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Tom Wellige

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Enreach, the fast-growing European UC provider, enters the Spanish IT and telecommunications market with the addition of masvoz, the number one B2B cloud communications provider in Spain. With more than 15 years of experience in helping 1,500 companies move their communications to the cloud, masvoz allows corporate clients to work better and more efficiently. Growth opportunities in Spain The addition of masvoz, one of the leading players in Spain, provides Enreach, supported by pan-European investment company Waterland, with a great opportunity to exploit growth opportunities in the Spanish market and to consolidate its presence in Europe. The integration of masvoz into the group enables Enreach to further extend its range of products and add a cloud-based contact center solution to its portfolio, a tool that combines the advantages of the cloud with the means to enhance telephony-based customer service. Stijn Nijhuis, CEO of Enreach: "By adding masvoz to our group we have the ideal platform to enter the Spanish market, one of Europe’s fastest growing UC markets. Thanks to this operation, the customers of masvoz will benefit from a broader product portfolio. On the other hand, we will further improve our product range with the capabilities masvoz brings to the group, especially our new colleagues’ expertise in contact center solutions. Together we will continue to build a great ecosystem of strong telco leaders who dare to pioneer, innovate and provide excellent and personal service to customers. We are therefore very pleased to be able to add masvoz to our group." Added value Masvoz has a complete portfolio of products (cloud contact center, cloud PBX, phone numbers, IVR and APIs) and develops scalable and tailored solutions for its clients. It markets these solutions through a UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) and pay-per-use model. The company specialises in adapting its most beneficial features to meet the industry needs of its customers, transforming a company’s telephony into a business advantage. This ultimately enables their customers to grow and offer more added value. Masvoz will continue to operate independently while benefitting from group synergies as well as Enreach’s market and technology knowledge. The company remains based at its current location in Barcelona, Spain. Alfred Nesweda, co-founder and CEO of Masvoz, will continue to lead the business going forward alongside its experienced management team. Alfred said: "We are excited to become a part of Enreach, a strong partner who shares our focus on efficient communication as a way to enrich relationships. At masvoz, we offer smart communications solutions that help businesses to grow, to become more flexible and efficient and communicate more effectively. Joining Enreach will help facilitate our customers’ growth even further. We look forward to shaping the future together and achieve maximum success in Spain and across European markets.” The transaction is subject to approval by the Spanish regulator and is expected to complete by the end of the year. About Enreach Enreach is the parent company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic, Centile, Eazit and Network Telecom. Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The groups products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 775 employees. For more information about Enreach visit www.enreach.com About masvoz Masvoz, based in Barcelona (Spain), is the number one Spanish B2B telco specialised in smart cloud telephony. The company has more than 15 years of experience in business communication services and offers a wide suite of value-added services. Founded in 2002, masvoz has a strong focus on cloud communications and with a team of 70 employees servicing more than 1,500 enterprises in Spain and Europe. With their proprietary communications platform they support more than 500,000 calls on a daily basis. For more information about masvoz visit www.masvoz.net Press release on swyx.com
  2. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 20.02.2009 01:41 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that incoming callers can control the reproduction of an announcement via the phones keypad? When listening to voice prompts, SwyxWare can offer callers to rewind or fast-forward the currently played message. How does it work: If the caller would like the hear the beginning of the announcement again, one can press "1" and the message starts again at the beginning. To rewind the last 10 seconds of the currently played announcement, one can press "4" and "5" brings the announcement to stop. The caller can continue the announcement by pressing "5". Here an overview on the available DTMF controls: "1" to the beginning of the announcement "4" rewinds the last 10 seconds "5" Stop/Start the current announcement "6" jumps 10 seconds forward To enables this feature you simply have to edit the "Play Announcement" block in your Graphical Script Editor and activate the option "Play control enabled". Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  3. Das ist nicht das komplette Trace für den Call. Das Trace geht bis zum Start der Ansage "Neu_Wilkommen.wav" und endet 2ms später. Um helfen zu können, benötige ich die exportierte .RSE Datei des Call Routing Skripts und das komplette Trace eines Testanrufes.
