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Tom Wellige

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Everything posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Nein. Gruppen haben kein eigenes Call Routing. Hier greift ausschliesslich die Art der Rufzustellung die man in den Gruppeneigenschaften in der Administration konfiguriert hat. Wenn man ein Call Routing für eine Gruppe braucht, richtet man einfach einen Dummy Benutzer ein, gibt ihm die Gruppennummer und läßt sein Call Routing die Zustellung auf die Gruppe machen. Der Gruppe gibt man dann eine andere Nummer die auch nicht im Telefonbuch angezeigt wird (um zu verhindern, dass jemand das Call Routing umgeht).
  2. Mit Hilfe der Traces und der aktuellen .rse Datei sind alle noch vorhandenen Probleme gedunden und gelöst worden.
  3. VBScript → Lua The following names or values can be used directly within the call routing script, e.g. Dim nRetVal nRetVal = PBXCall.Hold ("*hold*") If (nRetVal = PBXSuccess) Then ... End If Additionally it is possible to receive the return value / cause from the latest connect to attempt by using the GSE build in function LastCause(). Result Name Value Remark PBXSuccess 0 PBXFailure 1 PBXTimeout 2 PBXCallTermNormalCallClearing 3 PBXCallTermDestinationBusy 4 PBXCallTermReject 5 PBXCallTermCancelled 6 PBXCallTermTransferred 7 PBXCallTermJoinedConference 8 PBXCallTermNoAnswer 9 PBXCallTermToLate 10 PBXCallTermDirectCallImpossible 11 PBXCallTermWrongNumber 12 PBXCallTermConnectToCallerImpossible 13 PBXCallTermDestinationUnreachable 14 PBXInvalidDTMFDigitReceived 15 PBXCallTermRedirectionNotPossible 16 PBXCallTermIgnoreCall 17 PBXCallTermNoChannelAvailable 18 PBXCallTermNetworkCongestion 19 PBXCallTermIncompatibleDestination 20 PBXCallTermNumberChanged 21 PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected 22 PBXDestinationScriptStarted 23 PBXCallTermDeflected 24 PBXCallTermPermissionDenied 25 from SwyxWare 6 on PBXCallTermSubstituteNumberDenied 26 from SwyxWare 2011 on PBXCallTermSecurityNegotiationFailed 27 from SwyxWare 2011 on
  4. VBScript → Lua SwxWare v4.40 This function returns a list of PBXUser objects which have the given address. Do not mistake these PBXUser objects with the PBXUser interface of the Server Script API. g_PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress("101") This function returns a list of PBXUser objects which have the given address, 101 in this example. If the address is an internal number, user name, H.323 alias or SIP user ID the returned collection contains the corresponding user object. If the address is a group number or group name the returned list contains PBXUser objects of all group members. The returned list is a common VBScript collection, which can be used in the following way: Dim oUsers Set oUsers = g_PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress("101") Dim oUser For Each oUser In oUsers ' use user object here Next Each PBXUser object has the following read-only properties: UserID Name EMailAddress DataFolder (obsolete since SwyxWare v6.00) State Numbers NumberOfNewVoicemails (from SwyxWare v6.00) The first four properties are self-explanatory. The following VBScript functions make use of the Name property: GetUserNameFromExtension IsUserInGroup The State property can have one of the following values: ' user state not available UserStateUnavailable = 0 ' user is logged off UserStateLoggedOff = 1 ' user is logged on UserStateLoggedOn = 2 ' user is speaking, at least one call has an external origination or destination UserStateSpeakingExternal = 3 ' a call is currently alerting at one of the user's devices UserStateAlerting = 4 ' user is speaking, none of the calls has an external origination or destination UserStateSpeakingInternal = 5 ' user is away (since SwyxWare 2011) UserStateAway = 6 ' user has do not disturb status (since SwyxWare 2011) UserStateDoNotDisturb = 7 ' busy indication from external presence source (e.g. MS Teams) (since SwyxWare 13) UserStateActive3rdParty = 8 Please note that the status signalling between the user the status should be requested from and the user the current script runs under must be configured (just as in SwyxIt!). The following VBScript functions make direct use of the State property: IsAtLeastOneMemberOfGroupBusy IsAtLeastOneMemberOfGroupLoggedOff IsGroupLoggedOff IsUserFree IsUserLoggedOn IsUserLoggedOff UserStatus The Numbers property is a VBScript