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Tom Wellige

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VBScript build in functions

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Gern geschehen! Aber was hindert Dich daran direkt PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress zu verwenden? Das liefert Dir doch das exakt gleiche Ergebnis.
  2. GetUserByAddress (PBXUser.Name) Das bringt Dir aber nichts, da Du die gleiche EMail Adresse wie bei PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress zurück geliefert bekommst.
  3. In meiner vorherigen Auflistung hatte ich PBXConfig.PBXUser.EMailAddress verwendet. Das ist so natürlich noch nicht richtig, sondern sollte nur darauf hindeuten, dass das der Wert ist, den man über PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress zurück bekommt. dim oUsers set oUsers = g_PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress("TestUser") dim oUser for Each oUser in oUsers PBXScript.OutputTrace "PBXConfig.PBXUser.EMailAddress = " & oUser.EMailAddress next Aber wie gesagt, auch dort bekommst Du die EMail Adresse zurück, die in der Standard Voicemail konfiguriert ist.
  4. Ich habe das gerade mal selbst ausprobiert, und kann Deine Ergenisse leider auch nur bestätigen. PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress und PBXConfig.PBXUser.EMailAddress liefern beide die EMail Adresse zurück die der aktuelle Skriptbenutzer in seiner Standard Voicemail konfiguriert hat. Letzteres interpretriere ich persönlich als Bug, der da allerdings schon seit 14 1/2 Jahren (seit dem es das PBXConfig Objekt gibt) so implementiert ist. Ich glaube nicht, dass das geändert wird, weil dann im Zweifelsfall viele Skripte auf die Nase fallen, die dann an der Stelle plötzlich ein anderes als das bisherige Ergebnis zurück geliefert bekommen.
  5. Die Properties auf dem PBXUser und PBXConfig Objekt sind die einzigen, die auf COM Schnisttstellen (und damit im VBScript Call Routing) zur Verfügung stehen. Ich habe die Properties auf dem PBXConfig Objekt selbst niemals verwendet und hätte jetzt vermutet, dass das dortige PBXUser.EMailAddress den gewünschten Wert zurück liefert.
  6. Jep, das ist die konfigurierte EMail Adresse des Benutzers.
  7. Hi Mathias, die globale "From" Addresse kann über das PBXConfig Objekt abgefragt werden (PBXConfig.VoicemailFromAddress). Die Details nebst Beispiel Code findet Du hier: https://www.swyxforum.com/vbscript-server-script-api/pbxconfig/server-properties-r85/
  8. The following forum topic is restored from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014)
  9. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 10:13 Dear Swyx Users SwyxWare offers integrated conferencing functionality that allows you to easily setup and conduct conference calls for your staff, suppliers and customers. A conference can be quickly set up individually by any user or the callers can dial directly into a virtual conference room with a unique extension. Conference rooms are set up by the administrator. Internal or external numbers are assigned with which the conference rooms can be "entered". In contrast to a conference held only via SwyxIt! or phone, all participants can leave the conference independently of one another, without the conference being terminated. Access to conference calls can also be controlled with a PIN or restricted to calls from certain telephone numbers. A conference room can further have “opening hours” associated and you can download this simple sample script from here: ConferenceRoomWithOpenHoursAndPIN.zip Because it is a Swyx is software-based solution, Swyx conferencing capabilities do not require any additional hardware 🙂 , Swyx Optionpack Conference or Optionpack Professional is needed to enable this feature. Any questions? Happy weekend... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/ Don't miss to take a look onto the ECR Useful Link Collection for more such examples.
