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Tom Wellige

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VBScript build in functions

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Within the function "GetAssignedEngineer" the VBScript build-in function "DatePart" is used. Per default it uses the first day of week setting from the Windows regional settings. If needed that can be overwritten with an optional third parameter. For details check here: https://www.w3schools.com/Asp/func_datepart.asp
  2. 'UCX: NOW' takes place on 29 September - 1 October 2020 . The must attend virtual event will address the key challenges and opportunities that have emerged in unified communications and collaboration throughout this year - so it’ll be super current and help to define or evolve your UC&C strategy for today’s world. Meet Enreach at the UC Expo 2020. Together the group has become the new European UCaaS champion. Discover how as a European leader in UC for digital transformation we provide efficient, future-proofed and cost-effective corporate communications and collaboration solutions. Learn how our UC-solution help businesses to connect more smartly and keep up with latest and up and coming technologies. Further information: https://www.ucexpo.co.uk/ Registration page: http://www.ucexpo.co.uk/Register?utm_source=UC16LASWY Company profile: https://www.ucexpo.co.uk/ucexpo/en/node/organisation-centile Press release on enreach.de
  3. This post sums this great article series up. Mirjam spent quite some time to identify all those tips and to publish them here on Swyx Forum. As the article series dates some years back there had been a couple of articles I have not re-posted again, simply because they were not valid with a current SwyxWare version anymore. But the vast majority of the tips is still valid with current SwyxWare versions and that's why I decided to re-post them to make them available again after the old Swyx Forum went offline. Thank you very much Mirjam for all your efforts!
  4. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 24.06.2011 03:41 Dear Swyx Users With SwyxWare 2011 I can set my phone status to "DO NOT DISTURB" and all my co-workers are automatically updated with my DND status. This is a useful feature for many users and managers and we have been asked about this features a lot in the past. Good news is, it's now available 🙂 I have created a Callrouting Script which routes incoming calls to my extension based on my user status: Speaking, Logged Off, Free, Away or DND. AdvancedDDIRouting.zip It is simply a modification of the popular Advanced DDI call routing script prior SwyxWare Version 2011. And there is a special "feature" implemented. You will be able to see if you receive a call in DND mode and you have even the possibility to pick up this call while the caller is listening to your greeting message: "Hi there, although I'm in the office, I can't pick-up your call at this moment. Please leave me a message after the tone and I will return your call ASAP. Thank you". This allows me to keep in control of any incoming calls to my extensions, I can let one caller go through to my voicemail, but pick up another one, because I know it is an important call ! Pretty sneaky, what do you think ? Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  5. Yes. The app is available for Android and iOS, Yes. You can ignore that warning. The GSE just figures that you have entered characters and not just a phone number and wanted to remind you that in case you entered the name of a variable which contains the destination number you would have to add a "=" at the beginning of the text field.
  6. Your call routing should first check for your status. If you a free route the call into a Connect To block to connect the call to yourself. If you are absent (yellow) route the call into another Connect To block to connect the call to yourself and your mobile. To perform such a parallel call you can enter multiple numbers into the destination field, separated by ";" (semicolon): SwyxWare officially supports one internal and one external destination for such parallel calls. But in fact there are no restrictions at all (type of or number of destinations) implemented. BTW: the "Include SwyxIt! Mobile Device" checkbox refers only to the old "SwyxIt! Mobile" clients (up to SwyxWare 2013) and not the current "Swyx Mobile" clients.
