.2008 by wbruessler . Skin, the (feminine). In English, it is easy: "The" skin. But in German it is quite complicated. Sometimes I read "der Skin wird nicht geladen", "das Skin hat zu wenige Namenstasten". Argh! As the inventor, I now declare: SwyxIt! skins are feminine. So please call it "die Skin". Example: "Die Skin von dem Herbert seine Sekretärin ihr SwyxIt!". The only allowed exception for certain regions: "Dat Skin"
  6. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 12.10.2008 by Morten Rokosz. Swyxville is the most organized town in Techland, one quite nice place in Cyberspace. The town is controlled by a governing body called the ECR (Extended Cyber Republic). They are able to solve all problems using the GSE (Goverment Solving Engine). This machine is guarded by an elite of über-nerds using only the native language of VBScript. A language almost forgotten by all others in Techland.
  7. Tom Wellige

    EN: Swyxism

    This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 03.08.2007 by Morten Rokosz. The belief that SwyxWare is the superior system. That all other systems are just a shadow of the pure code. The faith is based on a document known as 'SwyxWare.pdf'. The true believers of Swyxism are convinced that one day they will see the true path of coding and after this revelation there will never be any bugs in software anymore. Others believe that the system is just a better way to make phonecalls...
  8. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 24.07.2007 by Tom Wellige Do not ask what your community can do for you, but what you can do for your community.
  9. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 05.06.2007 by Ryan Osborne. A Swyx-o-Holic is a person who Lives, Breaths and Sleeps around Swyx. Examples of a Swyx-o-Holic include; Someone who is addicted with the telephony system Swyx Someone who spends a lot of time configuring Swyx People such as Morten Rokosz and Ryan Osborne who are self confessed Swyx-o-Holics
  10. Natürlich kann die SwyxWare das, halt über das Call Routing. Und da kannst du Dir dann überlegen, wie Du es dem Kunden ermöglichen willst. Ein zentrale Backliste, oder eine Blackliste pro Benutzer. Ein Blacklist Verwaltung über den Call Routing Manager oder eine externe Quelle (z.B. Textdatei, Excel Tabelle oder Datenbank). Du hast da alle Möglichkeiten offen, und das sind ein vielfaches mehr als "... heute zu Tage jede Telefonanlage, von der Fritzbox angefangen ...". Einen möglichen Ansatz findest Du hier im Forum unter: Number Blocking
  11. Hallo, in meinen Augen ist das nichts fürs Call Routing, da das ja nur durch kommende Rufe auf einen Benutzer getriggert wird. Wenn kein Ruf für einen Benutzer rein kommt, bekommst Du dann auch den Statustext nicht aktualisiert. Denkbar wäre eine kleine Applikation auf den Clients parallel zum SwyxIt!, welche über das Client SDK den Statustext passend setzt, oder eine zentrale Applikation irgendwo (z.B. auf dem Server selbst) welche regelmässig (z.B. alle 10 Minuten) per Config Datastore SDK oder PowerShell alle benötigten Daten ermittelt und setzt. Persönlich würde ich den zweiten Ansatz verfolgen. Das könnte dann in etwa so aussehen: - über das globale Telefonbuch alle Benutzer inkl. aktuellem Status ermitteln - über die Login Device Liste pro Benutzer die IP Adresse des SwyxIt! Clients ermitteln (wobei natürlich auch eine Telefon IP Adresse verwendet werden könnte) - Statustext pro Benutzer passend setzen oder auch löschen (bei abgemeldeten Benutzern)
  12. A huge list of all Extended Call Routing (ECR) related information can be found here: ECR Useful Link Collection
  13. The following is a collection of useful links when it comes to developing add-ons/connectors/extensions for the SwyxIt! The grayed out links in this list a current not available but will be made available again soon. Interfaces SwyxIt! Client SDK SwyxIt! Variables SwyxIt! TAPI Interface (TSP) How-to articles How to open an URL from SwyxIt! How to open an URL from SwyxIt! (on transferred calls) How to obtain line details of an incoming or transferred call How to execute any command on incoming call How to initiate alarm calls programatically How to auto accept incoming calls Event signalling from client line manager into VB script VBScript updates text file with caller information (example for event handling)
