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Tom Wellige

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Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

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VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. VBScript This is a VBScript constant defined to the value of 1. This constant will be used to set the Scope of a persistent variable to the namespace scope. Variables in the namespace scope are visible/accessible for all user's scripts defining the same Namespace name. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Scope = SCOPE_NAMESPACE Announcement.Namespace = "Support" The above example defines a persistent variable Welcome in the namespace Support. All scripts defining the same namesapce will be able to access this variable. Another persistent variable Welcome in a namespace Sales will not interfere.
  2. VBScript This property returns a Windows Error Text (string) of the last read/write access of the persistent variable. The Windows Error Code (numerical) can be found in LatestError. This property is read only. As persistent variables are stored into a database there is a possibility of runtime errors. To check for any such runtime errors during read or write access of a persistent variable you can check LatestError for not equal zero. If you have installed the Persistent Variable extension as recommended the chances for runtime errors are very low. Therefore it shouldn't be necessary to add error handling. If you have installed the extension lets say into a database server on another machine it is highly recommended to add proper error handling. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Value = "Welcome Default.wav" if Announcement.LatestError <> 0 then ' add your error handling here ' error code in LatestError ' error descr in LatestDescription end if The above example gives a template for own error handling.
  3. VBScript This property returns a Windows Error Code (numerical) of the last read/write access of the persistent variable. The Windows Error Text can be found in LatestDescription. A list of all possible error codes and their meaning can be found in the MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network): System Error Codes This property is read only. As persistent variables are stored into a database there is a possibility of runtime errors. To check for any such runtime errors during read or write access of a peristent variable you can check this property for not equal zero. If you have installed the Persistent Variable extension as recommended the chances for runtime errors are very low. Therefore it shouldn't be necessary to add error handling. If you have installed the extension lets say into a database server on another machine it is highly recommended to add proper error handling. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Value = "Welcome Default.wav" if Announcement.LatestError <> 0 then ' add your error handling here ' error code in LatestError ' error descr in LatestDescription end if The above example gives a template for own error handling.
  4. VBScript 1.1.0 The usual way of working with persistent variables is most likely from within a call routing script. From v1.1.0 the persistent variables can also be used outside of a call routing script, i.e. in a standard windows scripting file (.wsf) or an asp web page. In these cases the persistent variables switch their default Scope from User/Group to Global to reflect the fact, that they don't have access to a SwyxWare user id, and therefore can't use the User Scope completely by themselves. If for what reason ever you need to access a persistent variable in the user scope of a certain user from outside a call routing script, you need to specify the SwyxWare user id belonging to that user and switch the scope to User: <package> <job id="set_variable_in_user_scope"> <script language="VBScript" src="PersistentVariables.vbs"/> <script language="VBScript"> Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Scope = SCOPE_USER Announcement.UserID = 15 Announcement.Value = "Beep.wav" Set Announcement = Nothing WScript.Quit </script> </job> </package> If you save the above code into a text file and name it SetAnnouncement.wsf you can call it directly from the command prompt: (the PeristentVariables.vbs file needs to be in the same folder!) C:\PersistentVariables> SetAccouncement The above example demonstrates the usage of persistent variables in a standard windows scripting host file (.wsf). There are many way to figure the user id of a SwyxWare user: Assuming you are accessing the variable also from inside a call routing script you can simply take a look into the PersistentVariables table and take the user id from there. You can also trace it into the server trace file from within a call routing and read it from there. Use any of the SwyxWare APIs (Server Script API, Client SDK, ConfigDataStore SDK, Powershell) to obtain it from SwyxWare. ... Please find a complete explanation of the usage of persistent variables outside of call routing scripts here: 6.6 - Usage of Persistent Variables outside of a call routing script
  5. VBScript This property set the name of a namespace if the Scope if the persistent variable is set to SCOPE_NAMESPACE. The given name may contain any characters. It has a maximum length of 128 characters. Longer strings will be truncated. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Scope = SCOPE_NAMESPACE Announcement.Namespace = "Support" The above example defines a persistent variable Welcome in the namespace Support. All scripts defining the same namesapce (regardless on which user or group they are running) will be able to access this variable. Another persistent variable Welcome in a namespace Sales would not interfere.
