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Tom Wellige

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VBScript build in functions

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions or downloads might not be available anymore. This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 09:17 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that you can ad individual project codes the every single phone call? This data can then be evaluated later for time and billing purposes. For example, you can easily find out how many calls, minutes etc. were spend on which project. To associate a call to a project, you must enter the assigned project code before making the call. This is how you assign a call to a project: Enter '*' and then the project code, in this example 1000234. End the entry of the project code with '#'. Then dial the destination number as usual. The project code will now be recorded in the Call Detail Record (CDR) by SwyxWare. You can also use project codes when dialing from Outlook: This is how you assign a call to a project when dialing from Outlook :before click the dial button you enter the project code in the according field. Open the Outlook "Contacts" folder. Select the contact and click on the SwyxIt! symbol. The following window appears: "SwyxIt! Phone Dialer". Enter a project code or select a project code from the drop-down list. Then click on "Dial" behind the number you would like to use The number entered, preceded by the project code, will be dialed. Afterwards you can build your statistics accordingly: Any questions? Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  2. VBScript Lua How to bring call routing functionality from user A to user B? Two things upfront: a single rule of a user being made with the "GSE" can be transferred all rules of a user, regardless if being made with the "rule wizard" or the "GSE" can be transferred Nothing else is possible! Lets start with item 2 of this list... Transfer all rules of a user The most comfortable way to do this is to use the SwyxWare Administration "Clone Properties..." feature: With this all call routing rules along with the used announcements (.wav files) will be copied to all users to the selected group. Afterwards all users of this group have an identical call routing (a copy of the original user's one). Any previous call routing of the users of the group is overwritten/gone. Another possibility is to download all files from the user's "USER SCOPE" and upload them into the "USER SCOPE" of the destination user. This can be done with the SwyxWare Administration: Select the original user: Select all displayed files and save them to your local drive: Afterwards select the destination user and press "Add..." to upload all previously downloaded files into his "USER SCOPE". Transfer a single rule being made with the GSE To transfer a GSE rule you need the so called .RSE file belonging to this rule. There are two ways to get this file: 1. via the GSE Open the rule with the GSE, then open the "File | Export..." menu item. You are now able to define the name and location to where the .RSE file should be stored on your local machine. 2. via the SwyxWare Administration Just like above when downloading all files of a given user open his "Files" list in the properties of the server: Select the .RSE file belonging to your GSE rule. The filename here always starts with "rule" and being followed by the name you have stored your rule under. Press "Save As..." to store is on your local machine. With having the .RSE file in your hand you open the Call Routing Manager of the user you want to give this rule to and create a new rule with the GSE: Within the GSE open the "File | Import..." menu item and select the .RSE file from your disk. Save the rule, exit the GSE and Call Routing Manager and you are done. As already written above, these two described ways are the only possible ways to transfer call routing functionality from A to B. I don't want to miss to mention the "GSE Actions". These are sort of subroutines which are created with the GSE and can be called any number of times. They are in fact the only thing within the call routing which can be provided globally to all users. So one single "GSE Action" can be used by all users on a system. This is how to provide call routing functionality globally and I will discuss it in detail some time later. Enjoy! PS: don't miss to take a look into the ECR Useful Link Collection
