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neville last won the day on March 6 2019

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  1. neville

    ECR - Queues

    Hi, i just want to check if i have understood the requirement correctly but i think we need a bit more information. How is busy defined? If(totals calls in queue 1 + total calls in queue 2 + total calls in queue 3) > n then busy or is it just the calls in queue 1 that are high priority therefor If(totals calls in queue 1) > n then busy ? really it sounds like there should be one queue but will all calls tagged as being queue 1,2 or 3. when we aren't in a busy condition then all calls are just dealt with in order i.e. answered based on the time entering the queue. when we are in a busy condition then the order is by queue tag then by time until we drop below the threshold and then the queue for waiting calls is reorder based on time only. is that what you are looking to achieve in terms of functionality?
  2. Has anyone found a way to receive agent status/presence notification events rather than constantly query the server? I'm wanting to build the information into a dashboard. thanks
  3. Welcome to Swyx Forum :-)

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