  6. VBScript This property sets the scope, i.e. the visibility, of a persistent variable. It takes a numerical value from 1 - 4. Any other values will be ignored. If you omit this property the default scope is used. This is the user scope if you use the persistent variables within a call routing script of a user, or the group scope if you use the persistent variable within a call routing script of a group. If you use the persistent variable outside of a call routing script (new in v1.1.0) the default scope is the global scope. For convenience purpose there are four VBScript constants defined for the four available scopes: SCOPE_NAMESPACE (1), SCOPE_USER (2 - default in user call routings), SCOPE_GROUP (4 - default in group call routings) or SCOPE_GLOBAL (3). Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Scope = SCOPE_GLOBAL The above example set the scope of the persistent variable Welcome to global, meaning that this variable is visible and accessible from all scripts of all users and groups.
  7. VBScript This property defines the default value of a persistent variable. When reading the content of a persistent variable it is possible that the variable has not been set before. In this case the configured default value will be returned. The default value takes up to 1kB (1024 Byte) of any data, like strings, booleans, numbers or dates. Data above the 1kB limit will be truncated. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Default = "Beep.wav" PlaySound Announcement.Value The above example defines a persistent variable with the name Welcome in the user scope of the current script user or in the group scrope of the current script group. Before accessing the content the default value Beep.wav is set. If at script runtime no other script has set the content of the variable before the default value will be used, i.e. a beep will be played in this example. Otherwise the previously stored content will be played. The default value will also be returned in case of any error accessing the database the persistent variables are stored in. If the Persistent Variables extension is properly installed no errors should happen, but you never know... Optional error handling will be discussed in LatestError and LatestDescription.
  8. VBScript This property represents the value (i.e. the content) of the persistent variable. While accessing this property the content will be either automatically written into the database or retrieved from the database. The value takes up to 1kB (1024 Byte) of any data, like strings, booleans, numbers or dates. Data above the 1kB limit will be truncated. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Value = "Default Welcome.wav" PlaySound Announcement.Value The above example defines a persistent variable with the name Welcome in the user scope of the current script user or in the group scrope of the current script group. The next line shows how to write into the persistent variable. The new content will be directly written into the database and is therefore persistently/permanently available. The next line shows how to read from the persistent variable. The content will be directly retrieved from the database. Of course it is possible to use the content of the persistent variable directly in nearly any GSE block, e.g.:
  9. VBScript This property defines the name of the persitent variable. The name is used to access/identify the persistent variable. Depending on the used Scope (SCOPE_USER, SCOPE_GROUP or SCOPE_GLOBAL) the name is already sufficient to identify the variable. If the used scope is SCOPE_NAMESPACE the Namespace property must be given as well. The given name may contain any character. It has a maximum length of 50 characters. Longer names will be truncated. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" The above example defines a persistent variable with the name Welcome in the user scope of the current script user or in the group scrope of the current script group.
  10. VBScript Within the download package of this project you will find an rse folder. This folder includes the file Retrieve.rse. This is a small example script to demonstrate the usage of persistent variables. It shows how to retrieve a persistently stored value from the scope of the current useror group. The script reads a persistent variable called Welcome and uses a Play Announcement block to announce the current value (which should be the name of a wav file). As nothing else was configured the value is taken from the user scope if the script runs for a user. If the script runs for a group the value will be taken from the group scope. If you have called the previous example before the content will be Default Welcome.wav. Otherwise the configured default value Beep.wav will be returned. To install this script generate a new GSE rule, via the menu File | Import... select the file Retrieve.rse, save the rule, close the GSE and make sure the rule is activated to give it a try. Hint: the Persistent Variables can be used with ANY SwyxWare version. The inlcuded examples and the GSE Action itself however might be stored with the most recent SwyxWare version of the time the Persistent Variable version was released. This means that you might need to use the latest SwyxWare version to be able to open the included GSE Rules (.rse files) and the GSE Action (.ase file) within your GSE.