collection containing all numbers assigned to the user. Dim n Dim sNumbers sNumbers = "" For Each n In oUser.Numbers If sNumbers = "" Then sNumbers = n Else sNumbers = sNumbers & ", " & n End If Next PBXScript.OutputTrace "Numbers: " & sNumbers From SwyxWare v6.00 on, the SwyxWare differs between internal and external numbers. The numbers collection includes the internal numbers. There is no possibility to request the configured external numbers of a user. If a number is configured to not being displayed in the global phonebook it will also no added to the numbers collection. The NumberOfNewVoicemails property contains the number of unread voicemails as stored in the SwyxWare database. Note: This value does not change when the user reads his voicemail with an email program directly. It will changed correctly when the voicemail is retrieved via SwyxWare's remote inquiry function or when the SwyxIt or Swyxphone's voicemail key is used. The following VBScript function switches the new Voicemail signalling for the given user or group on: SetNewVoicemailFlag
  5. VBScript → Lua SwxWare v12.40 This object can be used to perform any kind of web requests from within the call routing. Dim oWebRequest, respCode, oHeaders, oHeader, iIdx Set oWebRequest = PBXScript.WebRequest oWebRequest.HttpVerb = HttpVerbGet oWebRequest.URL = "https://www.example.org" oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/text" respCode = oWebRequest.Execute PBXScript.OutputTrace "Execute result=" & respCode & " -> " & oWebRequest.ResponseBody PBXScript.Sleep 1000 ' Dump response headers Set oHeaders = oWebRequest.ResponseHeaders iIdx = 0 For Each oHeader In oHeaders PBXScript.OutputTrace "---> header[" & iIdx & "] = " & oHeader iIdx = iIdx + 1 Next oWebRequest.Reset The PBXScript.WebRequest object provides the following properties and methods: AddHeader This method takes one string parameter. It sets the given parameter as HTTP header, e.g.: oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/text" or oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8" AddQueryPair This method takes two string parameters. It sets the given parameters as query data (e.g. in an HTTP POST request). The given parameters will get properly escaped, so no own character escaping is needed. E.g.: oWebRequest.AddQueryPair("user", "Dörthe, Weiß") HttpVerb This property defines the HTTP request type. If omitted, the listed default value will be used. The following values are possible. HttpVerbGet (Default) HttpVerbPost HttpVerbPut HttpVerbDelete HttpVerbPatch HttpVerbHead HttpAuth This property defines the HTTP authentication at the given destination (URL). If omitted, the listed default value will be used. The following values are possible. HttpAuthNone (Default) HttpAuthBasic HttpAuthDigest HttpAuthBearer HttpAuthAny AuthUser / AuthPass This properties take string values of the user name/id and password/token if an HttpAuth authentication is used that requires these values. oWebRequest.HttpAuth = HttpAuthBasic oWebRequest.AuthUser = "jdoe@example.com" oWebRequest.AuthPass = "pa$$w0rd" Both properties will be taken to form a properly escaped "authentication" header (AuthUser:AuthPass). From the above example: ~GET / HTTP/2 ~Host: example.org ~authorization: Basic amRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwYSQkdzByZA== ~user-agent: IpPbxScrWeb ~accept: */* Hint: if a username/token:xxxxxxxxx authentication is required, you need to form it like this: oWebRequest.AuthUser = "jdoe@example.com/token" oWebRequest.AuthPass = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" UrlEncode The method takes one string parameter. It URL encodes the given string and returns it. Dim encodedURL encodedURL = oWebRequest.UrlEncode "Dörthe, Weiß sucht das Glück" The returned encoded string will look like this D%C3%B6rthe%2C%20Wei%C3%9F%20sucht%20das%20Gl%C3%BCck VerifyPeer This property takes a boolean value. It activates (True, Default) or deactivates (False) the SSL/TLS certificate validation. It is not recommended to disable it. URL This property takes a string value. It defines the URL for the HTP request. oWebRequest.HttpVerb = HttpVerbGet oWebRequest.URL = "https://example.org" RequestBody This property takes a string value. It can be used to provide request body like, e.g. JSON formatted request information: oWebRequest.RequestBody = _ "{" & _ " ""ticket"":" & _ " {" & _ " ""comment"":" & _ " {" & _ " ""body"": %COMMENT%," & _ " ""author_id"": %AUTHORID%," & _ " ""public"": " & %PUBLIC% & _ " }" & _ " }" & _ "}" Execute This method performs the HTTP request being defined by all above listed properties and methods and returns the response code (as integer value). if oWebRequest.Execute = 200 then '... end if ResponseBody This property is a string value. It contains the response data of the request. if oWebRequest.Execute = 200 then PBXScript.OutputTrace oWebRequest.ResponseBody end if ResponseHeaders This property is a string list value. It contains all returned response headers. The following code is an example to dump all headers: Dim oHeader, oHeaders Set oHeaders = oWebRequest.ResponseHeaders iIdx = 0 For Each oHeader In oHeaders PBXScript.OutputTrace "---> header[" & iIdx & "] = " & oHeader iIdx = iIdx + 1 Next Reset This method resets all previously set data and can be used to prepare the PBXScript.WebRequest object for the next request. Beside the above given examples the Zendesk Integration project (from version 1.3.0 on) makes use of the PBXScript.WebRequest object and demonstrates the usage of JSON formatted request and response data from a cloud based REST API service. There is also a function LaunchHTTPRequestEx from the Function Collection available which demonstrates the usage of the PBXScript.WebRequest object.
  6. VBScript → Lua Returns the Locale ID (LCID) of the language the current Windows OS is installed in, meaning it tells you the language of the installed Windows. ' is this a norwegian Windows ? if PBXScript.SystemLanguageID = 1044 Then ... End If This property returns an integer value. The following is a list of all LCIDs of the current/former language versions of the SwyxWare: Language hex value decimal value short string Danish 0x0406 1030 dk Dutch 0x0813 1043 nl English UK 0x0809 2057 en-GB French 0x040C 1036 fr German 0x0407 1031 de Italian 0x0410 1040 it Norwegian 0x0414 1044 no Spanish 0x0C0A 3082 es Using the PBXScript.InstallLanguageID function you can additionally request the LCID of the installed SwyxWare. A complete list of all existing LCIDs can be found within the MSDN.
  7. VBScript → Lua This function stops the execution of the current script for the given number of milliseconds. PBXScript.Sleep 1000 This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. The numeric parameter gives the number of milliseconds to "sleep". This function is used to wait a certain amount of time without consuming CPU load. A common usage is e.g. in a call queue to check every second for the availability of a free agent. While "sleeping" one second no cpu load is used. When ever you need to loop within your script make sure to use this function to slow the execution of the loop down and save cpu load. An endless loop, like While True i = i + 1 Wend will drive the CPU load of the server machine to 100% and therefore interfere negatively with all calls on and other activities of the SwyxServer.
  8. VBScript → Lua This function sends an email from a configurable email address. PBXScript.SendEMail bstrSender, bstrReplyTo, strRecipients, bstrCC, bstrBCC, bstrSubject, bstrBody,bstrAttachmentFile, bstrAttachmentMimeType, bIsVoicemail This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. Beside this function, there is also a PBXCall.SendEMail function, with much less parameters. Parameters bstrSender The EMail "From" field. Must be a valid SMTP mail address, e.g. smith@example.com bstrReplyTo The EMail "ReyplTo" field. Must be a valid SMTP mail address, e.g. smith@example.com bstrRecipients The EMail "To" field. Must be a valid SMTP mail address, e.g. smith@example.com, or a list of such addresses, separated by ; (semicolon). bstrCC The EMail "CC" field. Must be a valid SMTP mail address, e.g. smith@example.com, or a list of such addresses, separated by ; (semicolon). bstrBCC The EMail "BCC" field. Must be a valid SMTP mail address, e.g. smith@example.com, or a list of such addresses, separated by ; (semicolon). bstrSubject The EMail "Subject" field. bstrBody The EMail "Body" field. bstrAttachmentFile The name of a file to be attached to the email. bstrAttachmentMimeType The Mime trype of the attached file. Default: "" (empty string) bIsVoicemail Enable the voicemail signalling in the receivers SwyxIt! client or on his phone. Default: False Please note: Even if unicode characters are possible within VBScript strings, use only SMTP compatible characters.