  4. VBScript Lua If you have ever wondered if it is possible to use the SwyxWare call routing to build your own speaking clock, the answer is yes. Of course, otherwise I wouldn't blog about it here As a matter of fact this was the very first call routing example in the Swyx Knowledgebase (kb2249) many moons ago (October 2002). As Swyx is taking the Knowledgbase out of service (and replaces it by articles in the Swyx Help Center) I have spent some time to scan through old articles and found this 17 years old example of a speaking clock (written by my former colleague Uwe). I took the liberty and updated it a little bit (replaced some old techniques by Server Script API functionality which wasn't available back then) and provide it here again. For VBScript based Call Routing: SpeakingClock.zip For Lua based Call Routing: SpeakingClock_Lua.zip How to use it? Take the .rse file from the above download and import it into the call routing of your desired user. If you need some help on this please refer to my previous blog post #4: Take me to your leader! You will also find a couple of .wav files in the above download. You need to upload them for the desired user as well. You can do this from within the GSE Play Announcement block or via the file properties of the server within the SwyxWare Administration (see above linked blog post for details). How does it work? The script welcomes the caller by saying "Good morning", "Good day" or "Good Evening" (depending of the time of the day) and the announces the current date. Afterwards it announces "At the next beep it is ..." followed by the time until the next full 10 seconds. It then waits until the next full 10 seconds are reached and play a beep. From here on it repeats from step 2 until the caller disconnects the call Hope you will find it useful. We have it running here in our SwyxWare now for 17 years. I just figured that next year it will get of age Enjoy! PS: don't miss to take a look into the ECR Useful Link Collection
  5. Hallo, da hat ein Fehler überlebt. Beim Copy&Paste aus dem alten Forum ist an vielen Stellen ein Befehl verschluckt worden. Ich dachte, alle Stellen an denen das passiert ist, hätte ich mittlerweile korrigiert. Sorry! Ich habe den Code oben korrigiert. Einfach nochmal per Copy&Paste in den Start Block kopieren, dann gehts. Zur Erklärung: in der folgenden Zeile hat das "Set" an Anfang gefehlt: Set Users = g_PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress(sNumber)
  6. Habe gerade die Funktion für den Reformationstag angepasst. In Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachen und Schleswig-Holstein wird er nun auch als solcher erkannt. Ausserdem habe ich den reinen Skriptcode aus dem Post entfernt und ihn statt dessen in einer Textdatei eingefügt, für die nun ein Downloadlink vorhanden ist. Wie immer findet man alles notwendige im ersten Post in diesem Topic.
  7. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 13.02.2009 01:38 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that Swyx allows supervisors and call centre manager to monitor conversation of their agents? Call intrusion is part of Swyx Option Pack Monitor and enables managers to silently listen into current conversations on the Swyx Server. The intruder can also barge in to the conversation and assist the agent or he can join as a full participant and talk to both parties simultaneously. In the screen shot, John is intruding on David’s conversation. A simple right click on Davids Speed Dial, select call intrusion and John is connected to Davids call. Once connected ,John can changed his "listening mode" to "speak mode" by entering the DTMF digits *24*2# . *24*1# Listening only *24*2# Listen to both sides, speak with agent *24*3# Listen to both sides, speak with both sides. You hear both call partners. You hear both call partners, and the agent hears you. The other call partner (e.g. the external customer) hears only the agent. You can participate directly in the conversation. In the Swyx Administration, you have to configure the Users or Groups which are allowed to intrude on the agent. Go to: > Users\Properties\Administration\Call Intrusion. Then add the "Call intrusion" field in the context menu of the SpeedDial add the following registry key to the Intruders PC: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Swyx\SwyxIt!\CurrentVersion\Options\SpeedDialMenus\Key1 Here you add three new String Values: CommandLine = callto:%SpeedDialPeernumber%*24*1# MenuLabel = Call Intrusion Working Directory = C:\\ Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  8. Im Prinzip machst Du da alles richtig. Ich verstehe allerdings nicht, warum die beiden "Datum/Uhrzeit" Blöche in Folge für den Vormittag und Nachmittag von Montag bis Donnerstag nicht klappen sollten. Du hast nicht zufällig noch die alte Version (idealerweise als .RSE Datei exportiert)? Dann würde ich da gerne mal einen Blick drauf werfen.
  9. Ebenso darfst Du den Ruf im PreProcessing nicht annehmen, da sonst anschliessend der "Regel übersprungen" Ausgang nicht mehr funktioniert, d.h. nachfoglende Regeln werden NICHT mehr gestartet. Das gilt für alle GSE Regeln, und so auch für das PreProcessing. Indem Du eine Ansage abspielst verbindet der Server den Ruf um die Ansage abspielen zu können.