  14. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 03.07.2014 by me The SwyxIt! Web Extension control and Shortcut buttons supports a set of variables to retrieve certain call related values. Variables names are case insensitive. For the web extension variables can be part of the URL or HTML content. Supported Variables %SelLinePeernumber% is the phone number of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) on the selected line. %RelatedLinePeernumber% is the phone number of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) on the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLinePeernumberPublicFormat% is the phone number of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) in non-canonical format without public access prefix on the selected line (the settings from the user’s location will be used). Example: public access prefix: 0 long distance prefix: 0 international prefix: 00 area code: 231 country code: 49 length of own internal number: 3 digits (eg. 222) The length of internal numbers is guessed from the length of the own internal number. SelLinePeernumber SelLinePeernumberPublicFormat 0003320123456 003320123456 0004940123456 040123456 00049231123456 0231123456 0040123456 040123456 00231123456 0231123456 0123456 0231123456 200 200 %RelatedLinePeernumberPublicFormat% is similar to %SelLinePeernumberPublicFormat% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLinePeername% is the display name of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) on the selected line. %RelatedLinePeername% is similar to %SelLinePeername% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLinePeeraddress% contains the - %SelLinePeername% and the %SelLinePeernumber% when both details are known - %SelLinePeername% when only the name is known - %SelLinePeernumber% when only the number is known %RelatedLinePeeraddress% is similar to %SelLinePeeraddress% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLineCallednumber% is the own called extension or group extension for inbound calls. This parameter is empty for outbound calls. %RelatedLineCallednumber% is similar to %SelLineCallednumber% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLineCalledname% is the own called name or group name for inbound calls. This parameter is empty for outbound calls. %RelatedLineCalledname% is similar to %SelLineCalledname% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLineCalledaddress% contains the - %SelLineCalledname% and the %SelLineCallednumber% when both details are known - %SelLineCalledname% when only the name is known - %SelLineCallednumber% when only the number is known %RelatedLineCalledaddress% is similar to %SelLineCalledaddress% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLineCallID% is the call id (CDR id) of the current / previous call on the selected line. %RelatedLineCallID% is the call id (CDR id) of the current / previous call on the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %SelLineDisconnectReason% is the disconnect reason of the current / previous call on the selected line. Possible disconnect reasons are: 0 normal disconnect 1 peer was busy 2 peer rejected call 3 call was cancelled 4 call was transferred 6 peer did not pick up, timeout 7 call was already picked up from other phone 9 invalid number was dialed 10 destination is unreachable 12 call routing failed, possible script error (script of peer) 13 permission for call was denied due to call restrictions (e.g. no long distance call allowed) 14 no line available (within ISDN network) 15 no gateway channel available 16 the number of the called party has changed 17 the device type of the called party is incompatible 18 wrong phone number format, e.g. bad character %RelatedLineDisconnectReason% is the disconnect reason of the current / previous call on the line that is linked to the Web Extension. %OwnName% is the own SwyxWare name as displayed in the SwyxIt! display %ActiveServerName% is the name of the active SwyxServer as displayed in the SwyxIt! display Windows environment variables like %PATH% or %APPDIR% are supported as well.
