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Tom Wellige

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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Page Comments posted by Tom Wellige

  1. Das kannst du ganz einfach machen, indem Du die Funktion mit den entsprechenden Daten mehrfach aufrufst, z.B.:


    'Ist heute Feiertag?
    Dim bHeute
    bHeute = IsPublicHolidayAT(vb_FS_WI, Now) 
    'War gestern Feiertag?
    Dim bGestern
    bGestern = IsPublicHolidayAT(vb_FS_WI, DateAdd("d", -1, Now)) 
    'Ist morgen Feiertag?
    Dim bMorgen
    bMorgen = IsPublicHolidayAT(vb_FS_WI, DateAdd("d", 1, Now)) 


  2. My idea was that it is checked, if the caller number is part of the black listed number. For that logic the order of the both parameters is correct.


    If you reverse the logic (is black listed number part of caller number) you need to reverse the parameters of course.


    With the reversed order it is actually possible to search for "parts of numbers" in the black list. So it would be possible to easily exclude complete DDI ranges.


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