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  1. Been a busy couple of weeks... Thank you for the reply. Pretty much what I thought (straight SIP-Clients), but no real control over Swyx features.
  2. We are getting a Swyx set-up in a couple of weeks. All of our users now have Windows PCs - most were using thin clients connected to a Linux server or Windows Terminal Server and some of the Linux developers aren't too happy about having to use a Windows client, even though they have an X client and an ssh graphical shell installed... They spend most of their time (90%+) immersed in Linux, mainly the command line. Are there any Linux tools for controlling Swyx? If not, we have the licences for connecting external systems to Swyx, is there an API there that we could tap into to write our own tools?
  3. Hello Markus, just checked the dates and it looks like vbSA is vbSN, so a typo. The same should apply to the commas, I am not (yet) a Swyx user, but this looks like VB / VBA code and the commas at the end of the DIM statements should be omitted. The function must be supplied with the State (Bundesland), but if the supplied date is empty, then it takes today's date. If this is VBA, then the parameter can be made optional as follows: Function IstFeiertag(BundesLand, Optional Datum = "") As I said, I am not yet a Swyx user, so that might not be correct, I was here looking for other information, but this was the first post I saw. I hope that helps.
  4. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

    1. big_D


      Thanks. We are currently evaluating Swyx as a possible option and I wanted to see what the community and Swyx itself is like for support.

      I saw the Feiertag script and thought I'd help out as best I could.

    2. Tom Wellige

      Tom Wellige

      Thanks for doing so :-)

      Please keep in mind that this page is a privately driven website and not an official Swyx support channel. All Swyx support is channeled through your Swyx reseller, as he knows your IT environment best. Of course Swyx provides support, but this is restricted to distributors and resellers.

      Again, welcome to the forum :-)

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