  7. Roll-out within the group of cloud-hosted telephony, video meetings and OSS/BSS solution Enreach, the fast-growing European unified communications group, has announced the latest steps in its integration strategy, with delivery of the group’s hosted cloud telephony and collaboration solution to UK-based Network Telecom, part of Enreach. This follows roll-out of both its OSS/BSS and online meetings solutions within the group. Coming soon is integration of comprehensive cloud contact centre technology. Enreach’s acquisition strategy has two dimensions: one, to expand its geographic footprint and launch existing products and services; and two, to acquire best-in-class products and technologies, integrate and enhance them, and then roll out across countries covered by the group. This approach gives end users fast access to new developments, through Enreach’s ability to rapidly integrate, scale and provide new features, products and services. For channel and service providers partners, a single Enreach platform is designed to make cross-and-upselling easier, as well as to approach new market segments. Hosted cloud telephony Network Telecom’s hosted cloud telephony solution (based on Enreach technology) gives customers access to all their business communications anytime, anywhere and across any device, with simple log-in from the app or any browser. Like all Enreach solutions, NT Cloud PRO is designed with built-in flexibility, ease-of-use and cutting-edge features. Other milestones In addition, the latest version of Enreach Meetings (renamed by different brands in the group) has recently been rolled out within Europe, with a series of enhancements being progressively added. So far, these have included Stickers — designed to add a fun dimension to meetings — and improvements that help users manage their reachability. Designed specifically for SMBs, Enreach Meetings is accessible from any web browser, without any need to download additional software. Created with mobility in mind, Enreach Meetings can also be used on tablets and smartphones, without requiring an app to be installed. It also integrates seamlessly with other business apps. Enreach’s OSS/BSS solution is also being rolled out to other parts of the group, to help local partners easily provision, sell and support products within the Enreach portfolio from a single online portal. Features include: customer, portfolio and service management; personalized branding; a hardware webshop; a service order wizard; online postcode check; and a customer service tool including ticketing. Another project is to integrate the cloud contact center technology within in the group, to make it available to several countries across Europe. According to Martin Classen, CPO of Enreach; “Every integration milestone brings us closer to the goal of offering the most complete UCaaS one-stop-shop in Europe, to benefit service providers, reseller partners and SMB users”. Koen van Geffen, CTO of Enreach: “Our cloud platform is made from a selection of best-of-breed technologies that seamlessly integrate for the best user experience. Thanks to the synergies between all the products in the group, we are able to quickly deploy new functionality and make it available to a growing number of countries and users”. About Enreach Enreach is the parent company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile, Eazit, i4IP, ipnordic, M Mobility, HeroBase, Network Telecom and masvoz. Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling and service providing partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The group’s products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Spain and France with activities in 25 countries and 900 employees. For more information about Enreach, please visit: https://enreach.com/ Press release on swyx.com
  8. Roll-out within the group of cloud-hosted telephony, video meetings and OSS/BSS solution Enreach, the fast-growing European unified communications group, has announced the latest steps in its integration strategy, with delivery of the group’s hosted cloud telephony and collaboration solution to UK-based Network Telecom, part of Enreach. This follows roll-out of both its OSS/BSS and online meetings solutions within the group. Coming soon is integration of comprehensive cloud contact centre technology. Enreach’s acquisition strategy has two dimensions: one, to expand its geographic footprint and launch existing products and services; and two, to acquire best-in-class products and technologies, integrate and enhance them, and then roll out across countries covered by the group. This approach gives end users fast access to new developments, through Enreach’s ability to rapidly integrate, scale and provide new features, products and services. For channel and service providers partners, a single Enreach platform is designed to make cross-and-upselling easier, as well as to approach new market segments. Hosted cloud telephony Network Telecom’s hosted cloud telephony