  10. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 30.01.2009 04:07 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that you can define a custom ringing sound ? When Swyx receives an incoming call you can actually play a custom ringing tone to the caller while the call is connecting to its destination. Scenario: After your standard trading hours, SwyxWare is advising the caller that they will be connected to the after hours service team. While your customers is listening to the instruction on how your after-hours service is working, Swyx is already trying the get a hold of your standby staff. How can you do that? By opening your ECR script and editing the Connect To block. By default the system alert sound is played but you have also an option to select a individual WAV/MP3 file. From the drop down list select a file. Browse your hard drive by clicking on . When searching, you can also choose a file in MP3 format. Upon selection, the MP3 file will automatically be converted into the supported WAV format and saved in your personal directory on the SwyxServer. The converted files are therefore available for use later. During the conversion process, the Info dialog "Please wait, the file is being converted into WAV format" will open. To listen to your new select alert file click on . Click on , to stop playing the file. Or you can even record your own altering announcement To record a new alert announcement click on : You will then be prompted to enter a file name. The following window appears: "Start Recording". Click on "Start" to begin recording the announcement. Stop the recording by clicking on . To delete the selected file, click on . Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  11. Genau so ist es. Ob jetzt 1-100, 1-50 oder 1-20 ist egal, das entscheidest Du selbst.
  12. Nein, da muss nicht noch etwas zusätzliches installiert werden. Microsoft gibt sich nur einige Mühe es zu verstecken
  13. Das Rufjournal im SwyxIt! zeigt die Rufdauer leider nicht an. Das lässt sich auch per Konfiguration nicht ändern. Das Rufjournal im Outlook zeigt sie allerdings an:
  14. Wie gesagt, den Umleitungsstatus bekommst Du nur im Call Routing des entsprechenden Benutzers abgefragt. Out of the Box sehe ich da keine einfache Lösung. Auch persistente Variablen lösen Dein Problem nicht wirklich, denn in dem Augenblick in dem der Benutzer X seine Umleitung setzt ja kein Call Routing angestossen wird mit dem den neuen Status selber speichern könntest. Die komplette Umleitungskonfiguration kann über den ConfigDataStore abgefagt werden, da sind vom Call Routing aus aber einige Klimmzüge für notwendig. Finally steht die Umleitungskonfiguration in der SwyxWare Datenbank. Technisch kann es natürlich niemand verhindern dass dort z.B. ein Call Routing Skript der Zentrale hineinschaut um sich mal in Bezug auf den Benutzer X ein wenig schlauer zu machen... Es sei allerdings ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass es dafür an keiner Stelle Support gibt. Bei schreibenden Zugriff auf die Datenbank würde sogar der komplette Support für diesen Server eingestellt.
  15. Du kannst die (ersten n) Namenstasten eines Benutzers auf alle Benutzer einer Gruppe direkt mit der SwyxWare Admnistration verteilen. Das geht über das "Eigenschaften klonen..." im Kontextmenü eines Benutzers:
  16. Hallo Mathias, das mit dem Status ist einfach (siehe hier), das mit der Umleitungskonfiguration eines anderen Benutzers geht leider nicht. Du kannst von Call Routing aus nur auf die eigene Umleitungskonfiguration zugreifen. PBXUser.BusyRedirect PBXUser.BusyRedirectNumber PBXUser.DelayedRedirect PBXUser.DelayedRedirectNumber PBXUser.DelayedRedirectTimeout PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirectNumber Vielleicht kannst Du ja die Call Routings der anderen Personen die Du abfragen willst/musst mit einbeziehen?
  17. Sorry, I have no ETA information at hand.
  18. With the Graphical Script Editor you can create extensive speech dialog systems. For example, callers can be forwarded to chosen departments by clicking certain keys on the phone. All action sequences are completely individual, according to your own needs and application scenarios. The user-friendly user interface ensures that actions can be created quickly and easily. Why don't you give it a try? More information can be found on the Swyx website or in the Swyx Information Package. View the full article
  19. The following forum topic is restored from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014)
  20. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 16.01.2009 00:00 Dear Swyx Users Many of you are familiar with the SwyxMobile extension. When you are away from the office, incoming calls to your extensions are forward to your mobile extensions and common pbx functionalities such as transfer, conference or even call-recording can be triggered from your mobile phone. Let’s assume you arrive back in the office while talking on your mobile extension. It’s is now only a click away to transfer that call from your mobile to your desk phone. Your office phone will start ringing and once you have picked up the phone, you then can continue your conversation on the office extension. Or, if you are in a phone conversation on your SwyxIt! and you want to transfer that call to your mobile extension, you can also transfer the call to your mobile extension with only one mouse click*. From Mobile Extension to Office Phone From Office Phone to Mobile Extension You can transfer a call from your mobile extension to your office phone by selecting “Transfer to office phone” on the SIM menu You can transfer a call to your mobile extension by a simple drag and drop the active Line to your “Connect to Mobile Speed Dial” * Please download the ECR script from the link below. This script will allow you to call your own mobile extension from your desk phone. Additionally you can edit a Speed Dial and configure the Script Number to it. The modified SwyxIt! Skin including a “connect to mobile speed dial” can be downloaded from the link. Download script & skin from here: ECR Script Call Mobile Extension and Skin.zip Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ &AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
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