  3. Enreach, the fast-growing European group backed by pan-European investment company Waterland, strengthens its position in the IT and telecommunications markets with the acquisition of Network Telecom, a leading telecommunications provider in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1997, Network Telecom provides business telephony, hosted voice, lines & calls, connectivity, mobile and IT services to more than 2,000 small businesses across the UK. With the acquisition of Network Telecom, the impact of Enreach, parent company of Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile and ipnordic, on the European UC market is growing. Thanks to the increase in scale, both (reseller) partners and end users will benefit from a broad range of communication expertise. Expanding UK business Stijn Nijhuis, CEO of Enreach: "Besides our long history of successful UK Swyx business and some good performing Centile business, the acquisition of Network Telecom is our first significant step into the UK market. The acquisition will extend our UK ecosystem, local expertise and resources, which will benefit our partners. Network Telecom currently delivers its business through the direct channel and the goal will be to create joint proposals for Enreach's channel business and partners based on both feedback from Network Telecom and our current UK partners. We are therefore very pleased to be able to add Network Telecom to our group." Small enterprises Network Telecom offers a unique proposition of various specialist telecom solutions for small size enterprises and will continue to operate independently while leveraging strong group synergies. The company remains based at its current location in Telford, United Kingdom. Paul Maxfield, founder and current Managing Director of the company will continue to work with the business going forward alongside its experienced management team. Paul said: "Over the past few years, we have worked hard on a new direction to provide our growing customer base with a complete portfolio of secure communication and innovative IT solutions. The acquisition of Network Telecom by Enreach is a strategic and well-considered decision that will not only help facilitate our customers growth, but also the growth of the entire group. A good example is Network Telecom’s customer base which will serve as a market verification of Enreach solutions, partly due to its required volume". About Network Telecom Network Telecom was founded in 1997 and provides business telephony, hosted voice, lines & calls, connectivity, mobile and IT services to businesses throughout the UK. The company provides its portfolio of telecom services to more than 2,000 customers across the country and has over 100 employees based at its headquarters in Telford. With innovation at the forefront of its organisational values, Network Telecom aims to provide its clients with collaborative technologies and the opportunity to consolidate all of their telecom and IT services with one customer focused provider. For more information about Network Telecom, please visit www.networktelecom.co.uk About Enreach Enreach (previously known as Within Reach) is the holding company of several brands like Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic and Centile. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communications solutions that ensure optimum communication and workflow across organisations. Enreach operates in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 650 employees. For more information, please visit www.enreach.com Press release on enreach.de
  4. Die Unternehmensgruppe Enreach setzt ihre durch den Investor Waterland unterstützte Expansion in Europa fort und macht mit dem Kauf des britischen Telekommunikationsanbieters Network Telecom einen wichtigen Schritt, um ihr Wachstum im britischen Markt zu beschleunigen. Enreach, die Muttergesellschaft von Swyx, Voiceworks, Centile und ipnordic, übernimmt Network Telecom, einen führenden Telekommunikationsanbieter in Großbritannien, und stärkt damit ihre Position im britischen ITK-Markt. Seit 1997 unterstützt Network Telecom Geschäftskunden in ganz Großbritannien dabei, ihre Kommunikation zu optimieren. Der Telekommunikationsanbieter versorgt mehr als 2.000 kleine Unternehmen mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen aus den Bereichen IP- und Cloud-Telefonie, Verbindungen und Anschlüsse, Mobilfunk sowie IT-Services. Ausbau des Geschäfts in Großbritannien Gemeinsam mit Network Telecom wird die schnell wachsende Unternehmensgruppe Enreach ihr Geschäft in Großbritannien ausbauen. Mit Swyx und Centile sind zwei Unternehmen der Gruppe bereits seit Jahren erfolgreich im britischen Markt aktiv. Network Telecom konzentriert sich seit mehr als 20 Jahren auf seinen britischen Heimatmarkt und hat in diesem eine besonders tiefgehende Expertise aufgebaut, die das Unternehmen nun in die Gruppe einbringt. „Die Akquisition ist ein wichtiger, strategischer Schritt, um den britischen UC-Markt weiter zu erschließen. Mit Network Telecom erweitern wir unser lokales Fachwissen und unsere Ressourcen in Großbritannien. Gemeinsam werden wir