solution (based on Enreach technology) gives customers access to all their business communications anytime, anywhere and across any device, with simple log-in from the app or any browser. Like all Enreach solutions, NT Cloud PRO is designed with built-in flexibility, ease-of-use and cutting-edge features. Other milestones In addition, the latest version of Enreach Meetings (renamed by different brands in the group) has recently been rolled out within Europe, with a series of enhancements being progressively added. So far, these have included Stickers — designed to add a fun dimension to meetings — and improvements that help users manage their reachability. Designed specifically for SMBs, Enreach Meetings is accessible from any web browser, without any need to download additional software. Created with mobility in mind, Enreach Meetings can also be used on tablets and smartphones, without requiring an app to be installed. It also integrates seamlessly with other business apps. Enreach’s OSS/BSS solution is also being rolled out to other parts of the group, to help local partners easily provision, sell and support products within the Enreach portfolio from a single online portal. Features include: customer, portfolio and service management; personalized branding; a hardware webshop; a service order wizard; online postcode check; and a customer service tool including ticketing. Another project is to integrate the cloud contact center technology within in the group, to make it available to several countries across Europe. According to Martin Classen, CPO of Enreach; “Every integration milestone brings us closer to the goal of offering the most complete UCaaS one-stop-shop in Europe, to benefit service providers, reseller partners and SMB users”. Koen van Geffen, CTO of Enreach: “Our cloud platform is made from a selection of best-of-breed technologies that seamlessly integrate for the best user experience. Thanks to the synergies between all the products in the group, we are able to quickly deploy new functionality and make it available to a growing number of countries and users”. About Enreach Enreach is the parent company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile, Eazit, i4IP, ipnordic, M Mobility, HeroBase, Network Telecom and masvoz. Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling and service providing partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The group’s products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Spain and France with activities in 25 countries and 900 employees. For more information about Enreach, please visit: https://enreach.com/ Press release on enreach.de
  9. Roll-Out von Cloud-Telefonie in der Gruppe, Videokonferenzen und OSS/BSS-Lösung Enreach, der schnell wachsende europäische Unified-Communications-Anbieter, hat die neuesten Schritte seiner Integrationsstrategie angekündigt. Diese umfassen unter anderem die Bereitstellung der Cloud-PBX- und Kollaborationslösung der Gruppe für das britische Unternehmen Network Telecom, das Teil von Enreach ist. Dieser Schritt folgt auf die Einführung ihrer OSS/BSS- und Online-Meeting-Lösungen innerhalb der Gruppe. In Kürze steht die Integration einer umfassenden Cloud-Contact-Center-Lösung an. Die Akquisitionsstrategie von Enreach hat zwei Dimensionen: Zum einen die Ausweitung der geografischen Präsenz und die Einführung bestehender Produkte und Dienstleistungen; und zum anderen die Akquisition von erstklassigen Produkten und Technologien, deren Integration und Verbesserung und anschließende Einführung in den Ländern, von der Gruppe abgedeckt wird. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht den Endnutzern einen schnellen Zugang zu neuen Entwicklungen, da Enreach in der Lage ist, neue Funktionen, Produkte und Dienstleistungen schnell zu integrieren, zu skalieren und anzubieten. Für Vertriebspartner und Dienstleister, soll eine einzige Enreach-Plattform das Cross- und Upselling erleichtern und neue Marktsegmente erschließen. Cloud-Telefonie Die Cloud-Telefonielösung von Network Telecom, basierend auf der Enreach-Technologie, ermöglicht Kunden jederzeit und überall den Zugriff auf ihre gesamte Geschäftskommunikation. Die Anmeldung ist von jedem Gerät, über die App oder jeden Browser möglich. Wie alle Enreach-Lösungen ist NT Cloud PRO mit eingebauter Flexibilität, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und hochmodernen Funktionen ausgestattet. Weitere Meilensteine Darüber hinaus wurde vor kurzem die neueste Version von Enreach Meetings – die unter unterschiedlichen Namen in der Gruppe vertrieben wird – in Europa eingeführt, wobei eine Reihe von Verbesserungen nach und nach hinzugefügt wurden. Dazu gehören bisher Meeting Sticker, die Besprechungen eine interaktive Dimension verleihen sollen. Weitere Verbesserungen helfen den Benutzern dabei, ihre Erreichbarkeit zu verwalten. Enreach Meeting wurde speziell für KMUs entwickelt und ist von jedem Webbrowser aus zugänglich, ohne dass zusätzliche Software heruntergeladen