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  • AzureTTS - 3.2 - Trouble Shooting

    AzureTTS - 3.2 - Trouble Shooting

    VBScript   Lua


    In case the text to speech fails, for what reason ever, you will reach the Failed (1) exit of the GSE action.


    The AzureTTS extension writes meaningful trace information into the server trace file, according to the trace recommendation from this blog post:



    So, to figure the exact reason for the problem you need to take a look into that file. The following link explains where to find it and how to filter its content down to the call in question and call routing output only:




    Once you have opened and filtered the trace file you need to search for the first trace lines written by the GSE action. Just look for these lines:


    For VBScript based call routing:

    -------> AzureTTS.Class_Initialize


    For Lua based call routing:

    -------> AzureTTS:Create



    The following lines will contain information of all things happened, like setting the parameters, calling the Azure REST API to obtain an access token, calling the Azure REST API to generate a wav file, playing the wav file.


    If at some point an error occurs, you will see an error message in the trace. 


    For example, if you forgot to enter your subscription key, you will see the following line:


    Invalid sSubscriptionKey parameter! Must not be empty.


    If the REST API call fails, for example because you entered an invalid subscription key, you will see the following line:


    Azure web request failed! ({"error":{"code":"401","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. 
    Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource."}})


    In addition the the error message you will also find the original response code of the web request into the REST API. If everything went fine, the response code is 200, otherwise it any other number (most likely >= 400), e.g.


    nResponseCode = 401



    By taking the detailed error information from the server trace file you should be able to fix your problem.


    In case you can't get your problem fixed or have specific questions, please open your own topic in the project forum.


    Please understand that if you are using own SSML code and can't get it working, the project forum as also the project author aren't really available for help. You would have to check other online sources which are dedicated to creating SSML, preferably Azure SSML.



    Tom Wellige


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