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Fridays' Swyx Tip #23: Free calling with SIP URI

Tom Wellige


From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions.


This blog article was originally posted on 31.07.2009 01:40


Dear Swyx Users


Swyx offers you all the flexibility to choose the Telco provider of your choice that suites your business needs best. And not only that, with Swyx you can have multiple trunk-lines of different carriers at the same time. With Swyx' smart least cost routing, one can save even more $.




But it get's even better. You can actually call for free any SIP URI number. There are more and more businesses using IP-PBX's. This allows to perform free Peer2Peer calls without any carrier involved.

So, what exactly is an SIP URI ?


A SIP URI is a SIP addressing scheme, working similar like mailto URL, to call other people via the Internet. This makes it possible to reach a target via dialling a SIP-URI “sip:mirjam@itnetworld.co.nz” directly within SwyxIt! at ZERO cost!





In the SwyxWare administration one can add a SIP URI as a public number for a User.


Instructions on the necessary firewall / port-forwarding configuration to allow SIP traffic can be found here.





As you see, it pays out for business owners to utilize the full potential of Swyx Unified Communication technology and reduce costs via smart call routing.



Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing...





@ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor




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