  11. VBScript Within the download package of this project you will find an rse folder. This folder includes the file Store.rse. This is a small example script to demonstrate the usage of persistent variables. It shows how to store a value persistently into the scope of the current user or group. The script creates a variable with the Name "Welcome". If the script runs for a user, the variable will only be visible/accessible for the current user. The so called Default scope is User. If the script runs for a group, the variable with only be visible/accessible for the current group. The so call default scope is Group. Afterwards the name of a SwyxWare default announcement (Default Welcome.wav) is stored into the new persistent variable. To install this script generate a new GSE rule, via the menu File | Import... select the file Store.rse, save the rule, close the GSE and make sure the rule is activated to give it a try. The next example will read this persistent value and announce it. Hint: the Persistent Variables can be used with ANY SwyxWare version. The inlcuded examples and the GSE Action itself however might be stored with the most recent SwyxWare version of the time the Persistent Variable version was released. This means that you might need to use the latest SwyxWare version to be able to open the included GSE Rules (.rse files) and the GSE Action (.ase file) within your GSE.
  12. VBScript Retrieving a persistent variable like storing it very straight forward, just like common VBScript variables. The only difference is, that the value you read from the variable will be taken from the database in that moment. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Default = "Beep.wav" PlaySound Announcement.Value Before you read the content from the persistent variable you should define a Default value. This value will be returned in case nothing has been stored previously into the persistent variable. Reading content from a persistent variable is the same as you would use a common variable, just that you have to read the Value property. The above code passes the content of the persistent variable as parameter into the PlaySound function (build-in function of the Call Routing Manager, is used by "Play Announcement" action of Rule Assistent). You can also access the variable directly in nearly any of the GSE blocks: If the above code is used in a call routing of a user, the variable will be visible/accessible for the current script user only (the User scope is the default scope in this case). If the above code is used in a call routing of a group, the variable will be visible/accessible for the current script group only (the Group scope is the default scope) in this case. To configure another scope you have to change the Scope property. You will find the 3.5 - Simple Script - Retrieve Variable in the download package which includes the above code (except line 6).
  13. VBScript As already mentioned using persistent variables is very straight forward, just like you use common VBScript variables. The only difference is, that the value you put into a persistent variable will automatically be store into the database. Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" Announcement.Value = "Default Welcome.wav" The content you want to store into a persistent variable needs to be put into the Value property. You can put anything you want into the persistent variables, like strings, booleans, integers or dates. You only need to keep in mind that the maximum size is limited to 1kB (1024 bytes). If the above code is used in a call routing of a user, the variable will be visible/accessible for the current script user only (the User scope is the default scope in this case). If the above code is used in a call routing of a group, the variable will be visible/accessible for the current script group only (the Group scope is the default scope) in this case. To configure another scope you have to change the Scope property. You will find the 3.4 - Simple Script - Store Variable in the download package which includes the above code.
  14. VBScript To be able to use persistent variables you need to add one Run GSE Action block into your script, calling the PersistentVariable action. It is recommended to place this block right after the Start block. If you have installed the Persistent Variables extension as recommended you don't need to set any of the properties of the GSE action. Otherwise you should refer to:6.3 - Use SQL Server on different machine, 6.4 - Use database with different name, 6.5 - Use different database. Using persistent variables does not much differ from using common VBScript variables. If you want to use own VBScript variables you do this anywhere in your VBScript code. This can either be in the Start block or in a common Insert Script Code block. Note: if you want to use a persistent variable within some VBScript functions you have defined in the Start block as also in the graphical part of the script, lets say in the Play Accouncement block you need to define it in the Start block. The Set Variable block can't be used for persistent variables (as it generates common VBScript variables). Afterwards you create persistent variables as following: Dim Announcement Set Announcement = new PersistentVariable Announcement.Name = "Welcome" In line 1 you define a new VBScript variable "Announcement". In line 2 you set this variable as of type "PersistentVariable". In line 3 you give the persistent variable a unique Name. This name identifies the variable and it is stored with this name in the database. With nothing else configured the above persistent variable will be visible/accessible for the current script user only (the User scope is the default scope). To configure another scope (Global or Namespace) you have to change the Scope property. Once the persistent variable is created you can use it as every other variable. In the moment you put something in it, it will be automatically stored into the database. In the moment where you want to get something out of it, it will be taken from the database. See the following pages for examples.