werden muss. Außerdem wurde Enreach Meeting im Hinblick auf Mobilität entwickelt und kann auch auf Tablets und Smartphones verwendet werden, ohne dass eine App installiert werden muss. Es lässt sich auch nahtlos mit anderen Business-Apps integrieren. Die OSS/BSS-Lösung von Enreach wird auch auf andere Teile der Gruppe ausgeweitet, damit lokale Partner die Produkte innerhalb des Enreach-Portfolios von einem einzigen Online-Portal aus einfach bereitstellen, verkaufen und unterstützen können. Zu den Funktionen gehören: Kunden-, Portfolio- und Servicemanagement, personalisiertes Branding, ein Hardware-Webshop, ein Assistent für Serviceaufträge, Online-Postleitzahlprüfung und ein Kundendienst-Tool einschließlich Buchung. Ein weiteres Projekt ist die Integration der Cloud-Contact-Center-Technologie innerhalb der Gruppe, um sie mehreren Ländern in ganz Europa zur Verfügung zu stellen. Laut Martin Classen, CPO von Enreach, "bringt uns jeder Meilenstein der Integration dem Ziel näher, den vollständigsten UCaaS One-Stop-Shop in Europa anzubieten, von dem Service Provider, Reseller-Partner und SMB-Nutzer profitieren". Koen van Geffen, CTO von Enreach: "Unsere Cloud-Plattform besteht aus einer Auswahl von Best-of-Breed-Technologien, die sich nahtlos integrieren lassen, um das beste Benutzererlebnis zu bieten. Dank der Synergien zwischen allen Produkten der Gruppe sind wir in der Lage, neue Funktionen schnell zu implementieren und sie einer wachsenden Zahl von Ländern und Nutzern zur Verfügung zu stellen". Über Enreach Enreach ist die Muttergesellschaft verschiedener Marken wie Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile, Eazit, ipnordic, M Mobility, HeroBase, Network Telecom und masvoz. Enreach bietet Kollaborationslösungen und Telekommunikationsdienste über ihre Reseller oder Direktmarken an, die für KMU und die Menschen, die mit ihnen arbeiten, transformativ sind. Alle Marken tragen zu intelligenten, integrierten IT- und Kommunikationslösungen bei, die eine optimale Kommunikation und einen optimalen Arbeitsfluss zwischen den Organisationen gewährleisten. Die Mission von Enreach besteht darin, Unternehmen Zugang zu den besten Kommunikations- und Kollaborationswerkzeugen mit einer einfachen, benutzerzentrierten Schnittstelle zu verschaffen, die auf ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Systeme zugeschnitten ist. Die Produkte der Gruppe stellen jedem Unternehmen, unabhängig von Branche oder Größe, leistungsstarke Funktionen zur Verfügung, so dass sich die Mitarbeiter auf die wesentlichen Dinge konzentrieren können. Enreach ist in den Kernmärkten Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Dänemark, Großbritannien, Spanien und Frankreich mit Aktivitäten in 25 Ländern und mehr als 850 Mitarbeitern aktiv. Für weitere Informationen: www.enreach.com Pressemitteilung auf swyx.de
  10. Den VBScript Code kopierst Du in den Start Block. Die Funktion selbst ruft Du in dem Variable auswerten Block auf und wertest ihren Rückgabewert direkt über die beiden Ausgänge aus: Wobei 600 die Nummer der Gruppe ist, die Du abfragen willst.
  11. Das Feld steht als Variable im Client leider nicht zur Verfügung,
  12. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 20.05.2011 04:15 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that the SwyxIt! soft-phone allows you to set a "wrap up timer"? If you are asking yourself now what exactly is a "wrap-up timer", here the answer: The "wrap up timer" prevents further calls from coming through, therefore letting the you complete additional tasks related to the previous call without being disturbed. This is how you configure the "wrap up timer" per line key: 1. Click with the right mouse button on the selected Line button and select "Properties" 2. The "Properties of..." window will appear, now activate the option "Disable line after call" and define a time period (5 – 1800 seconds) 3. Confirm your input by clicking on "OK". All done. The line will now be disabled after every call for the time period defined. And your SwyxIt! line key is then busy for further incoming calls. After the "wrap up time-out" is reached your Line key goes to "ready" status immediately. Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  13. Schnelles One-Stop-Shopping durch Hinzufügen von Marketing- und Vertriebsautomatisierung Enreach, die schnell wachsende europäische Unified Communications-Gruppe, die von der Investmentgesellschaft Waterland unterstützt wird, erweitert ihr Produktangebot durch die Übernahme des Spezialisten für Cloud-Contact-Center-Software HeroBase A/S ("HeroBase"). Durch die Übernahme von HeroBase erhält Enreach marktführende Dienste im Bereich Contact-Center und Marketingautomatisierung. Diese werden in ihre bestehenden Produkte integriert, um eine vollständig GDPR-konforme, cloud-basierte Contact-Center-Lösung für Partner und Kunden in ganz Europa zu schaffen und gleichzeitig die Präsenz in Skandinavien zu vergrößern. HeroBase verkauft seine Software, Hero Outbound, an über 175 Kunden