  9. VBScript → Lua This collection holds informations about all scripts that has been started for this call before the current script has been started. If a call is forwarded from a script with option "Proceed with destination's call routing", i.e. when PBXCall.ConnectToEx is called with bProceedWithDestinationScript set to true. Note that the standard redirection (immediate, delayed, busy) always set this flag. The collection contains PreviousScript objects containing the following information for each previous script: UserName (obsolete from SwyxWare v13.27, contains valid value for user scripts only) UserId (obsolete from SwyxWare v13.27, contains valid value for user scripts only) EntityType (new from SwyxWare v13.27) either PBXScriptTypeUser(1) or PBXScriptTypeGroup (2) EntityId (new from SwyxWare v13.27) long value containing the SwyxWare interal id of user or user group EntityName (new from SwyxWare v13.27) string value containing the name of user or user group StartTime EndTime The following example code lists all previous script information into the server trace file: Dim Scripts Set Scripts = PBXScript.PreviousScripts PBXScript.OutputTrace "Number of previous scripts: " & Scripts.Count Dim Script ' til SwyxWare v13.26 For Each Script In Scripts PBXScript.OutputTrace "UserName: " & Script.UserName PBXScript.OutputTrace "UserID: " & Script.UserID PBXScript.OutputTrace "StartTime: " & Script.StartTime PBXScript.OutputTrace "EndTime: " & Script.EndTime Next ' from SwyxWare v13.27 For Each Script In Scripts PBXScript.OutputTrace "EntityType: " & Script.EntityType ' 1 = PBXScriptTypeUser, 2 = PBXScriptTypeGroup PBXScript.OutputTrace "EntityId: " & Script.EntityId ' SwyxWare internal id of user or user group PBXScript.OutputTrace "EntityName: " & Script.EntityName ' name of user or user group PBXScript.OutputTrace "StartTime: " & Script.StartTime PBXScript.OutputTrace "EndTime: " & Script.EndTime Next Please note that a previous script object does contain the user or group name only, not any of the internal extensions of that user or group. A common usage for this collection is to check if the current call was originally meant for some other certain user or group. There are ready made functions which search this collection for a given user (til SwyxWare v13.26) or given user or group (from SwyxWare 13.27) IsRedirectedFromByName (til SwyxWare v13.26) IsRedirectedFromByNameEx (from SwyxWare v13.27) Based on that function there is another function available which takes an extension or a list of extensions to resolve these numbers via PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress into a user name and then check against this collection: IsRedirectedFromByNumber
  10. VBScript → Lua SwxWare v6.10 This function can be used to write trace outout into SwyxServer's trace file. Tracing can be used for debugging of realtime systems and is highly recommended to be used within own script code. PBXScript.OutputTraceEx PBXTraceLevelInfo, "Hello World" This function can be used at any time within a call routing script. The string being passed as parameter will be directly written into the SwyxServer trace file. The first parameter defines the trace level. The trace message is logged only if the configured trace level (see below) is higher or equal as the level specified in the trace statement. The following trace levels are defined: PBXTraceLevelFatal = 1 PBXTraceLevelError = 2 PBXTraceLevelWarn = 3 PBXTraceLevelInfo = 4 PBXTraceLevelInfo2 = 5 PBXTraceLevelInfo3 = 6 This function provides the ability to write trace output on any trace level, e.g. Warn or Error, instead of the default level Info3 which is used by the PBXScript.OutputTrace function. The following blog article provides some general hints about tracing within call routing: The Call Routing Guy - #3: Don't by shy, be chatty! The following article explains how to filter one single call from a SwyxServer trace file, and from that call only the call routing relevant trace lines: How to filter SwyxWare traces for call routing output of single call
  11. VBScript → Lua This function can be used to write trace out into the SwyxServer's trace file. Tracing can be used for debugging of realtime systems and is highly recommended to be used within own script code. PBXScript.OutputTrace "Hello World" This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. This function can be used at any time within a call routing script. The string being passed as parameter will be directly written into the SwyxServer trace file. Call routing traces will be written by the SrvScript module of IpPbxSrv to Info3 level. To create trace output on any trace level you can use PBXScript.OutputTraceEx. The following blog article provides some general hints about tracing within call routing: The Call Routing Guy - #3: Don't by shy, be chatty! The following article explains how to filter one single call from a SwyxServer trace file, and from that call only the call routing relevant trace lines: How to filter SwyxWare traces for call routing output of single call