  15. VBScript The Persistent Variables extension is designed as GSE actions. To install these GSE actions you need to use the SwyxWare Administration. Step 1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and open the properties of your Swyx Server. Step 2 Switch to the Files page and click on Edit.... Step 3 Click on Add... Step 4 1. Select all files from the ase folder from the download package. 2. Select Global as Scope. (you can also select User to load the files into the user scope a your script user or Group to load the files into the group scope of your script group) 3. Selec CallRoutingScripts (in SwyxWare < 13.10) or Call Routing VBS scripts (in SwyxWare >= 13.10) as Category. 4. It is recommended to enter Persistent Variables into the Description field, but not necessary. Step 5 To check if the GSE action is available within call routing scripts open the Call Routing Manager of any user and click the button Sequence of Actions. Scroll the list on the left side down until you reach the Persistent Variable action. The (System) behind the GSE action name shows that this is a global action being available for every SwyxWare user. The PersistenVariable GSE action is now installed completely and persistens variables can now be fully used within GSE call routing scripts.
  16. VBScript After having created and configured the IpPbxExtionsions database the table which is used by the PersistentVariable GSE action needs to be created into this database. Step 1 Select Open | Open File... from the File menu of SQL Server Management Studio and select the file CreateTable.sql from the sql folder of the download package. Hit the Execute button in the toolbar. Note: if you have chosen another than the default name for the database in the previous installation step you need to modify the first line of the CreateTable.sql file accordingly. Step 2 Right click IpPbxExtensions in the tree view and select Refresh. Open the IpPbxExtensions and Table branches to check if the new table dbo.PersistentVariables was created. The database is now fully created and configured !
  17. VBScript It is recommended to use the MS SQL Server being already installed on the SwyxWare machine and being used by the SwyxWare. If you want to use another MS SQL Server on another machine please refer to 6.3 - Use SQL Server on different machine. If you want to use another database server like MySQL or Oracle please refer to 6.5 - Use different database. The default name of the database to be created is IpPbxExtensions. If you want to use another database name please refer to 6.4 - Use database with different name. The following setup instruction assumes you install Persistent Variables into the MS SQL Server being installed on the SwyxWare machine and use the default database name. This is later on the most easiest way to use Persistent Variables. Step 1 It is prohibited to use SwyxWare's IpPbx database for own needs. Therefore all extensions of the Call Routing Extensions project use a separated database called IpPbxExtensions. To create this database you should use the SQL Server Management Studio. Follow this link to download the version matching to your MS SQL Server version. Step 2 Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the local database server. Step 3 Right click Databases in the tree view and select New Database... Step 4 Enter the name IpPbxExtensions into the top field of the dialog on click on OK. Step 5 Open the Security branch in the tree view, right click on Logins and select New Login... Step 6 Enter or select the name of the user account the SwyxWare services (i.e. the SwyxServer) is running under. By default this is the local SwyxServiceAccount. You can also set the "Default Database" to "IpPbxExtensions". Step 7 Select User Mapping from the left list, check the IpPbxExtensions database from the upper list on the right side and configure (check) db_datareader and db_datawriter from the lower list on the right side. You should not use db_owner as this would give the call routing way too many access privileges on the database.. Step 8 Click on OK. You have now successfully created the IpPbxExtensions database being used by the PersistentVariable GSE action. By creating a login for the SwyxServiceAccount you have granted access for all call routing scripts to this database.