  15. An overview of tested SIP providers can be found here: SIP Provider Compatibility List and Profiles
  16. Here you find a list of all released ISDN board driver version including links to the detailed release notes of each version: ISDN board driver versions (kb2342)
  17. Hardware Recommendations for SwyxWare 11 (kb5006) Hardware Recommendations for SwyxWare 2015 (kb4621) Hardware Recommendations for SwyxWare 2013 (kb4496) Hardware Recommendations for SwyxWare 2011 and 2011 R2 (kb4227) Hardware recommendations for SwyxWare Version 7.0x (kb4093) Hardware recommendations for SwyxWare Version 6.x (kb3362) Further interesting articles with similar topics: Supported Operating Systems (Overview) (kb4094)
  18. Here you will find a list of all released SwyxWare versions including links for more details and download links per version: SwyxWare Versions (kb3757)
  19. Supported Operating Systems for SwyxWare 11 (kb5007) Supported Operating Systems for SwyxWare 2015 (kb4622) Supported Operating Systems for SwyxWare 2013 and 2013 R2 (kb4478) Supported Operating Systems for SwyxWare 2011 and 2011 R2 (kb4226) Supported Operating Systems for SwyxWare 7.0x (kb4086) Supported Operating Systems for SwyxWare 6.20 (kb3801) Further interesting articles with similar topics: Hardware Recommendations for SwyxWare (Overview) (kb2155) SwyxWare and virtual machines (kb3680)
  20. Which Ports are used by SwyxWare 11 Which Ports are used by SwyxWare 2015 (kb4635) Which Ports are used by SwyxWare 2013 / 2013 R2 (kb4497) Which Ports are used by SwyxWare 2011 and 2011 R2 (kb4323) Which Ports are used by SwyxWare (v6.02 - 7.0) (kb3593) Which Ports are used by SwyxWare (<= v6.01) (kb2308) Further interesting articles with similar topics: Configuration of your Firewall / NAT Router to use SwyxWare SIP Trunks (kb2988) Linking sites via VPN with integrated firewall (kb3341) SwyxIt! and Desktop Firewall Software (kb2751) Configure firewall rules for SwyxStandby when using Windows Server 2008 (R2) (kb4186) Support QoS (Quality of Service) (kb2340)
  21. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 05.04.2008 by Morten Rokosz. SwyxWare Codes nnn#OWC - Dial into conference roon nnn as a silent conference participant. ##10 - Remote Inquiry. The Remote Inquiry of the user who is calling is activated, the PIN is not requested. Using post dialing digits, it is possible to access submenu items of the Remote Inquiry directly. ##20nnn# - Call Forwarding unconditional to nnn. If nnn is missing, call forwarding is deactivated, if nnn = *, CFU to Voicemail is activated. ##21nnn# - Call Forwarding busy to nnn. If nnn is missing, call forwarding is deactivated, if nnn = *, call forwarding to Voicemail is activated. ##22nnn# - Call Forwarding no reply to nnn. If nnn is missing, call forwarding is deactivated, if nnn = *, call forwarding to Voicemail is activated. ##23 - Deactivate Call Forwarding unconditional. ##24 - Deactivate Call Forwarding busy. ##25 - Deactivate Call Forwarding no reply. ##70* - Call your own logged in devices unconditionally regardless of your call forwarding settings. ##71* - Call your own Voicemail unconditionally regardless of your call forwarding settings. ##8nnn*ppp# - Enable unconditional call forwarding to the calling extension for user with extension nnn (Find Me). ppp is the remote inquiry PIN of user with extension nnn. ##9nnn# - Check Voicemail of user with Extension nnn. The Remote Inquiry of the user with extension nnn is activated, the PIN has to be entered. nnn*71* - Calls Voicemail of user with extension nnn regardless of the call forwarding settings of this user. nnn*72* - Initiates a direct call to user with extension nnn. MEM Codes # - Incoming calls are accepted by pressing the Accept button on the GSM phone followed by the Hash key. *0 - Switches on DTMF detection. #0 - Reactivates DTMF detection. ## - Sends a single hash key *1# - Initiates Remote Inquiry for the user. *20n# - Call Forwarding Unconditional to n, where n equals extension or external number without public access code (MEM location) or number in the form 0049231123456 or 0231123456. *20*# - Call Forwarding Unconditional to Voicemail. *20# - Deactivates Call Forwarding Unconditional. *21n# - Call Forwarding Busy to n, where n equals extension or external number without public access code (MEM location) or number in the form 0049231123456 or 0231123456. *21*# - Call Forwarding Busy to Voicemail. *21# - Deactivates Call Forwarding Busy. *22n# - Call Forwarding No Reply to n, where n equals extension or external number without public access code (MEM location) or number in the form 0049231123456 or 0231123456. *22*# - Call Forwarding No Reply to Voicemail. *22# - Deactivates Call Forwarding No Reply. *3 - Starts a conference with all callers. *4 - Starts Call Recording. *5 - Ends Call Recording. *7 - Puts the active call on hold. *8 - Disconnects the currently active call. *9 - Connects two calls with each other. *9n# - Blind Call Transfer to n, where n equals extension or external number without public access code (MEM location) or number in the form 0049231123456 or 0231123456. Requirement: You have only one call. Call Intrusion (only possible as block dialing) nnn*24*1# - Call Intrusion (listening only) nnn*24*2# - Call Intrusion (speak with agent)) nnn*24*3# - Call Intrusion (Conference) Feature Code (only possible as block dialing) nnn*71* - Voicemail nnn*72* - DirectCall nnn*ppp*8* - Call Forwarding Unconditional from nnn nnn*p* - Remote Inquiry from nnn SwyxMobile Feature Reference (PDF file) You should also take a look into the Special Dial Codes list.