in 8 Ländern und bearbeitet mehr als 250 Millionen Anrufe pro Jahr. Leistungsstarkes Contact-Center aus der Cloud Stijn Nijhuis, Geschäftsführer von Enreach: "Die Übernahme von HeroBase ist ein weiterer Beweis für unsere Buy-and-Build-Strategie, uns zu einem Marktführer für Unified Communications in Europa zu entwickeln. Auf der Suche nach einem vollständigen Cloud-Contact-Center-Angebot haben wir nach unserer jüngsten Übernahme von masvoz, dem führenden B2B-Cloud-Kommunikationsanbieter in Spanien, entschieden, dass HeroBase perfekt zu uns passt. Gemeinsam schaffen sie sofort eine führende "One-Stop-Shopping"-Contact-Center-Lösung aus der Cloud für Enreach-Kunden in ganz Europa. Wir freuen uns daher sehr, HeroBase in unserer Gruppe willkommen zu heißen". Expertise im Multi-Channel Vertrieb HeroBase bietet ein einzigartiges Angebot intelligenter und flexibler Multi-Channel-Vertriebslösungen für mittlere bis große Unternehmen und wird unabhängig operieren und gleichzeitig von den starken Synergien der größeren Gruppe profitieren. Das Unternehmen wird seinen Sitz weiterhin in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, haben. Casper Langhoff, CEO des Unternehmens, wird auch in Zukunft an der Seite seines erfahrenen Managementteams mit dem Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Casper kommentiert: "In den letzten Jahren haben wir ein stetiges Wachstum erzielt und unser Produktangebot erfolgreich erweitert. Die Übernahme von HeroBase durch Enreach ist eine strategische und wohlüberlegte Entscheidung, die nicht nur das Wachstum unserer Kunden, sondern auch das Wachstum der gesamten Gruppe im Bereich der Contact-Center-Lösungen fördern wird. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür sind die unmittelbaren Synergien zwischen HeroBase und masvoz beim Verkauf seiner Cloud-Contact-Center-Lösungen und unserer Marketingautomatisierungs- und Vertriebssoftware". HeroBase wurde 2016 gegründet und hat seitdem eine ehrgeizige Wachstumsstrategie verfolgt. Hierzu zählt neben der Übernahme von CampaignOne im Jahr 2018, die Aufnahme von Marketing-Automatisierungstools in das HeroBase-Portfolio und der Eintritt in den schwedischen als auch finnischen Markt. HeroBase hat 2018 auch seinen integrierten Zahlungsdienst Hero Payments erfolgreich eingeführt. Mit einem Personalbestand von 40 Mitarbeitern ist HeroBase heute in einer starken Position, um das Wachstum an Outbound-Kommunikation durch seine vollständig GDPR-konforme Lösung zu unterstützen, die alle Kommunikationsflüsse integriert und eine tiefere Kundenbindung unterstützt. Über HeroBase A/S HeroBase A/S ist ein führender Anbieter einer multi-channel, cloudbasierten Vertriebs- und Marketingplattform, die Tools für Telemarketing, Vertriebsautomatisierung, Inbound-Sales, Lead-Management, Auftragsabwicklung und mehr umfasst. Mehr als 7500 Benutzer nutzen diese Plattform, um täglich mit potenziellen Kunden in Kontakt zu treten, und generieren damit mehr als 250 Millionen Anrufe pro Jahr. HeroBase widmet sich den Bedürfnissen seiner Benutzer aus den verschiedensten Bereichen: Verkaufsagenten, Fundraiser, Marktforscher, Terminbucher, Spezialisten für Geschäftsentwicklung und andere. Für weitere Informationen über HeroBase besuchen Sie bitte: https://herobase.com/en/ Über Enreach Enreach ist die Muttergesellschaft verschiedener Marken wie Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile, Eazit, ipnordic, M Mobility, Network Telecom und masvoz. Enreach bietet Kollaborationslösungen und Telekommunikationsdienste über ihre Reseller oder Direktmarken an, die für KMU und die Menschen, die mit ihnen arbeiten, transformativ sind. Alle Marken tragen zu intelligenten, integrierten IT- und Kommunikationslösungen bei, die eine optimale Kommunikation und einen optimalen Arbeitsfluss zwischen den Organisationen gewährleisten. Die Mission von Enreach besteht darin, Unternehmen Zugang zu den besten Kommunikations- und Kollaborationswerkzeugen mit einer einfachen, benutzerzentrierten Schnittstelle zu verschaffen, die auf ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Systeme zugeschnitten ist. Die Produkte der Gruppe stellen jedem Unternehmen, unabhängig von Branche oder Größe, leistungsstarke Funktionen zur Verfügung, so dass sich die Mitarbeiter auf die wesentlichen Dinge konzentrieren können. Enreach ist in den Kernmärkten Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Dänemark, Großbritannien, Spanien und Frankreich mit Aktivitäten in 25 Ländern und mehr als 850 Mitarbeitern aktiv. Für weitere Informationen: www.enreach.com Pressemitteilung auf swyx.de