attraktive Angebote für die Channel-Partner von Enreach entwickeln, die auf den Erfahrungen von Network Telecom und den Rückmeldungen unserer britischen Partner basieren. Wir freuen uns daher sehr, unsere neuen Kollegen in der Unternehmensgruppe willkommen zu heißen“, sagt Stijn Nijhuis, CEO von Enreach. Mit der Übernahme wächst der Einfluss von Enreach auf den europäischen Unified-Communications-Markt. Durch die zunehmende Größe und stetig wachsende Kompetenz der Gruppe profitieren sowohl Partner als auch Endkunden von einem breiten Spektrum an intelligenten Kommunikationslösungen. „Durch die Übernahme von Network Telecom können wir Wachstumschancen in Großbritannien noch besser nutzen und noch schneller auf die Anforderungen des Marktes reagieren. Dadurch ermöglichen wir unseren Partnern, künftig noch mehr Kunden mit bedarfsgerechten Kommunikationslösungen auszustatten und so ihren Umsatz weiter anzukurbeln“, erläutert Dr. Ralf Ebbinghaus, Chief Commercial Officer von Enreach und Geschäftsführer von Swyx. Telekommunikationslösungen für kleine Unternehmen Network Telecom bietet ein einzigartiges Angebot an verschiedenen spezialisierten Telekommunikationslösungen für kleine Unternehmen und wird weiterhin eigenständig agieren, zugleich aber von den Synergieeffekten innerhalb der Gruppe profitieren. Der Unternehmenssitz bleibt am heutigen Standort im englischen Telford. Paul Maxfield, der Unternehmensgründer und derzeitige Geschäftsführer, wird das Geschäft auch in Zukunft gemeinsam mit dem erfahrenen Führungsteam weiterführen. „In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir intensiv an einer Neuausrichtung gearbeitet, um unserem wachsenden Kundenstamm ein komplettes Portfolio an sicheren, innovativen Kommunikations- und IT-Lösungen anzubieten. Die Übernahme durch Enreach ist eine strategische und wohlüberlegte Entscheidung, die nicht nur das Wachstum unseres Unternehmens, sondern der gesamten Gruppe erleichtern wird. Die Kunden von Network Telecom werden den Kundenstamm von Enreach in Großbritannien erweitern und dazu beitragen, dass wir als Unternehmensgruppe Nutzeranforderungen noch besser verstehen und die eigenen Lösungen noch genauer an diesen ausrichten können“, resümiert Paul Maxfield. Über Network Telecom Network Telecom wurde 1997 gegründet und bietet Geschäftskunden IP- und Cloud-Telefonie, Anschlüsse, Verbindungen, Mobilfunk und IT-Services. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt mehr als 100 Mitarbeiter an seinem Sitz in Telford, England, und unterstützt mehr als 2.000 Unternehmen in ganz Großbritannien mit Telekommunikationslösungen. Innovation und Kundenorientierung sind die Kernkompetenzen von Network Telecom. Das Unternehmen ermöglicht seinen Kunden, alle benötigten Telekommunikations- und IT-Dienstleistungen aus einer Hand zu beziehen. Weitere Informationen unter: www.networktelecom.co.uk Über Enreach Enreach (vormals Within Reach) ist die Muttergesellschaft verschiedener Unternehmen wie Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic and Centile. Alle Marken tragen zu intelligenten, integrierten IT- und Kommunikationslösungen bei, die optimale Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg gewährleisten. Enreach ist in 25 Ländern aktiv und beschäftigt mehr als 650 Mitarbeiter. Weitere Informationen unter www.enreach.com. Pressemitteilung auf swyx.de
  5. Enreach, the fast-growing European group backed by pan-European investment company Waterland, strengthens its position in the IT and telecommunications markets with the acquisition of Network Telecom, a leading telecommunications provider in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1997, Network Telecom provides business telephony, hosted voice, lines & calls, connectivity, mobile and IT services to more than 2,000 small businesses across the UK. With the acquisition of Network Telecom, the impact of Enreach, parent company of Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile and ipnordic, on the European UC market is growing. Thanks to the increase in scale, both (reseller) partners and end users will benefit from a broad range of communication expertise. Expanding UK business Stijn Nijhuis, CEO of Enreach: "Besides our long history of successful UK Swyx business and some good performing Centile business, the acquisition of Network Telecom is our first significant step into the UK market. The acquisition will extend our UK ecosystem, local expertise and resources, which will benefit our partners. Network Telecom currently delivers its business through the direct channel and the goal will be to create joint proposals for Enreach's channel business and partners based on both feedback from Network Telecom and our current UK partners. We are therefore very pleased to be able to add Network Telecom to our group." Small enterprises