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SwyxPEDIA Wiki

Zendesk Integration

Persistent Variables

Longest Waiting

VBScript build in functions

GSE build in functions (VBScript)

Server Script API (VBScript)

GSE build in functions (Lua)

Server Script API (Lua)

Function Collection (VBScript)

Function Collection (Lua)

IPS Integration

Jira Service Integration




Everything posted by Robert

  1. Hey there I'd be glad to hear of the conclusions, too!
  2. Robert

    Open Admin

    if multiple IpPbx-users have the logged in Windows-account added to their authentication, the script always ends up with an error. During Connection, the module Returns a Warning, which makes the script believe there's an error (but it's not a real error). To get the script running, add this # Fehlerbehandlung Multiple Users if ($x -like '*Multiple Matching IpPbx User Accounts*') {$x = ""} between # Verbindung zur Datenbank herstellen and # Warnungen abfangen
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