  18. VBScript Instead of reading through the following documentation you can also follow this video (oder dieses Video) which contains a Swyx webinar explaining setup and usage of the persistent variables. Download the latest version.
  19. VBScript If you use variables in your script the content of these variables will be lost when the current call ends. Furthermore it is not possible to share the content of a variable with other simultaneously running scripts (same scripts, different scripts of the same or other user). There are lots of cases where you need to "remember" the content of a variable or simply share information between simultaneously running scripts. Persistent Variables solve this problem. This extension provides an easy to use VBScript class (PersistentVariable) which stores it's content into a database and retrieves it from there. The visibility, i.e. scope, of a persistent variable can be configured finely grained: User Group Global Namespace A variable with the scope User is accessible form all scripts of the current user. A user scope variable of another user with the same name does not interfere. A variable with the scope Group is accessible form all scripts of the current group. A user scope variable of another group with the same name does not interfere. A variable with the scope Global is accessible from all scripts of all users. A variable with the scope Namespace is accessible from any script (of any user) defining the same namespace. A variable being stored in another namespace but with the same name does not interfere. The default scope is User or Group if the variable is used in the call routing of a user or group. That means that each user and group has his own set of persistent variables without any need to worry to interfere with other users or groups call routings. The Persistent Variables can be used with ANY SwyxWare version. The inlcuded examples and the GSE Action itself however might be stored with the most recent SwyxWare version of the time the Persistent Variable version was released. This means that you might need to use the latest SwyxWare version to be able to open the included GSE Rules (.rse files) and the GSE Action (.ase file) within your GSE. Example: Night Switch Based upon the Persistent Variables extension this is an example on how to implement night switch functionality into your SwyxWare. There are four scripts included: Night Switch Manager Modify the night switch status via DTMF menu or Post Dialing Digits (e.g. using speed dial keys to call into the manager to switch the night switch on or off) Night Switch enabled call routing script A simple example on how to use the night switch persistent variable in a call routing script to differ between day and night call routing WebExtension for SwyxIt! Skin A simple ASP web page that displays the current state of the night switch as red or green area. By clicking into this area/page the status can be toggled. Shortcut for SwyxIt! Skin or Windows Desktop A simple WSH script which toggles the current state of the night switch. Please refer to the Forums to discuss the Persistent Variables or for support requests. Please find the download for this project here. For the complete documentation explaining the setup, usage and all included examples just read the following chapters from the menu on the left. You can also follow this video (oder dieses Video) which contains a Swyx webinar explaining setup and usage of the persistent variables. As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above). License Persistent Variables for SwyxWare Extended Call Routing v1.4.0 This is a Swyx Forum Open Source Project. https://www.swyxforum.com/projects/ Copyright (c) 2011-2024 by Swyx Forum Copyright (c) 2011-2024 by Tom Wellige All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
  20. VBScript Lua This project communicates with a few external components. If the provided GSE actions (or GSE example rules) don't work (you either reach the error exit or there are no changes in Zendesk) you should take a look into the server trace file, identify the call and look for trace output from the GSE action that would look like For VBScript based call routing: -------> Zendesk.GetTicketStatus () or -------> Zendesk.UpdateTicket () or -------> Zendesk.CreateTicket () or -------> Zendesk.OpenTicket () For Lua based call routing: -------> Zendesk:GetTicketStatus () or -------> Zendesk:UpdateTicket () or -------> Zendesk:CreateTicket () or -------> Zendesk:OpenTicket Once you have found this line for your test call you will find all important stuff before and after that line. The following lines contains the complete command line for the curl tool. You can copy and paste it into a command line to give it a try. Before hitting enter on a command line you have to replace the %LOGIN% placeholder by the zendesk login, in the format %USER%/token:%TOKEN%. The values for the username and token can be found in the trace right above start line. Give the complete command line a try in a browser and see if you get something meaningful back from Zendesk. The next trace line contains the result Zendesk returned for your test call. If it looks like lots of data, then everything seems to be fine, if there is an error message included try to work out that error message until your result looks like lots of data. I am not going to explain the JSON result format here, this is done in the Zendesk Core API documentation. In case you have trouble getting this little project running or have specific questions, please open your own topic in the project forum.