  10. VBScript Lua Last week I have shown how to setup a simple call routing script for the conference user to have a different pin validation for every available conference room. The latest version in that article had an hard coded pin validation for each room in an Evaluate block. This was ok when still developing the script but I don't consider that version properly usable or a customer as it is quite complicated for an untrained person to change a pin for a conference room. The GSE comes with a quite handy feature which could help us out here: GSE Rule Parameters. A GSE rule can have any number of parameters which can be configured from outside the GSE rule, i.e. the call routing manager, and will then be passed into the GSE rule. We will make use of this to have all pins for all conference rooms as parameters, so they can be easily modified from the call routing manager, even from a totally untrained user. WE had seen this actually already in a previous blog, #3: Be more flexible on dates! So, how do these parameter work? Quite simple actually. With just 3 steps you get them fully functional into your call routing script. Step 1 - Define the Parameter Open the properties of your GSE rule and switch to the parameters page. On there you will see an empty list in which you can add any number of parameters. Press the "+" button to add a parameter. You are now getting asked for three values. The first value is the name of the parameter. This name will show up in the description field in the call routing manager. The second value is a variable name. The parameter which is configured on the call routing manager (outside the GSE rule) is available within the GSE rule in this variable. The third value is the default value for this parameter which is used until the user modifies it. The user will also be able to revert back to this default at any time. Step 2 - Use the Parameter Once the parameter is defined it can be used. As said, within the GSE rule it is available in the variable we have defined in step 1. Of course now it depends on what your call routing script should do. In this tiny example I will pass the name of an announcement (file name) into the script and use the "Play Announcement" block to play that file. As file name we simply use the content of the defined variable. Step 3 - Set the Description The final step is to take a closer look onto the description of the GSE rule. As seen in the first image in this article a parameter is a clickable link in the description field of the GSE rule. So somehow we need to write something clever into the description field of the GSE rule, so that the call routing manager will display that clickable link. You can now read all manuals the SwyxWare comes with and do some extensive Google searches to find a definition of the required syntax for these links... Or.... Press the following button: This is exactly the reason this button is there for in the first place. By clicking it, the GSE will generate for every configured parameter the required syntax in the description field. That's it! Save the GSE rule, exit the GSE and the parameter in all its glory in the call routing manager: By clicking on the link in the description field you are now able to set another announcement file name, which will further on used by the rule and announced for every incoming call. In case you want to check this little yourself, here it is: For VBScript based Call Routing Parameter Test.rse For Lua based Call Routing ParameterTest_Lua.rse Conclusion Now it is time to take the PIN validation for the conference rooms of last weeks blog article and bring it to the promised next comfort level. Define parameters for every room: Use the parameters when validating the PIN: Set the description field of the GSE rule: Done! We now have a call routing script for the conference user that provide a PIN validation for each conference room, where it is possible to give every room its own welcome announcement and PIN number, and to modify the different PINs from outside of the GSE rule in the call routing manager. In case you want to use it/play with it, here it is: For VBScript based Call Routing: Conferene_PIN_3.rse For Lua based Call Routing: Conferene_PIN_3_Lua.rse Enjoy! PS: don't miss to take a look into the ECR Useful Link Collection
  11. If you are using the open source Zammad Community, a web-based, open source user support/ticketing solution, you might be interested in this available integration. It allows you the create a new ticket from within the SwyxIt!, better saying from within a SwyxIt! Webextension skin element: SWYX Ticket Creation via Swyx Web Extension and Zammad API Thanks to janosch23 for sharing your extension with the world!
  12. Stimmt, das hätte ich vergessen gestern nach dem Release hier noch zu posten
  13. I am sure you know that for some time now Swyx operates the new "Swyx Help Center" as replacement for the former "Swyx Knowledgebase". In the beginning the former "Swyx Knowledgebase" was still available via the menu of the Swyx website, but that link has been removed lately. Many old KB articles have been moved into the new system, but not all. So in case you really need to search and find old content, you have to rely on the Google index. Fortunately (at least at the moment) the entire old Knowledgebase with all its articles and also the search page still exists. It is just not linked anymore. So, in case you need them, here are the links Swyx Knowledgebase (English) https://www.swyx.com/products/support/knowledge-base.html Swyx Knowledgebase (Deutsch) https://www.swyx.de/produkte/support/wissensdatenbank.html Please note that these links might also become unavailable at some time in the future. Also, the Knowledgebase is not used for new (support related) content anymore. So your first address to search for help should always be the "Swyx Help Center" (or Google, or Swyx Forum )
  14. Den hat Swyx leider eingestellt und von den DVDs genommen. Du findest ihn noch auf alten SwyxWare 2015 DVDs und er funktionert auch noch einwandfrei mit einer SwyxWare 11. Du kannst aber auch alles über die SwyxWare Administration machen (Server Eigenschaften, Dateien Tab, Bearbeiten...). Grob habe ich das in diesem Blog Artikel beschrieben: #4: Take me to your leader! Mit der Administration kannst Du alles machen, was in der Doku der Persistenten Variablen mit dem File Explorer beschrieben ist: 2.3 - Setup Persistent Variable GSE Action
  15. For the last hour the forum wasn't reachable (503 Service Temporarily Unavailable). The forum hoster had some technical issues which have been solved in the meantime. Just in case you saw that error and wondered what happened.