  22. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 27.11.2010 by me. When dialing within SwyxWare (regardless if in a SwyxIt!, SwyxPhone or even a Connect To block within the Call Routing) you can use the following special dial codes: x - wait for the call to be connected , (comma) - wait for 2 seconds Example: 123x,#,,66 Calls for example a door opener at extension 123, waits for the call to be connected, waits for two seconds, dials #, wait another 4 seconds, dials 66 You should also take a look into the Feature Codes list.
  23. This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 06.08.2010 by me. DISCLAIMER This articles contains information about Windows Registry Keys. The usage of them is at own risk. It is assumed that you are an experienced Windows Administrator who knows how to handle the Windows Registry. From SwyxWare v6.12 on it is possible to manipulate the name of the trancrecording file. The following explains it: For special purpose it is possible to change the file name layout by adding a registration key: Add a new value of type "String" with the name "CallRecordingFilenameFormat" to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Swyx\IpPbxSrv\CurrentVersion\Options (on 32 bit operating system) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Swyx\IpPbxSrv\CurrentVersion\Options (on 64 bit operating system) The format string may contain one or more of the following place holders [internaladdresscanonical] the internal address in canonical number format (if available) [internaladdress] the internal address [remoteaddresscanonical] the remote address in canonical number format (if available) [remoteaddress] the remote address [remotename] the remote name [calldirection] the direction of the call (In/Out) [callid] the call id as of the corosponding CDR record [date] the date of the call in the format "yymmdd", e.g. 080102 for 2 Jan 2008 [time] the time of the call in the format "hhmmss", e.g. 070809 The default format is "[calldirection]#[internaladdress]#[remotename]#[remoteaddress]#[date]#[time]" which will create the same filename as original implementation.
  24. In SwyxIt! you can drag a Speed Dial on top of another to re-arrange them. This is a list of the undocumented key-combinations available to change the behavior of the action: No key pressed -> move speed dial Alt pressed -> exchange speed dials Ctrl pressed -> copy speed dial Shift-Ctrl pressed -> exchange speed dials Shift pressed -> move speed dial
  25. DISCLAIMER This articles contains information about Windows Registry Keys. The usage of them is at own risk. It is assumed that you are an experienced Windows Administrator who knows how to handle the Windows Registry. TransferringStateTimeout DWORD, time out in seconds for transferring line (blind call transfer) to become transferred, default: 20. If the call is not transferred within that timeout, the call returns to the transferring client, the line becomes "On Hold" again. Location: HKLM\Software\Swyx\Client Line Manager\CurrentVersion\Options BusyStateTimeout DWORD, time out in seconds for busy line to become inactive again if handset is onhook, default: 10 Location: HKLM\Software\Swyx\Client Line Manager\CurrentVersion\Options TerminatedStateTimeout DWORD, time out in seconds for terminated line to become inactive again if handset is onhook, default: 4 Location: HKLM\Software\Swyx\Client Line Manager\CurrentVersion\Options Reference: Swyx Partner Net Knowledgebase Article Undocumented SwyxIt! Registry (kb2239) (Login required)
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