Network Telecom offers a unique proposition of various specialist telecom solutions for small size enterprises and will continue to operate independently while leveraging strong group synergies. The company remains based at its current location in Telford, United Kingdom. Paul Maxfield, founder and current Managing Director of the company will continue to work with the business going forward alongside its experienced management team. Paul said: "Over the past few years, we have worked hard on a new direction to provide our growing customer base with a complete portfolio of secure communication and innovative IT solutions. The acquisition of Network Telecom by Enreach is a strategic and well-considered decision that will not only help facilitate our customers growth, but also the growth of the entire group. A good example is Network Telecom’s customer base which will serve as a market verification of Enreach solutions, partly due to its required volume". About Network Telecom Network Telecom was founded in 1997 and provides business telephony, hosted voice, lines & calls, connectivity, mobile and IT services to businesses throughout the UK. The company provides its portfolio of telecom services to more than 2,000 customers across the country and has over 100 employees based at its headquarters in Telford. With innovation at the forefront of its organisational values, Network Telecom aims to provide its clients with collaborative technologies and the opportunity to consolidate all of their telecom and IT services with one customer focused provider. For more information about Network Telecom, please visit www.networktelecom.co.uk About Enreach Enreach (previously known as Within Reach) is the holding company of several brands like Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic and Centile. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communications solutions that ensure optimum communication and workflow across organisations. Enreach operates in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 650 employees. For more information, please visit www.enreach.com Press release on swyx.com
  6. In the meantime this two photos from the Swyx FB page should do
  7. Within Reach, the fast-growing European UC provider, announces its new name Enreach with a new brand to match. The group, supported by pan-European investor Waterland, is a leading communications and technology business serving SMEs with intelligent communication solutions. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The groups products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Transformative technology and services Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. To create the best user experience and customer value for SMEs, a single one-stop-shop solution will evolve from combining the best of all companies within the group, empowering their customers. New era of growth Group CEO Stijn Nijhuis explains “Every business in the group was born from a desire to create great technology solutions, so businesses can collaborate and communicate more effectively with their customers and suppliers. Our new brand will reflect the joint ambition of the group and bring us all closer together to better serve our customers. But most importantly, our brand signifies a new era in our growth - an era where we need to attract and retain the best talent in the industry to deliver on our ambition to be the number one European UC provider”. Work wonders The culture that Enreach symbolizes in the entire organisation is a culture that puts the customers’ needs first and always aims to provide him with the features to “work wonders”. Across the group, the product experience will aim to make people smile, help businesses work more efficiently, and fundamentally bring value to each end user of one of the groups solutions. This mindset will significantly benefit the reselling partners of Enreach and make their own products more successful. Group CCO Ralf Ebbinghaus explains “Culture drives technology. A strong culture within a company drives how technology is developed, code written and customer experiences are shaped. We are in the process of building a single – high performing - culture throughout our group that raises the possibilities of how we service and develop technology for our partners and customers”. Jan Doerries, Director at Waterland, adds “As a growth investor, we encourage the team at Enreach in their ambition and we support the transformation of the group into a more unified network empowering each other to creating even better products and services.” About Enreach Enreach is the holding company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic, Centile and Eazit. All labels contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 650 employees. For more information about Enreach, please visit www.enreach.com Press release on enreach.de