  16. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 10:07 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that Swyx can access data directly from a web page? In the following downloadable example, the finance website from Yahoo is checked and the latest exchange rate on New Zealand Dollar-Euro is retrieved. Then the information is played back to the caller. ExchangeRate.zip Function: Inbound call Script retrieves exchange rate from www Script plays result back to caller How can Swyx do this? By using the graphical script editor and a VB script statement, Swyx can access information from the website. '' VB script statement '' Function dollar() Dim http_req, pos Set http_req = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") http_req.open "GET", "http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=NZDEUR=X&d=0b", False http_req.send() pos = instr(http_req.responseText,"Last Trade") dollar = mid(http_req.responseText, pos+52,6) End Function The original version of this script can be found on the Swyx Knowledge base article Custom VBScript Code - Access Web Page Within A Script (KB2650). This is just a small example on how to retrieve real-time data from a online source. If you have further question please don’t hesitate to contact me. Happy swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/ Don't miss to take a look onto the ECR Useful Link Collection for more such examples.
  17. VBScript Lua The SwyxWare comes with build-in conference rooms. In order to use them you just have to assign the wanted number (or numbers) to the "Conference" user via the SwyxWare Administration within the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) or Swyx Control Center (SCC). When using the SCC you can assign a PIN for each configured conference room (from SwyxWare 11.50 or SwyxON 1.50 on). When using the MMC you just get the conference rooms without any PIN. But it is actually quite easy to setup a call routing for the PIN validation in front of such a conference room. This article will show how to do that, also for several different rooms, each with its own PIN. With a Get DTMF String block we ask the caller for a 5 digit pin and store it into a variable sPIN. Hint: please never ever use a name PIN as variable name. Why is explained here: GSE build-in function PIN. Afterwards we use the Evaluate block to check if the entered pin equals 12345. The SwyxWare handles numbers and DTMF digits internally as strings. So within the variable sPIN is a string and not a number. Therefore we have to compare it with a string "12345" and not a number 12345. In the latter case we would compare apples with oranges. If the entered pin equals 12345 the call will be connected into the conference room. This is done by using the Connect To block and use the "original destination" as target: From here you can download the call routing script. Please refer to the "Take me to your leader!" blog article to learn how to import this file. For VBScript based Call Routing: Conferene_PIN_1.rse For Lua based Call Routing: Conferene_PIN_1_Lua.rse With the above script it is possible to have a pin check in front of one room or the same pin check in front of every room. If you have several rooms and want to have each room with its own pin the script needs to get modified a little bit. Lets assume the rooms 300, 301 and 302 should get their own pin as also their own announcement asking for the pin. To do so Call blocks are used to evaluate which rooms has been called. As you can see, every conference room has now its own Get DTMF String and Evaluate block. This gives us the chance to configure different announcements per conference room as also different pins. Within the Call block at the beginning of each line we check, if a certain conference room (i.e. internal extension of the Conference user) has been called: From here you can download the call routing script: For VBScript based Call Routing: Conferene_PIN_2.rse For Lua based Call Routing: Conferene_PIN_2_Lua.rse The latest version of the script is already functional but not yet very user friendly. Imagine you have to change the pin for one of the rooms. You have to get into the GSE, open the "Properties" of the correct "Evaluate" block, change to the "Parameters" page and enter the new PIN between the quotation marks. If you are not used to handle the GSE there is a certain chance that you damage something. Fortunately there is a really nice and easy solution to get the script more easy maintainable. That will be the topic of next weeks blog article. Enjoy! PS: don't miss to take a look into the ECR Useful Link Collection
  18. Die Änderung die Apple mit iOS 13 eingeführt hat, wird natürlich in der SwyxWare angepasst werden. Bis dahin beschreibt der oben verlinkte Artikel was manuell zu tun ist.
