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  1. DNW66

    Remove Mac Address

    Is there a way using powershell to remove the mac address associated with auto login for every user on the system?
  2. Hi Tom, How does the script determine which day (Sunday or Monday) is the first day of the week? Is there a way to change this?
  3. Hi Tom, How does the script determine which day (Sunday or Monday) is the first day of the week? Is there a way to change this?
  4. Hi Tom, thanks for this. With a small amount of tweaking it's exactly what I wanted.
  5. I have four out of hours engineers on a weekly rotation. Each monday I have to edit my call routing with the details of that weeks on call engineer. As the sequence of engineer rotaion never changes, I was wondering how I could scipt this so the call is passed to the correct enginer for the week they are on call. i.e week 1 route to engineer 1 week 2 route to engineer 2 etc etc and this rotates through the four engineers on a week by week basis continually. I am open to any suggestions anyone may have. Thanks in advance
  6. You Sir, are a superstar. Thank you.
  7. I still can't get the ECR to see the .WAV file. Do you have any other suggestions?
  8. Hi Tom, thanks for the response. That is exactly what I did, the file is in a share which is accesible by the Swyx service account. The ECR says the file is absent. It all seems very simple, what could I be missing? I'll try restarting the Swyx server service tonight and see if that helps.
  9. One of our customers, a cricket club have a requirement to play a "state of play" announcement. This announcement could change by the hour. They would like to be able to record an announcement, give it a specific name i.e stateofplay.wav (it always be the same name) and save it to a network share. They would then like the ECR to play that file directly from the share. Is this possible?
  10. I would like a way to either import a SpeeDial.key file to all users via Powershell or to use a Powershell script to copy the SpeedDial keys of one user to all other users. We are using Swyxware 2013. I am very new to Powershell so any help would be appreciated.
  11. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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