  8. Aus Within Reach wird Enreach: Mit einem neuen Namen und gemeinsamen Markenauftritt schlägt die Unternehmensgruppe ein neues Kapitel in ihrer Geschichte auf. Der schnell wachsende europäische Unified-Communications-Anbieter Within Reach tritt ab sofort unter dem Namen Enreach auf. Die Gruppe, die von dem europaweit agierenden Investor Waterland unterstützt wird, ist ein führendes Kommunikations- und Technologieunternehmen, das kleine und mittelständische Kunden mit intelligenten Kommunikationslösungen unterstützt. Das Ziel von Enreach ist es, Unternehmen optimale Lösungen für Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zur Verfügung zu stellen, die genau auf ihren Bedarf abgestimmt und einfach zu bedienen sind. Die Produkte der Gruppe ermöglichen Unternehmen jeder Größe und Branche ihre Prozesse zu verbessern und sich auf diese Weise echte Wettbewerbsvorteile zu verschaffen. Technologien, die den Unterschied machen Enreach bietet UC-/Collaboration-Technologien und Telekommunikationsdienst-leistungen, die für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen sowie deren Mitarbeiter von grundlegender Bedeutung sind. Die Gruppe hat den Anspruch, die Nutzung ihrer Lösungen für Anwender optimal zu gestalten und nachhaltige Mehrwerte für ihre Kunden zu schaffen. Daher wird sie eine Komplettlösung, die das gebündelte Fachwissen aller ihrer Unternehmen vereint. „Jedes Unternehmen unserer Gruppe entstand aus dem Wunsch heraus, Unternehmen mit intelligenten Technologielösungen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Partnern effizienter zu gestalten. Unsere neue Marke ist Ausdruck unseres gemeinsamen Ziels und wird dazu beitragen, dass wir künftig innerhalb der Gruppe noch enger zusammenarbeiten und noch bessere Angebote für unsere Kunden entwickeln. Das macht uns nicht nur zu einem stärkeren Partner für Reseller und Kunden, sondern steigert auch unsere Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber. Mit dem Namen Enreach beginnt ein neuer Abschnitt in der Geschichte unserer Unternehmensgruppe: Mit vereinten Kräften werden wir unser Wachstum noch entschlossener vorantreiben, um unser Ziel zu erreichen, die Nummer eins im europäischen UC-Markt zu werden“, erläutert Stijn Nijhuis, CEO der Gruppe. Erwartungen übertreffen Im Mittelpunkt der Unternehmenskultur, die Enreach verkörpert, steht der Kunde mit seinen Bedürfnissen: Der Anspruch von Enreach ist es, Kunden Lösungen zu bieten, die Erwartungen an Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit übertreffen. Das Produktportfolio der gesamten Gruppe wird künftig noch stärker darauf ausgerichtet, grundlegende Mehrwerte für Kunden zu schaffen und Unternehmen zu ermöglichen, effizienter und erfolgreicher zu arbeiten. Dieses Selbstverständnis wird entscheidend dazu beitragen, die Produkte und Services der Gruppe weiter zu verbessern. Vertriebspartner profitieren dadurch von einem umfassenden Lösungsangebot, mit dem sie die Anforderungen ihrer Kunden optimal adressieren können. „Eine starke, kundenorientierte Unternehmenskultur ist die Grundlage für intelligente und bedarfsgerechte Technologien. Eine solche Kultur wollen wir gemeinsam als Gruppe aufbauen und jeden Tag aufs Neue mit Leben füllen. Denn wir sind überzeugt davon, dass wir auf diese Weise noch bessere Lösungen und Services für unsere Partner und Kunden entwickeln können“, erklärt Dr. Ralf Ebbinghaus, Chief Commercial Officer von Enreach. „Als Wachstumsinvestor fördern wir das Team von Enreach in seinem Ehrgeiz und unterstützen die Transformation der Gruppe in ein einheitlicheres Netzwerk, dessen Mitglieder sich gegenseitig in die Lage versetzen, noch bessere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln“, ergänzt Jan Dörries, Director bei Waterland. Über Enreach Enreach ist die Muttergesellschaft verschiedener Unternehmen wie Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic and Centile. Alle Marken tragen zu intelligenten, integrierten IT- und Kommunikationslösungen bei, die optimale Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg gewährleisten. Enreach ist in 25 Ländern aktiv und beschäftigt mehr als 650 Mitarbeiter. Weitere Informationen unter www.enreach.com. Pressemitteilung auf swyx.de