  19. Wenn Sie Swyx Mobile für iOS verwenden und Ihr iPhone auf iOS 13 aktualisieren, ist der folgende Artikel im Swyx Help Center ggf. von Interesse: Swyx Mobile für iOS und iOS 13
  20. If you use Swyx Mobile for iOS and update your mobile phone to iOS 13 the following article in the Swyx Help Center might be of interest for you: Swyx Mobile for iOS and iOS 13
  21. Just as a short add-on information here: parallel call distribution is planned for Visual Groups in the future. So this workaround might not be needed for too long time
  22. Swyx rocks its partners and technology conference 2019: The new version 12 of Swyx‘s communication solution, a simplified licensing model and an exclusive insight into the strategy of the unified communications provider and its partner companies were among the highlights of the event programme. Under the theme WE WILL ROCK YOU, Swyx prepared a varied mix of novelties and background information, lectures and interactive discussions, exhibitions and networking, not only to inform its partners, but above all to inspire them. The extraordinary atmosphere in Essen's Colosseum Theater, one of the most spectacular industrial monuments in the Ruhr area, provided the perfect setting for exciting insights into the latest developments at Swyx. New version with fresh design and powerful messenger At the event, Swyx gave the first preview of the new version 12 of its communication solution, which will already be available in November. The release brings a new design to the Windows client. Users can choose from a variety of available user interfaces for the requirements of different user groups. In addition, Version 12 offers a new redundancy concept for automatic failover based on standardised virtualisation mechanisms, which ensures maximum availability with a monitoring service. With improved support for certified Yealink end devices, which are now also part of the Swyx product portfolio, employees in the home office can be securely integrated into a company's communications environment without having to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN). In future, Swyx will also be able to integrate Yealink terminals into the network via IEEE 802.1x port authentication, providing an authentication method that meets the highest security requirements. With the release of version 12.10, which is already planned for the beginning of 2020, a new messenger will also be available. In the future, Swyx's instant messaging functions will be available in all clients and can also be used without any restrictions on mobile devices. There was also great interest in a showcase on the integration possibilities of artificial intelligence that Swyx had prepared for the event. Using the example of a visit report that sales staff create to document customer visits, Swyx demonstrated how typical workflows can be made even more efficient using an AI-based chatbot. Instead of laboriously entering customer appointment details manually on returning to the office or home office, the sales employee can simply pass them on in a conversation - for example, during the car trip directly after the customer visit. The intelligent Swyx Chatbot requests all relevant information and immediately adds it to the CRM system. In addition to the new products, Swyx presented a simplified licensing model. The unified communications provider is planning a uniform licensing model for all delivery models. The Basic, Professional and Premium function profiles introduced a few months ago as part of the Swyx Flex rental model will therefore also be available as part of the purchase model in the future. This makes it easier for resellers to prepare offers and promotes sales, as they can convince their customers with packages that are optimally tailored to their needs. New growth opportunities, close cooperation Another central theme of the event was the outlook for the future of the Swyx Group and the benefits that resellers will reap as the group expands. With immediate effect, the fast-growing group will rebrand to Enreach and underline its claim to leadership in the European unified communications market with the new umbrella brand. "The new brand identity shows that we have grown together as a group of companies. The common name is an expression of our efforts to offer our partners and customers even better solutions in the future, combining the bundled expertise of the entire group," says Marco Crueger, VP Sales at Swyx. "Our partners can continue to rely on the trust and cooperation that has been the foundation of Swyx's success from the company's beginnings.” Closer cooperation within the group will provide sales partners with a significantly expanded product and service portfolio that will enable them to win new customers and increase sales to existing customers. This year, Swyx has already launched a number of new products developed by the UC provider together with its sister company Voiceworks, such as the