  12. VBScript This function returns a list of all installed licenses. PBXScript.Licenses This function returns a list with a Type and Count value per entry. Please note, that this function can only be used for the offline license model, where license keys are getting added manually into the SwyxWare Adminstration. It can't be used for any online license model (SwyxFlex, Perpatual, SwyxWare DataCenter Edition - SDC, SwyxON). The following code writes all license information into the server trace file: Dim oLicenses, oLicense Set oLicenses = PBXScript.Licenses ' run through entire list and write all license data into the trace For Each oLicense in oLicenses PBXScript.OutputTrace "Type: " & oLicense.Type & " / Count: " & oLicense.Count Next Trace Output: 17 19:29:21.773 000e90 Info SrvScript 0A687A50 00000002 SPBXScript::OutputTrace () Type: 0 / Count: 10 17 19:29:21.773 000e90 Info SrvScript 0A687A50 00000002 SPBXScript::OutputTrace () Type: 1 / Count: 0 17 19:29:21.773 000e90 Info SrvScript 0A687A50 00000002 SPBXScript::OutputTrace () Type: 2 / Count: 0 17 19:29:21.773 000e90 Info SrvScript 0A687A50 00000002 SPBXScript::OutputTrace () Type: 3 / Count: 10 17 19:29:21.773 000e90 Info SrvScript 0A687A50 00000002 SPBXScript::OutputTrace () Type: 4 / Count: 0 17 19:29:21.773 000e90 Info SrvScript 0A687A50 00000002 SPBXScript::OutputTrace () Type: 5 / Count: 0 The Type value is a number representation of a license product type. Possible type values are: 1 SwyxWare Server 2 Voice Channel 3 Extended Call Routing 4 SwyxWare User 5 SwyxFax User 6 SwyxFax Channel 7 System Phone 8 CTI 12 SwyxWare Update 13 SwyxVoicemail Option 14 SwyxConference Option 15 SwyxRecord Option 16 SwyxMonitor Option 17 SwyxProfessional Option 18 SwyxStandby Option 19 Swyx Connector for Microsoft Teams 22 SwyxMobile Option 23 SwyxPLUS VisualGroups Standard 24 SwyxPLUS VisualGroups Enhanced 25 SwyxPLUS VisualGroups additional Queue 26 SwyxNotes Option 27 SwyxPLUS VisualGroups Standard (User) 28 SwyxPLUS für DATEV 29 SwyxPLUS VisualContacts 30 SwyxCTI+ Option 31 SwyxPLUS VisualGroups Enhanced (User)
  13. VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare 2011 This function queries/returns the busy status for a single user or a group. If PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusyEx ("100") Then ' do something End If This function returns a boolean value. With SwyxWare 20211 the Presence Manager within the server service was introduced, which hat all times has a full and correctl view of all states of all users. Before that, the server didn't knew about users who locked their line keys in the client (e.g. via a configured wrap-up time) but always considered those users as available/free. The PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusyEx function simulated a call to the user/group to see how the client/clients would respond to it. Since SwyxWare 2011 one should use the PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress function to query the status of a user. The given link exlpains in detail how to do that. Parameter bstrNumber The name or the number (as string) of a user or a user group.
  14. VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare 2011 This function queries/returns the busy status for a single user or a group. If PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusy ("100") Then ' do something End If This function returns a boolean value. With SwyxWare 20211 the Presence Manager within the server service was introduced, which hat all times has a full and correctl view of all states of all users. Before that, the server didn't knew about users who locked their line keys in the client (e.g. via a configured wrap-up time) but always considered those users as available/free. The PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusy function simulated a call to the user/group to see how the client/clients would respond to it. Since SwyxWare 2011 one should use the PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress function to query the status of a user. The given link exlpains in detail how to do that. Parameter bstrNumber The name or the number (as string) of a user or a user group.