  14. Instant creation of a one-stop-shop by adding marketing and sales automation Enreach, the fast-growing European unified communications group backed by investment company Waterland, enhances its product offering with the acquisition of cloud contact centre software specialist HeroBase A/S (‘HeroBase’). The addition of HeroBase brings market-leading contact centre and marketing automation capabilities to Enreach. These will be integrated with its existing products to create a full GDPR-compliant cloud-based contact centre solution for its partners and customers across Europe, while also increasing its footprint in Scandinavia. HeroBase sells its proprietary software, Hero Outbound, to over 175 clients in 8 countries and processes more than 250 million calls per year. Full cloud contact centre offering Stijn Nijhuis, CEO of Enreach: "The acquisition of HeroBase is further proof of our buy-and-build strategy to develop into a unified communications market leader in Europe. Looking for a full cloud contact centre offering, we decided that adding HeroBase was the perfect fit following our latest acquisition of masvoz, the number one B2B cloud communications provider in Spain. Together, they instantly create a leading ‘one-stop shop’ cloud contact centre solution for Enreach customers across Europe. We are therefore very pleased to welcome HeroBase to our group." Multichannel sales experts HeroBase offers a unique proposition of smart, flexible and multichannel sales solutions for medium to large enterprises and will operate independently while benefitting from the strong synergies of the bigger group. The company will carry on being based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Casper Langhoff, CEO of the company, will continue to work with the business going forward alongside his experienced management team. Casper said: "In recent years we have achieved consistent growth and successfully enhanced our product offering. The acquisition of HeroBase by Enreach is a strategic and well-considered decision that will not only help facilitate our customers’ growth, but also the growth of the entire group in the area of contact centres. A good example is the immediate synergies between HeroBase and masvoz to sell its cloud contact center solutions and our marketing automation and sales software.“ HeroBase was founded in 2016 and has since followed an ambitious growth strategy, adding marketing automation tools to its portfolio with the acquisition of CampaignOne in 2018 and entering both the Swedish and Finnish markets. HeroBase also successfully launched its integrated payments service, Hero Payments, in 2018. With a headcount of 40 employees, Herobase is today in a strong position to support growth of outbound communications, through its full GDPR-compliant solution, which integrates all communication flows and supports a deeper engagement with customers. About HeroBase A/S Herobase A/S is a leading provider of a multi-channel, cloud based sales and marketing platform, which includes tools for telemarketing, sales automation, inbound sales, lead management, order handling and more. More than 7500 users use this platform to contact potential customers every day, generating more than 250 million calls per year. Herobase is dedicated to addressing the needs of its users, across: sales agents, fundraisers, market researchers, appointment-bookers, business development specialists and others. For more information about HeroBase, please visit: https://herobase.com/en/ About Enreach Enreach is the parent company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile, Eazit, ipnordic, M Mobility, Network Telecom and masvoz. Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The group’s products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Spain and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 850 employees. For more information about Enreach, please visit: www.enreach.com Press release on swyx.com
  15. Instant creation of a one-stop-shop by adding marketing and sales automation Enreach, the fast-growing European unified communications group backed by investment company Waterland, enhances its product offering with the acquisition of cloud contact centre software specialist HeroBase A/S (‘HeroBase’). The addition of HeroBase brings market-leading contact centre and marketing automation capabilities to Enreach. These will be integrated with its existing products to create a full GDPR-compliant cloud-based contact centre solution for its partners and customers across Europe, while also increasing its footprint in Scandinavia. HeroBase sells its proprietary software, Hero Outbound, to over 175 clients in 8 countries and processes more than 250 million calls per year. Full cloud contact centre offering Stijn Nijhuis, CEO of Enreach: "The acquisition of HeroBase is further proof of our buy-and-build strategy to develop into a unified communications market leader in Europe. Looking for a full cloud contact centre offering, we decided that adding HeroBase was the perfect fit following our latest acquisition of masvoz, the number one B2B cloud communications provider in Spain. Together, they instantly create a leading ‘one-stop shop’ cloud contact centre solution for Enreach customers across Europe. We are therefore very pleased to welcome HeroBase to our group." Multichannel sales experts HeroBase offers a unique proposition of smart, flexible and