collaboration tool Swyx Meeting and the Swyx Flex rental model. At the Swyx Partner and Technology Conference, Voiceworks also introduced Coligo, a public cloud product for small enterprises that opens up further growth opportunities for Swyx partners. A key factor for partners is the Operator Online ordering and administration portal, which was launched a few months ago and was explained in detail at the event. In the future, partners will not only be able to purchase Swyx, but also products from other companies in the group via the platform. Partner Awards The Partner and Technology Conference 2019 ended with the presentation of the Swyx Partner Awards, which resellers receive for outstanding achievements. New this year was the category Swyx Flex Champion: BEU:com received the title as well as a one-time advertising subsidy of 5,000 Euro. The ICT system house from Hagen, Germany, generated the highest revenues with the Swyx Flex rental model introduced in April. The customer Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH received a special prize because Swyx broke the one million user barrier with it in 2019: The millionth user is one of a total of 400 Swyx users at Adelholzener. Press release on swyx.com
  23. Swyx rocks its Partner and Technology Conference 2019: The new version 12 of Swyx‘s communication solution, a simplified licensing model and an exclusive insight into the strategy of the unified communications provider and its partner companies were among the highlights of the event programme. Under the theme WE WILL ROCK YOU, Swyx prepared a varied mix of novelties and background information, lectures and interactive discussions, exhibitions and networking, not only to inform its partners, but above all to inspire them. The extraordinary atmosphere in Essen's Colosseum Theater, one of the most spectacular industrial monuments in the Ruhr area, provided the perfect setting for exciting insights into the latest developments at Swyx. New version with fresh design and powerful messenger At the event, Swyx gave the first preview of the new version 12 of its communication solution, which will already be available in November. The release brings a new design to the Windows client. Users can choose from a variety of available user interfaces for the requirements of different user groups. In addition, Version 12 offers a new redundancy concept for automatic failover based on standardised virtualisation mechanisms, which ensures maximum availability with a monitoring service. With improved support for certified Yealink end devices, which are now also part of the Swyx product portfolio, employees in the home office can be securely integrated into a company's communications environment without having to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN). In future, Swyx will also be able to integrate Yealink terminals into the network via IEEE 802.1x port authentication, providing an authentication method that meets the highest security requirements. With the release of version 12.10, which is already planned for the beginning of 2020, a new messenger will also be available. In the future, Swyx's instant messaging functions will be available in all clients and can also be used without any restrictions on mobile devices. There was also great interest in a showcase on the integration possibilities of artificial intelligence that Swyx had prepared for the event. Using the example of a visit report that sales staff create to document customer visits, Swyx demonstrated how typical workflows can be made even more efficient using an AI-based chatbot. Instead of laboriously entering customer appointment details manually on returning to the office or home office, the sales employee can simply pass them on in a conversation - for example, during the car trip directly after the customer visit. The intelligent Swyx Chatbot requests all relevant information and immediately adds it to the CRM system. In addition to the new products, Swyx presented a simplified licensing model. The unified communications provider is planning a uniform licensing model for all delivery models. The Basic, Professional and Premium function profiles introduced a few months ago as part of the Swyx Flex rental model will therefore also be available as part of the purchase model in the future. This makes it easier for resellers to prepare offers and promotes sales, as they can convince their customers with packages that are optimally tailored to their needs. New growth opportunities, close cooperation Another central theme of the event was the outlook for the future of the Swyx Group and the benefits that resellers will reap as the group expands. With immediate effect, the fast-growing group will rebrand to Enreach and underline its claim to leadership in the European unified communications market with the new umbrella brand. "The new brand identity shows that we have grown together as a group of companies. The common name is an