  15. VBScript → Lua Returns the Locale ID (LCID) of the language the SwyxWare is installed in, meaning it tells you the language of the installed SwyxWare. ' is this a norwegian SwyxWare ? if PBXScript.InstallLanguageID = 1044 Then '... End If This property returns an integer value. The following is a list of all LCIDs of the current/former language versions of the SwyxWare: Language hex value decimal value short string Danish 0x0406 1030 dk Dutch 0x0813 1043 nl English UK 0x0809 2057 en-GB French 0x040C 1036 fr German 0x0407 1031 de Italian 0x0410 1040 it Norwegian 0x0414 1044 no Spanish 0x0C0A 3082 es Using the PBXScript.SystemLanguageID function you can additionally request the LCID of the installed Windows OS. A complete list of all existing LCIDs can be found within the MSDN.
  16. VBScript → Lua This function returns the length of a given .wav file in seconds. PBXScript.GetAudioFileLength This function returns a long value. If 0 is returned, the file length is 0 or length could not be determined, e.g. because of an unsupported file format. SwyxWare requires .wav files in 16kHz, 16bit, mono format. If no explicit path is given in the filename, SwyxServer searches this file in the database, in the following scopes in that order: User User Default Global System Default It is also possible to use a local file from the SwyxServer machine. In this case it is necessary, that the Windows user account the SwyxServer service is running under (usually the SwyxServiceAccount), has read privileges on that file.
  17. VBScript → Lua This function ends the current script immediately. PBXScript.EndScript This function returns S_OK if succesfull, otherwise E_FAIL. Script is ended immediately. After this statement no further script statements are executed. The current call will be disconnected if it is not successfully connected to a destination before.
  18. VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare v6.00
  19. VBScript This function creates an instance of the given COM object. PBXScript.CreateObject ( sObjectName ) This functions returns an object. This function is identical to the VBScript build-in function CreateObject. Example: ' create an ADODB.Connection object Dim oDB Set oDB = PBXScript.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") Don't forget to release the object again, once it is not needed anymore. Set oDB = Nothing
  20. VBScript → Lua This function converts a given extension into a full canonical number. PBXScript.ConvertToCanonical ( sExtension ) This function returns a string value. Example: SwyxServer has the following configuration: Countrycode 49 Areacode 231 Subscribernumber 4777 When calling PBXScript.ConvertToCanonical with the parameter "180" it will return "+492314777180".
  21. VBScript → Lua This function returns either True or False if a certain number is completely or partly given in another number respective list of numbers. Dim sNumberList sNumberList = "49231477733*;34*" If PBXScript.CompareNumbers (sNumberList, "333") Then '... End If This function returns a boolean value. It is possible to use the wildcard * (asterisk) as placeholder for any following digit respective number of digits. A ; (semicolon) in the number list separates different numbers. The above example shows the CompareNumbers function returning True as "333" is in fact part of the number list, "49231477733*".
  22. VBScript This function gets or set the standard voicemail welcome message file name. ' get the file name of the standard voicemail Dim sMessage sMessage = PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage ' set the file name of the standard voicemail PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage = "Voicemail.wav" This function takes or returns a string value. When setting a new standard voicemail message the .wav needs to be in the SwyxWare database either in the USER scope of the script user or in the GLOBAL scope. The following properties are also available to access the standard voicemail configuration of the script user: PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress PBXUser.VoicemailRecording PBXUser.VoicemailRecordingTimeout
  23. VBScript This property gets or sets the the maximum number of seconds for standard voicemail recording of the script user. PBXUser.VoicemailRecordingTimeout This property takes or returns an integer value. Valid values are 3 .. 600. The following properties are also available to access the standard voicemail configuration of the script user: PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress PBXUser.VoicemailRecording PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage
  24. VBScript This property sets or gets if a message should be recorded after welcome announcement. PBXUser.VoicemailRecording This property takes or returns a boolean value. If set to True a message will be recorded after welcome announcement has been played. If set to False no message will be recorded. The following properties are also available to access the standard voicemail configuration of the script user: PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress PBXUser.VoicemailRecordingTimeout PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage
  25. VBScript This property gets or sets the the target address for standard voicemail recording of the script user. PBXUser.VoicemailEMailAddress This property takes or returns as string value. The following properties are also available to access the standard voicemail configuration of the script user: PBXUser.VoicemailRecording PBXUser.VoicemailRecordingTimeout PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage
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