multichannel sales solutions for medium to large enterprises and will operate independently while benefitting from the strong synergies of the bigger group. The company will carry on being based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Casper Langhoff, CEO of the company, will continue to work with the business going forward alongside his experienced management team. Casper said: "In recent years we have achieved consistent growth and successfully enhanced our product offering. The acquisition of HeroBase by Enreach is a strategic and well-considered decision that will not only help facilitate our customers’ growth, but also the growth of the entire group in the area of contact centres. A good example is the immediate synergies between HeroBase and masvoz to sell its cloud contact center solutions and our marketing automation and sales software.“ HeroBase was founded in 2016 and has since followed an ambitious growth strategy, adding marketing automation tools to its portfolio with the acquisition of CampaignOne in 2018 and entering both the Swedish and Finnish markets. HeroBase also successfully launched its integrated payments service, Hero Payments, in 2018. With a headcount of 40 employees, Herobase is today in a strong position to support growth of outbound communications, through its full GDPR-compliant solution, which integrates all communication flows and supports a deeper engagement with customers. About HeroBase A/S Herobase A/S is a leading provider of a multi-channel, cloud based sales and marketing platform, which includes tools for telemarketing, sales automation, inbound sales, lead management, order handling and more. More than 7500 users use this platform to contact potential customers every day, generating more than 250 million calls per year. Herobase is dedicated to addressing the needs of its users, across: sales agents, fundraisers, market researchers, appointment-bookers, business development specialists and others. For more information about HeroBase, please visit: https://herobase.com/en/ About Enreach Enreach is the parent company of various labels such as Voiceworks, Swyx, Centile, Eazit, ipnordic, M Mobility, Network Telecom and masvoz. Enreach provides collaboration technology and telecoms services via their reselling partners or direct brands that are transformative for SMEs and the people that work with them. All brands contribute to intelligent, integrated IT and communication solutions that ensure optimal communication and workflow between organisations. Enreach’s mission is to give businesses access to the best communication and collaboration tools with an easy, user-centric interface built around their specific needs and systems. The group’s products put powerful features in reach of every business, no matter the industry or size, so their employees can focus on getting amazing things done. Enreach is active in the core markets Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Spain and France with activities in 25 countries and more than 850 employees. For more information about Enreach, please visit: www.enreach.com Press release on enreach.de
  16. Was genau meinst Du denn mit "Beschreibung des Anrufers"? Für den Namen des Anrufers gibt es entsprechende Variablen: SelLinePeername, RelatedLinePeername
  17. Hallo Niko, ich komme erst jetzt dazu mir mal Dein Call Routing anzusehen. Dies ist was Dein Call Routing derzeit macht: Warteschlange 1 stellt für 90 Seunden auf die 140 zu (d.h. wenn 140 besetzt ist wird maximal 90 Sekunden gewartet) Follow Me stellt für 15 Sekunden auf die 146 zu Warteschlange 2 stellt für 90 Sekunden auf die 140 zu Follow Me stellt jeweils für 15 Sekunden auf 140, 133, 400 zu Follow Me stellt für 30 Sekunden auf Mobile Nummer zu Ein Anrufer kann also maximal 3 Minuten und 20 Sekunden im Call Routing befinden. Gerade beim 2. Follow Me Block hört es der Anrufer immer nur klingeln (da Du dort keine Ansagen hinterlegt hast). Ich glaube nicht, dass es einen Anrufer gibt, der so lange ausharrt bis das Ende erreicht ist. Da Du keine konkrete Frage in Deinem Post gestellt hast, kann ich hier nur einige allgemeine Tipps geben: wenn es Dir darauf ankommt, dass die 140 zwar die Hauptlast der Anrufe bekommen soll, aber trotzdem auch ein Fokus auf schneller Zustellung liegen soll, dann würde ich einen normalen Durchstellen Block nehmen (Timeout irgendwas um 2-3 Minuten) und auf eine Gruppe zustellen. Die Gruppe konfigurierst Du als "nacheinander" Zustellung, und fügst die Gruppenmitglieder in der Reihenfolge 140, 146, 133, 400, Mobile Nummer ein. Neue Anrufe werden nun immer zuerst versucht bei der 140 zuzustellen. Wenn das aber nicht klappt geht es umgehend weiter. wenn Du die Wartschlangen weiter verwendest solltest Du eine Kleinigkeit ändern: -> Damit kannst Du Änderungen an der Warteschlange vornehmen und der nächste Anruf übernimmt die neue Konfiguration. Ansonsten musst Du wenigstens den "Swyx Queuemanager" Dienst einmal neu starten damit die Änderung übernommen wird.