  21. Is obsolete since v1.1.0 The first version of this project was called Ticket Validation against Zendesk (v1.0.0) and only consisted of a GSE action to check the current status of a given ticket. This has been completely replaced by the Zendesk Integration (from v1.1.0 upwards) and is therefore obsolete.
  22. VBScript Lua This example demonstrates the usage of the Zendesk Update Ticket GSE action. It asks the caller to enter a ticket id, adds a comment to that ticket and announces the result of that (0 - error, 1 - success). To install it: Open the Call Routing Manager of your desired SwyxWare user. Click the "New Rule..." button. Select "Graphical Script Editor" and click Ok. With the GSE open the File | Import... menu and click No. From the download package select the following file: For VBScript usage: VBScript base\rse\Update Ticket.rse For Lua usage: Lua base\rse\Update Ticket.rse You need to make some modifications in the "Update Ticket" block. They are explained in detail in chapter 3.4 - GSE Action Zendesk Update Ticket. You can use this to add some call details into the given ticket, like a timestamp and caller name and caller number.
  23. VBScript Lua This example demonstrates the usage of the Zendesk Create Ticket GSE action. On any incoming call it creates a new ticket and announces afterwards its ticket id. To install it: Open the Call Routing Manager of your desired SwyxWare user. Click the "New Rule..." button. Select "Graphical Script Editor" and click Ok. With the GSE open the File | Import... menu and click No. From the download package select the following file: For VBScript usage: VBScript based\rse\Create Ticket.rse For Lua usage: Lua based\rse\Create Ticket.rse You need to make some modifications in the "Create Ticket" block. They are explained in detail in chapter 3.1 - GSE Action Zendesk Create Ticket.
  24. VBScript Lua This example demonstrates the usage of the Zendesk Ticket Status and Zendesk Update Ticket GSE actions as also the Zendesk SwyxIt! button. It asks the caller to enter a ticket id, checks if it's status is new, open, pending or hold and if so connects the call. After the call is finally disconnected it writes some call details into the entered ticket. To install it: Make sure that the Zendesk SwyxIt! button is properly installed. Open the Call Routing Manager of your desired SwyxWare user. Click the "New Rule..." button. Select "Graphical Script Editor" and click Ok. With the GSE open the File | Import... menu and click No. From the download package select the following file: For VBScript usage: VBScript based\rse\Check Status and Update Ticket.rse For Lua usage: Lua based\rse\Check Status and Update Ticket.rse You need to make some modifications in the "Get Status" block. They are explained in detail in chapter 3.3 - GSE Action Zendesk Ticket Status. You also need to make some modifications in the "Update Ticket" block. They are explained in detail in chapter 3.4 - GSE Action Zendesk Update Ticket. After a call has been completely handled by the call routing script and also afterwards by an agent (and finally disconnected), you will find the following call details added as a new comment into the ticket: 10.05.2017 10:16:21 : Incoming call from 'Test1 (##1145)', 101 10.05.2017 10:16:50 : Ticket validated. 10.05.2017 10:16:59 : Call connected to Agent 1 10.05.2017 10:18:31 : Call connected to Agent 2 10.05.2017 10:21:03 : Call disconnected.
  25. VBScript Lua This example demonstrates the usage of the Zendesk Ticket Status GSE action. It asks the caller to enter a ticket id, checks if it's status is new, open, pending or hold and if so connects the call. To install it: Open the Call Routing Manager of your desired SwyxWare user. Click the "New Rule..." button. Select "Graphical Script Editor" and click Ok. With the GSE open the File | Import... menu and click No. From the download package select the following file: For VBScript usage: VBScript based\rse\Check Status.rse For Lua usage: Lua based\rse\Check Status.rse You need to make some modifications in the "Get Status" block. They are explained in detail in chapter 3.3 - GSE Action Zendesk Ticket Status.
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