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Tom Wellige

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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Files posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Jira Service Integration

    This extension provides Jira Service functionality to the SwyxWare call routing:
    Create Issue (create a new issue into an existing service project) - for example to register a callback request Add Comment (create a new comment (internal or public) to an existing service issue) Check Status (check the current status of an existing service issue)  
      Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding the Jira Service Integration.
      Please refer to the Forums to discuss the Jira Service Integration or for support reuqests.
      Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page.

     Find the license information on the Project Page.
     If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic.
    As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above).

    1 download

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  2. Invision Power Services (IPS) Integration

    This extension provides Invision Power Services (IPS) functionality to the SwyxWare call routing:
    Create Topic (a new forum topic) Create Post (a new post with an existing topic) Create Blog Comment Create Download Comment Create Page Comment Create Message (a private message from a given user to any number of users)  
      Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding the Persistent Variables.
      Please refer to the Forums to discuss the Invision Power Services (IPS) Integration or for support reuqests.
      Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page.

     Find the license information on the Project Page.
     If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic.
    As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above).


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  3. Persistent Variables

    This extension adds persistent variables into SwyxWares' VBScript based call routing.
      Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding the Persistent Variables.
      Please refer to the Forums to discuss the Persistent Variables or for support reuqests.
      Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page.

     Find the license information on the Project Page.
     If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic.
    As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above).


       (0 reviews)



  4. Zendesk Integration

    This extension provides Zendesk ticket functionality to the SwyxWare call routing:
    Check the current status of a Zendesk ticket Create a new Zendesk ticket Update an existing Zendesk ticket Open an existing Zendesk ticket in an agent's web browser window Zendesk SwyxIt! button to open the Zendesk ticket directly with a mouse click within SwyxIt! Comes for VBscript based and Lua based call routing. Example call routing scripts.  
      Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding this project.
      Please refer for all discussions (forum) for this extension to the forum.
      Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page.
      Find the license information on the Project Page.
      If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic.
    As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, Support is EXCLUSIVELY provided in the Project Froum (see link above).
    Please note: v1.4.0 (or higher) of this project requires SwyxWare 13.10 (or higher).
    Please note: v1.3.0 (or higher) of this project requires SwyxWare 12.40 (or higher).
    Please note: v1.0.0 of this project was called Ticket Validation against Zendesk. This has been completely replaced by the current version.

    Please note: Lua based call routing has been introduced with SwyxWare in version 13.10. In this version it is still in BETA state and should not be used in productive environments. This project has already been updated to Lua based call routing to demonstrate the usage of Lua based call routing. 


       (0 reviews)



  5. Open Queue

    Open Queue v2.1 (build 2.1.0)
    This is Open Queue v2.1, coming as a patch packet to update an existing Open Queue v2.0 (buils 2.0.5) installation.
    You need to have Open Queue v2.0 (build 2.0.5) installed prior to install this version.
    Please use the project forum for comments and questions.


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