  18. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 25.02.2011 04:28 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that you can Intercom to a colleague's phone directly? This way you can pass on a message to your co-worker and he does not have to pickup the phones handset. This means a call will be immediately established. In the case of Swyx Phone the telephone speaker is activated and in the case of SwyxIt! the PC speakers are activated and the caller can immediately give his message. Option: A Option: B One can setup a SwyxIt! Speed-Dial and define in the Properties whether the Speed Dial can be used for an intercom connection. When dialing a users extension simply add the feature code *72*: EXTENSION*72* Note: A user can only call another user per intercom connection if he or she is signaled the status of the other user. Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  19. Da die Konfiguration der einzelnen Blöcke nicht ersichtlich ist, ist es schwierig etwas dazu zu sagen. Exportiere das Skript doch bitte mal das .rse Datei und hänge diese hier an.
  20. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 05.11.2010 03:42 Dear Swyx Users Did you know that with Swyx Event Log Monitor you can observe your Swyx IP-PBX and send out automated e-mails if an error occurs? The Swyx Event Log Monitor is a Windows Service which monitors the Windows application event log of the Swyx system where it is installed and sends email notifications when new events are written into the log. You can configure which events cause a notification by specifying the event source and per source a type (Error, Information, Warning, Failure Audit, Success Audit) or a list of event IDs. This monitoring tool can be found on the Sywx DVD in Tools. Additionally this Swyx Knowledgebase Article contains an overview of all event log entries generated by SwyxWare. Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  21. From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions. This blog article was originally posted on 28.10.2010 22:05 Dear Swyx Users With Swyx Mobile Extension Manager, you can link your extension with your mobile phone. An incoming call will simultaneously ring both your extension and the twinned mobile phone. But did you know that you can route your MEM calls based on time of the day or also day of the week? Your "sales rep" never wants to miss a call to his extension; hence he uses SwyxMobile Extension and can benefit from many other key features like call recording, call transfer and conferencing. But after hours and on weekends, he does not want to receive calls from his workplace. This is simply to achieve via a small call routing script. Such a call routing could look like this: 1. check day of week and time of day and route caller based on this to: 2.1 ... your desk phone including Mobile Extension 2.2 ... only your office based desk phone Note: In the "Connect To" block, select or de-select field "Include SwyxIt! Mobile devices". Only if activated the connected call will be signaled also on your SwyxIt! Mobile device. Editors Note August 2020: Please note that this article refers to the old SwyxWare mobile integration with with old "SwyxIt! Mobile" clients and the "Mobile Extension Manager" on the server side. From SwyxWare 2015 on the "Swyx Mobile" clients are basically SIP devices which login as a parallel device to your user account and can not be treated differently within the call routing anymore. Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing... Regards Mirjam @ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor http://www.itnetworld.co.nz/
  22. Am besten klickst Du oben auf das Profilbild von Mathew und schickst ihm dann von dort eine Nachricht Evtl. liest er hier nicht mehr regelmässig mit.
  23. Hallo Dennis, bin gerade im Urlaub. Wenn ich bis Ende kommender Woche hier noch nicht geantwortet habe, erinnere mich bitte noch einmal kurz. Tom.
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