  9. Within Reach, the fast-growing European UC provider, announces its new name Enreach with a new brand to match. The group, supported by pan-European investor Waterland, is a leading communications and technology business serving SMEs with intelligent communication solutions. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The groups products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Transformative technology and services Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. To create the best user experience and customer value for SMEs, a single one-stop-shop solution will evolve from combining the best of all companies within the group, empowering their customers. New era of growth Group CEO Stijn Nijhuis explains “Every business in the group was born from a desire to create great technology solutions, so businesses can collaborate and communicate more effectively with their customers and suppliers. Our new brand will reflect the joint ambition of the group and bring us all closer together to better serve our customers. But most importantly, our brand signifies a new era in our growth - an era where we need to attract and retain the best talent in the industry to deliver on our ambition to be the number one European UC provider”. Work wonders The culture that Enreach symbolizes in the entire organisation is a culture that puts the customers’ needs first and always aims to provide him with the features to “work wonders”. Across the group, the product experience will aim to make people smile, help businesses work more efficiently, and fundamentally bring value to each end user of one of the groups solutions. This mindset will significantly benefit the reselling partners of Enreach and make their own products more successful. Group CCO Ralf Ebbinghaus explains “Culture drives technology. A strong culture within a company drives how technology is developed, code written and customer experiences are shaped. We are in the process of building a single – high performing - culture throughout our group that raises the possibilities of how we service and develop technology for our partners and customers”. Jan Doerries, Director at Waterland, adds “As a growth investor, we encourage the team at Enreach in their ambition and we support the transformation of the group into a more unified network empowering each other to creating even better products and services.” About Enreach Enreach is the holding company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic, Centile and Eazit. All labels contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 650 employees. For more information about Enreach, please visit www.enreach.com Press release on swyx.com
  10. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions or downloads might not be available anymore. This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 09:17 Dear Swyx Users The special work relation between a manager and his/her assistant usually includes a clear role assignment in terms of forwarding telephone calls. The manager normally does not receive any calls directly, but rather all incoming calls are forwarded through the defined secretariat number. As a result, the secretariat receives all calls, both those calls intended for the secretariat and those for the manager. All calls received in the secretariat are shown on the display of the manager's telephone and after a predefined time period, the calls will be signaled to the manager with an attention tone. Those calls which are received for the manager can be connected to the manager by the secretariat staff after. The scenario described above, which is often called the manager PA function, represents a combination of different parameters from the SwyxWare point of view, and these parameters must be appropriately configured by the participating users. Sounds complicated? Well it isn’t! Swyx provides a wizard for this purpose to help you to set up such a secretariat configuration with just a few mouse clicks. This wizard is started in SwyxWare Administration on the "Secretariate" tab of the User. This tab can be opened using the shortcut menu in the detail view of the highlighted user or via the appropriate symbol in the SwyxWare Administration toolbar Note: One user can take on the secretariats function for several managers. Each manager, however, is assigned exactly one secretariat. Therefore, after creating a secretary configuration in which the user functions as a manager, the “Add” button for the lower list view is deactivated. Happy swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  11. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions or downloads might not be available anymore. This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 09:17 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that SwyxWare enables you to dial your everyday contacts through global abbreviated dialing? Abbreviated dialing codes can be stored in the Global Phonebook and therefore made available for everyone. If you dial #45, for example, this input is not interpreted as a number: it is resolved using the Global Phonebook. The stored number will be dialed. If you are authorized to change the Global Phonebook, you can also store global abbreviated dialing codes with the help of SwyxIt!. To do this, create a new entry in the Global Phonebook and enter the dialing code of your choice in the "Name" field. Remember that the entry must begin with exactly one hash symbol. Two hash symbols are used for example for controlling other functions: e.g. ##10 starts Remote Inquiry, so cannot be a global abbreviated dialing code. Any questions? Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Kind regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  12. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions or downloads might not be available anymore. This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 09:17 Dear Swyx Users I'm sure everyone is familiar with the Swyx caller list. The caller list contains information about the calls that have come in for you. You see the numbers of the callers, their names (if known), the time of the call and what happened to it, whether it was picked up or forwarded and so on. If a call was not picked up by you, you will see this by the animation of the "Caller List" button. But did you know that you can also send an alert msg when you have missed a called? Yes, Swyx makes sure that you stay in control of your communication! No call will stay unanswered, as you will be notified straight away if you have missed an incoming call to your extension. SwyxWare sends you an e-mail with the caller details, date and time when you did not answer your phone. You have missed a call from +6493092323 McNeil Ltd on Thursday 23/10/2008 4:42:59 p.m. The called number was 301. Click here to call back: callto:+6493092323 Brought to you by: www.swyx.com Or you can even be notified via a txt message! To enable this notification e-mail, you have to add a simply call routing script to your rule book. You can download the sample ECR script fom below. Save the rule and import the script in your Call Routing Manager and change the e-mail address accordingly. AlertOnMissedCall.zip From now on, you will be notified if you missed a call and you can make sure that your customers are getting treated as they deserve it 😉 Any questions? Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing . . . . Kind regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  13. Thanks for reporting so superbly from the first conference day in Cannes. I hope you entertain us tomorrow equally good from the conference in Essen!
  14. Hallo, das kann in meinen Augen nur passieren, wenn die SwyxWare es nicht schafft den Ruf sauber abzubauen (aus welchem Grund auch immer). Wie sieht denn die Liste der aktuellen Rufe in der SwyxWare Administration aus? Findest Du dort alte Rufe, die eigentlich schon längst beendet sind?
  15. Please write as much as possible, as I won't be able to attend this years' conference.
  16. VBScript Lua Imagine you are on the road, somewhere on a business trip and you have just learned that you will be one more day out of office. So you will not be back tomorrow but only the day after. Problem is, that the announcement you left in your "I am out of office" call routing rule tells all callers that you will be back tomorrow. How can you prevent callers getting wrong information? Do you have a chance to change you announcement from on the road? Yes, you can! All you need to do is to get into your remote inquiry. From there you are able to change the announcement of your standard voicemail or the unconditional redirection (enable/disable as also the destination). But you don't want to enable it in your standard voicemail, so that every caller could press the # key to end up in your remote inquiry PIN prompt. The solution is a simple script on top of the rules list in your call routing manager, checking if you are calling, and if so getting you straight into your remote inquiry. All others should get into your default call routing. The following call routing script simply checks if it is you. If so the remote inquiry will be started. If not, the rule will be skipped, meaning that all following call routing rules in the list will be started. Place your mobile number into the "Call" block, so that the script will identify you from your mobile number. Within you remote inquiry it is up to you if you want to enter your PIN or not. One could argue, that you identified yourself already by your caller id, so the script already knows that it is you and the PIN prompt could be skipped. On the other hand with features like "CLIP, no screening" caller ids can be faked, you so might better not want to omit the PIN prompt. It's up to you. You can download this simple call routing script from here (of course you need to modify the currently configured mobile number). For VBScript based Call Routing: hello.rse For Lua based Call Routing: hello_Lua.rse Enjoy! PS: don't miss to take a look into the ECR Useful Link Collection
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