expression of our efforts to offer our partners and customers even better solutions in the future, combining the bundled expertise of the entire group," says Marco Crueger, VP Sales at Swyx. "Our partners can continue to rely on the trust and cooperation that has been the foundation of Swyx's success from the company's beginnings.” Closer cooperation within the group will provide sales partners with a significantly expanded product and service portfolio that will enable them to win new customers and increase sales to existing customers. This year, Swyx has already launched a number of new products developed by the UC provider together with its sister company Voiceworks, such as the collaboration tool Swyx Meeting and the Swyx Flex rental model. At the Swyx Partner and Technology Conference, Voiceworks also introduced Coligo, a public cloud product for small enterprises that opens up further growth opportunities for Swyx partners. A key factor for partners is the Operator Online ordering and administration portal, which was launched a few months ago and was explained in detail at the event. In the future, partners will not only be able to purchase Swyx, but also products from other companies in the group via the platform. Partner Awards The Partner and Technology Conference 2019 ended with the presentation of the Swyx Partner Awards, which resellers receive for outstanding achievements. New this year was the category Swyx Flex Champion: BEU:com received the title as well as a one-time advertising subsidy of 5,000 Euro. The ICT system house from Hagen, Germany, generated the highest revenues with the Swyx Flex rental model introduced in April. The customer Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH received a special prize because Swyx broke the one million user barrier with it in 2019: The millionth user is one of a total of 400 Swyx users at Adelholzener. The winners of the Swyx Partner Awards 2019 at a glance: Category Award winners Top Partner Italy ACS Data Systems AG Top Partner Austria Data-Way IT-Consulting GmbH Top Partner Switzerland it2day AG Top Partner Netherlands Adfocom Automatisering B.V. Top Partner Germany Telenova GmbH Netgo GmbH Green IT Das Systemhaus GmbH dreisechzig ITC GmbH 3iMedia GmbH Top Cloud Partner Germany hiko systems GmbH Excellence Partner Frings Informatic Solutions GmbH Swyx Flex Champion BEU:com GmbH Customer Award (Millionth Swyx User) Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH Press release on enreach.de
  24. Swyx rockt seine Partner und Technologie Konferenz 2019: Die neue Version 12 der Swyx Kommunikationslösung, ein vereinfachtes Lizenzmodell sowie ein exklusiver Einblick in die Strategie des Unified-Communications-Anbieters und seiner Partnerunternehmen gehörten zu den Highlights des Veranstaltungsprogramms. Unter dem Motto WE WILL ROCK YOU hatte Swyx eine abwechslungsreiche Mischung aus Neuheiten und Hintergrundinformationen, Vorträgen und interaktiven Diskussionen, Show und Networking vorbereitet, um seine Partner nicht nur zu informieren, sondern vor allem zu begeistern. Die außergewöhnliche Atmosphäre im Essener Colosseum Theater, einem der spektakulärsten Industriedenkmäler des Ruhrgebiets, lieferte dabei den passenden Rahmen für spannende Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Swyx. Neue Version mit frischem Design und leistungsstarkem Messenger Auf der Veranstaltung gab Swyx erstmals einen Ausblick auf die neue Version 12 seiner Kommunikationslösung, die bereits im November zur Verfügung steht. Das Release bringt ein neues Design des Windows-Clients mit sich. Anwender können aus einer Vielzahl verfügbarer Bedienoberflächen für die Anforderungen verschiedener Nutzer-Gruppen wählen. Daneben bietet Version 12 ein neues Redundanz-Konzept zur automatischen Ausfallsicherung auf Basis von standardisierten Virtualisierungsmechanismen, das mit einem Überwachungsdienst für maximale Verfügbarkeit sorgt. Mit der verbesserten Unterstützung von zertifizierten Yealink-Endgeräten, die jetzt auch zum Swyx Produktportfolio gehören, lassen sich Mitarbeiter im Home-Office sicher in die Kommunikationsumgebung eines Unternehmens einbinden, ohne dass dafür ein Virtual Private Network (VPN) eingerichtet werden muss. Künftig ermöglicht es Swyx zudem, Yealink-Endgeräte über eine Port-Authentisierung gemäß IEEE 802.1x ins Netzwerk zu integrieren, und bietet damit ein Authentifizierungsverfahren, das auch den höchsten Sicherheitsansprüchen gerecht wird. Im Zuge des Releases der Version 12.10, das bereits für Anfang 2020 geplant ist, steht außerdem ein neuer Messenger zur Verfügung. Künftig sind die Instant-Messaging-Funktionen von Swyx in allen Clients verfügbar und lassen sich auch ohne Einschränkungen auf mobilen Endgeräten nutzen. Auf großes Interesse stieß zudem ein Showcase zu den Integrationsmöglichkeiten von künstlicher Intelligenz, den Swyx für die Veranstaltung vorbereitet hatte. Am Beispiel eines Besuchsberichts, den Vertriebsmitarbeiter zur Dokumentation von Kundenbesuchen erstellen, zeigte Swyx, wie sich typische Arbeitsabläufe mithilfe eines KI-basierten Chatbots noch effizienter gestalten lassen: Statt die Details des Kundentermins erst nach der Rückkehr ins Büro oder Home Office mühsam manuell zu erfassen, kann der Vertriebsmitarbeiter diese ganz einfach im Gespräch durchgeben – zum Beispiel während der Autofahrt direkt nach dem Kundenbesuch. Der intelligente Swyx Chatbot erfragt dabei alle relevanten Informationen und fügt diese umgehend dem CRM-System hinzu. Einheitliches Lizenzmodell und neue Video-Spots Neben den Produktneuheiten stellte Swyx ein vereinfachtes Lizenzmodell vor. Der Unified-Communications-Anbieter plant ein einheitliches Lizenzmodell für alle Bezugsmodelle vom Kauf bis hin zum Cloud-Dienst SwyxON. Die vor einigen Monaten im Rahmen des Mietmodells Swyx Flex eingeführten Funktionsprofile Basic, Professional und Premium stehen daher in Zukunft auch im Kaufmodell zur Verfügung. Das erleichtert Resellern die Angebotserstellung und fördert den Verkauf, da sie ihre Kunden mit optimal auf deren Bedarf zugeschnittenen Paketen überzeugen können. Bereits vor einigen Monaten hat der UC-Anbieter die neue Video-Serie „Digital normal“ herausgebracht und seinen Partnern damit ein Marketing-Tool an die Hand gegeben, um Swyx auf humorvolle Art zu präsentieren. Die kurzen Episoden rund um die Digitalisierung der Bürokommunikation zeigen, wie sich typische Prozesse in einem Unternehmen mit einer intelligenten Unified-Communications-Lösung verbessern lassen. Aufgrund der großen Beliebtheit der ersten fünf Folgen, setzt Swyx die Serie fort und präsentiert pünktlich zur Partner und Technologie Konferenz drei neue Folgen. Die komplette Serie finden Interessierte online unter: www.swyx.de/digitalnormal. Neue Wachstumschancen, enge Zusammenarbeit Ein zentrales Thema der Veranstaltung war zudem der Ausblick, wie sich die Unternehmensgruppe, zu der Swyx gehört, künftig präsentiert und von welchen Vorteilen Reseller im Zuge ihrer voranschreitenden Expansion profitieren. Die schnell wachsende Gruppe tritt ab sofort unter dem Namen Enreach auf und unterstreicht mit der neuen Dachmarke ihren Führungsanspruch im europäischen Unified-Communications-Markt. „Der neue Markenauftritt zeigt, dass wir als Unternehmensgruppe zusammengewachsen sind. Der gemeinsame Name ist Ausdruck unserer Bestrebungen, unseren Partnern und Kunden in Zukunft noch bessere Lösungen anzubieten, die das gebündelte Fachwissen der gesamten Gruppe in sich vereinen“, sagt Marco Crueger, VP Sales von Swyx. „Dabei können sich unsere Partner weiterhin auf die vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit verlassen, die seit den Anfängen von Swyx die Grundlage unseres Erfolgs ist.“ Durch die engere Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Gruppe steht Vertriebspartnern ein deutlich erweitertes Produkt- und Serviceportfolio zur Verfügung, mit dem sie neue Kunden gewinnen und ihren Umsatz mit Bestandskunden steigern können. In diesem Jahr hat Swyx schon einige Neuheiten auf den Markt gebracht, die der UC-Anbieter gemeinsam mit seinem Schwesterunternehmen Voiceworks entwickelt hat, wie beispielsweise das Collaboration-Tool Swyx Meeting und das Mietmodell Swyx Flex. Zusätzlich stellte Voiceworks auf der Swyx Partner und Technologie Konferenz mit Coligo ein Public-Cloud-Produkt für Kleinstunternehmen vor, das Swyx Partnern weitere Wachstumschancen eröffnet. Zentrale Bedeutung für Partner hat das vor einigen Monaten eingeführte Bestell- und Administrationsportal Operator Online, dessen Handhabung auf der Veranstaltung ausführlich erläutert wurde. Über die Plattform können Partner in Zukunft nicht nur Swyx, sondern auch Produkte der anderen Unternehmen der Gruppe beziehen. Auszeichnungen für Partner Den Abschluss der Partner und Technologie Konferenz bildete auch 2019 wieder die Verleihung der Swyx Partner Awards, die Reseller für besondere Leistungen erhalten. In diesem Jahr neu dabei war die Kategorie Swyx Flex Champion: BEU:com konnte sich über den Titel sowie einen einmaligen Werbekostenzuschuss in Höhe von 5.000 Euro freuen. Das ITK-Systemhaus aus Hagen hatte die höchsten Umsätze mit dem im April eingeführten Mietmodell Swyx Flex generiert. Einen Sonderpreis erhielt zudem die Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH, da Swyx 2019 mit ihr die Eine-Million-User-Marke knackte: Der millionste Anwender ist einer von insgesamt 400 Swyx Nutzern bei Adelholzener. Pressemitteilung auf swyx.de
  25. Ringdesk BV releases a Zendesk plug-in to integrate Swyx into Zendesk. A few more details can be found here: ★ Remco Eikhout ★ on LinkedIn: "Ringdesk releases the Swyx-Zendesk Plug-in, available soon in the Zendesk store. Here is a preview of high quality integration #zendesk #preview #integration #releases #highquality #swyx #efficiency " WWW.LINKEDIN.COM September 27, 2019: ★ Remco Eikhout ★ posted on LinkedIn
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